Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Aug 13, 2023
What sort of man shares privates messages with a group braying woman for them to cherry pick what they decide to share to fit a narrative? You call Dan spineless but Paul is just the same. He probably reminds you of your husband’s hence why you like him so much
Sorry KK, but are you MORE concerned over voice notes than that fact you’ve admitted you son attacks other children. Bria goes around with no knickers. You ‘bollocked’ Bria resulting in a black eye. You can’t be bothered to fight for your sons special needs. I really don’t care what s I get for this, but I HOPE the person with those voice notes sends them to the social. I hope they’re shared to the school. I hope they’re shared everywhere and some huge fing monster which is what you are in comparison to Bria, blacks your fat fing eye you t.


Aug 13, 2023
@Lauhugh32 100% just copying what he sees at home. We all used to joke about Dan being abused and I always knew he was manipulated, but I truly believe he's been a victim of physical violence from her. Weight wise she's definitely bigger than him!! And knowing she will attack her 4 year old leaves no doubt in my mind that she would attack him.
I’m sure that too many tales or whoever it was said she was violent to Dan. I know we all had mixed opinions on that but so far she’s admitted to being violent to a 4 year old so who knows!
Apr 16, 2023
@EducatedMoron so true. Obviously this wouldn't happen to me, because I don't abuse my children, but if I were in her shoes I would be mortified and I'd feel like right, this is a wake up. I need to keep/save my children before it's too late but instead she's on her on 100 different accounts again at a pathetic attempt of derailing and distracting from her actions. I'm hoping if everyone eventually ignores her and focuses on the disgusting proof we have, she will disappear and think about what shes done and focus on how to keep her children in her care.

@DoIKnowYouHun I am still undecided on who to share these with in terms of SS and school etc. I want to protect the children badly, there's doubt in my mind that she will claim it to be trolls, but voice notes don't lie, do they? I think I need to really think about this and not act rashly. I'm still incredibly emotional over a grown woman slagging off her OWN daughter to who was effectively a stranger at the time. Let alone physically attacking her.
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Apr 16, 2023
@Lauhugh32 yes, the playing and lashing out voice notes was basically excusing his behaviour around Tanya's children, blaming her that she didn't understand his "needs". Needs that she won't fight to be addressed. She is claiming she's positive he is autistic, but won't get a diagnosis and find out? So basically it's all a big excuse for learned behaviour.

@DoIKnowYouHun yes its been claimed before she is physical with dan, i dont doubt it. If you csn hit your own biological child, or ANY child, you can certainly hit your partner.


Apr 30, 2023
I’d be sending them to the school if I knew what school her kids go to. It’s horrendous. She’s so flippant about it all, it’s actually quite disturbing.

Her son sounds neurodiverse from what she’s stated, bear in mind we’re going on WHAT SHE HAS SAID, why wouldn’t she want the best for him and his path in life?! Is it because she’s thick and doesn’t quite understand? Or she just actually doesn’t care?

As for the not caring about her daughter going to nursery with no underwear on, calling it a simple mistake. Eh?! Is she ok? The black eye over the wee one still wanting her dummy. It’s probably the only comfort the wee tot has (her dummy). I’m so sad for them and even more concerned than I was before.
Wouldn’t be hard to work out She’s mentioned a miss Phillips
The uniforms blue And we all know her adress thanks to her mates leaking it all over The place


Aug 13, 2023
@EducatedMoron so true. Obviously this would happen to me, because I don't abuse my children, but if I were in her shoes I would be mortified and I'd feel like right, this is a wake up. I need to keep/save my children before it's too late but instead she's on her on 100 different accounts again at a pathetic attempt of derailing and distracting from her actions. I'm hoping if everyone eventually ignores her and focuses on the disgusting proof we have, she will disappear and think about what shes done and focus on how to keep her children in her care.

@DoIKnowYouHun I am still undecided on who to share these with in terms of SS and school etc. I want to protect the children badly, there's doubt in my mind that she will claim it to be trolls, but voice notes don't lie, do they? I think I need to really think about this and not act rashly. I'm still incredibly emotional over a grown woman slagging off her OWN daughter to who was effectively a stranger at the time. Let alone physically attacking her.
Everyone has a duty to safe guard. I really believe you could make the difference. The school, neighbours etc may have had their suspicions but you my love, have the evidence 💔 Maybe our Paul could email or make a call to SS to help back up the evidence? I really don’t know. I’m as shocked and upset as you are. No child/ren should be treated like that
Apr 16, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun you're so right, in court a voice notes admitting behaviour would be just that.. an admission. Of guilt. I really do have to do this don't I 😔 I just can't leave them like that. In her house being "bolloked" and beaten. Ugh. Wish me luck guys.

But for all I know Paul will stay out of this. He made it very clear he doesn't want to discuss her children online or offline, he, unlike KKK has limits. I'd rather leave him out of it and fight this battle myself. I have them now, its my duty.
Apr 16, 2023
@EducatedMoron and I just thought, even if these are old claims that have been investigated, I will also add on the fact that these were originally sent to a stranger and have all the kids details in. What if they had fallen into the wrong hands? What would be stopping someone going to the school and going yeah I know bria, age 4, I'm here to pick her up.. and I'm not certain if SS know about kev not kev.. and that scenario.. theres enough from today, and previously I believe, to hopefully make a difference and save them kids.
Nov 13, 2023
@DoIKnowYouHun you're so right, in court a voice notes admitting behaviour would be just that.. an admission. Of guilt. I really do have to do this don't I 😔 I just can't leave them like that. In her house being "bolloked" and beaten. Ugh. Wish me luck guys.

But for all I know Paul will stay out of this. He made it very clear he doesn't want to discuss her children online or offline, he, unlike KKK has limits. I'd rather leave him out of it and fight this battle myself. I have them now, its my duty.
Oh stop being so dramatic! Those voice notes were shared months ago. You’re making out like you’ve only just heard them. Did Paul share what he text and voice noted in reply? Bet he didn’t.
You’re a vile nasty excuse of a human being that’s revelling in sharing something that’s heavily biased in one direction. Those voice notes would not stand up in court and you know it. You’re just hoping that some of your sty arse kissers will report so you can try and push the power in numbers narrative. Grow up and get a hobby!!