Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 20, 2023
No hun I’m going to find you and give you a good smack. You see because you are all up yams ass, you give yourselves away who you are on IG. Ok let’s just say I’m KK because you are so obsessed.
Id love to see you try fatty. You only smack your kids who can’t fight you back. I don’t have yam on insta so you have nooooo idea who I am nor will you ever know and that must kill you 😊. Stick to your tattle haters account making a fool of yourself on there constantly outing the wrong people 🤣


New member
Nov 19, 2023
I came here off the back of her stories I'm probably no better than you for even reading this utter chaos but your annoyed at her for calling her kids names which many of you have admitted to calling your own kids, yet many of you have called her kids bullies if you are a sen mum you would realise kk is actually asd herself her son is asd and high chance her daughter to! Being an adult myself who was only aware I was asd after going down the pathway with my son it's really hard being a parent with addtional needs never being aware and then having to fight for your children its really difficult because more often than not I can't speak for kk but myself was brought up in a home where addtional needs wasn't a thing now is she perfect no but nor are any of you seeing the same select name pop up constantly commenting your all definitely taking the time to read all this hate who has your kids because I've just wasted serval minutes of my life doing this and your doing it hourly all those minutes add up to you 'neglecting' your kids. You mothers are half the issue abusing someone constantly it takes a toll on your mental health when your mental health is bad your patience is thin you don't think straight you are willingly joyfully playing a part does it condone her behaviour no but it also doesn't condone yours, you will be the ones with be kind or when someone takes their life to bullying how sad! When taking a part in this witch hunt. On that note I won't be reading any more I won't be commenting I am definitely not kk just a sen mum seeing many of you perfect mums needing educating a child isn't a bully because he wants to play his game and his way my son is 8 its an issue we have had all our life it is hard for them and it is hard for us children with sen issues process and see things differently doesn't matter how much you tell them the sky is blue if they think its purple its purple research and educate yourselves so that your perfect humans can also be aware that kids aren't always being mean or spoilt brats they are masking or unregulated they are screaming inside because they are struggling with x y and z! Before you have a field day regarding grammar and spelling I am dyslexic and on the pathway of being diagnosed with asd and adhd but then again no point saying that because it's clear you don't actually care.
Nov 18, 2023
I came here off the back of her stories I'm probably no better than you for even reading this utter chaos but your annoyed at her for calling her kids names which many of you have admitted to calling your own kids, yet many of you have called her kids bullies if you are a sen mum you would realise kk is actually asd herself her son is asd and high chance her daughter to! Being an adult myself who was only aware I was asd after going down the pathway with my son it's really hard being a parent with addtional needs never being aware and then having to fight for your children its really difficult because more often than not I can't speak for kk but myself was brought up in a home where addtional needs wasn't a thing now is she perfect no but nor are any of you seeing the same select name pop up constantly commenting your all definitely taking the time to read all this hate who has your kids because I've just wasted serval minutes of my life doing this and your doing it hourly all those minutes add up to you 'neglecting' your kids. You mothers are half the issue abusing someone constantly it takes a toll on your mental health when your mental health is bad your patience is thin you don't think straight you are willingly joyfully playing a part does it condone her behaviour no but it also doesn't condone yours, you will be the ones with be kind or when someone takes their life to bullying how sad! When taking a part in this witch hunt. On that note I won't be reading any more I won't be commenting I am definitely not kk just a sen mum seeing many of you perfect mums needing educating a child isn't a bully because he wants to play his game and his way my son is 8 its an issue we have had all our life it is hard for them and it is hard for us children with sen issues process and see things differently doesn't matter how much you tell them the sky is blue if they think its purple its purple research and educate yourselves so that your perfect humans can also be aware that kids aren't always being mean or spoilt brats they are masking or unregulated they are screaming inside because they are struggling with x y and z! Before you have a field day regarding grammar and spelling I am dyslexic and on the pathway of being diagnosed with asd and adhd but then again no point saying that because it's clear you don't actually care.
Amen. But of course they will say you are KK because anyone who doesn’t have their FULL opinions and anyone who doesn’t constantly b about her every move must be KK. They will all come back with my partner has my kids, their well looked after blah blah.

every single one of thesr women are nasty trolls. They claim their lives are perfect but they are not. I can guarantee most of these women on here have Said something horrible about their kids. They are lying if not. I can’t stand KK, I hate her to the core but I don’t scrutinise her every single move, what she eats, what she wearsl how she drives. I say it to my partner annd we laugh how s her life is, but on here, its beyond “caring” for the kids, I’ve never seen so much hate. You can hate on someone in your own way but this thread has just got damn right psychopathic. a bunch of jobless universal credit scammers. - que the I have a job blah blah, no you don’t. You are all scum. Knowing I am not KK makes me so happy because that’s one thing you all look fing stupid on.


Apr 16, 2023
Amen. But of course they will say you are KK because anyone who doesn’t have their FULL opinions and anyone who doesn’t constantly b about her every move must be KK. They will all come back with my partner has my kids, their well looked after blah blah.

every single one of thesr women are nasty trolls. They claim their lives are perfect but they are not. I can guarantee most of these women on here have Said something horrible about their kids. They are lying if not. I can’t stand KK, I hate her to the core but I don’t scrutinise her every single move, what she eats, what she wearsl how she drives. I say it to my partner annd we laugh how s her life is, but on here, its beyond “caring” for the kids, I’ve never seen so much hate. You can hate on someone in your own way but this thread has just got damn right psychopathic. a bunch of jobless universal credit scammers. - que the I have a job blah blah, no you don’t. You are all scum. Knowing I am not KK makes me so happy because that’s one thing you all look fing stupid on.

No hate or aggression from me here but can I ask, whats the reason you're here?
This (and tattle) is just a forum for people to discuss and criticise someone who has a public presence online. The person involved or their fans don't need to go out of their way to come here to read it if it's unpleasant. People will have these opinions and say these things even without a thread like this so surely they better say it here than on her Instagram or tiktok posts directly to her?

And I think the reason people automatically think you are KK is because of the aggressive tone in your posts not necessarily because you disagree. You're allowed to disagree with anything you like, its what makes the world go round but I think the attacking nature is what makes you seem like the person herself.


Apr 18, 2023
I came here off the back of her stories I'm probably no better than you for even reading this utter chaos but your annoyed at her for calling her kids names which many of you have admitted to calling your own kids, yet many of you have called her kids bullies if you are a sen mum you would realise kk is actually asd herself her son is asd and high chance her daughter to! Being an adult myself who was only aware I was asd after going down the pathway with my son it's really hard being a parent with addtional needs never being aware and then having to fight for your children its really difficult because more often than not I can't speak for kk but myself was brought up in a home where addtional needs wasn't a thing now is she perfect no but nor are any of you seeing the same select name pop up constantly commenting your all definitely taking the time to read all this hate who has your kids because I've just wasted serval minutes of my life doing this and your doing it hourly all those minutes add up to you 'neglecting' your kids. You mothers are half the issue abusing someone constantly it takes a toll on your mental health when your mental health is bad your patience is thin you don't think straight you are willingly joyfully playing a part does it condone her behaviour no but it also doesn't condone yours, you will be the ones with be kind or when someone takes their life to bullying how sad! When taking a part in this witch hunt. On that note I won't be reading any more I won't be commenting I am definitely not kk just a sen mum seeing many of you perfect mums needing educating a child isn't a bully because he wants to play his game and his way my son is 8 its an issue we have had all our life it is hard for them and it is hard for us children with sen issues process and see things differently doesn't matter how much you tell them the sky is blue if they think its purple its purple research and educate yourselves so that your perfect humans can also be aware that kids aren't always being mean or spoilt brats they are masking or unregulated they are screaming inside because they are struggling with x y and z! Before you have a field day regarding grammar and spelling I am dyslexic and on the pathway of being diagnosed with asd and adhd but then again no point saying that because it's clear you don't actually care.
I don’t understand why you’ve taken the time to comment? You’ve completely missed the point. Kayleigh has admitted to abusing her children in her own words in a voice note! We’re not trolling a woman with ASD? While I’m almost certain she has multiple severe mental health problems this does not mean she is exempt from critique. Most of us on here are parents which is why we’re so disgusted with her behaviour and concerned for the children. I have never seen a user agree with words she has called her children unless it is coming from an account which Kayleigh has created herself. She has always come across really anti any help that was offered when her son was suspected to have additional learning needs she has never fought once to get him any help or support so don’t really understand what you’re trying to say there? What is your point because I’m struggling to find it? Is it leave Kayleigh alone because you think she’s suspected ASD so her actions aren’t her fault because that’s just not an acceptable excuse for her physically and emotionally abusing her children.
Apr 16, 2023
@iamsoperfect we all know there's something wrong with KKK mentally. And as I have explained before, I am riddled with adhd and asd but NEVER have I EVER physically abused my child, bollocked or flew off the handle at them. That's an awful excuse for being abusive, neglectful and an all around s mum wether you're diagnosed, in the process of being diagnosed or not diagnosed at all.

Wanting to play a game a certain way doesn't make him a bully but kicking, spitting and hitting other children does. Having additional needs doesn't mean you can raise (or not raise at all, drag) your kid up. Having additional needs doesn't mean you don't teach them right from wrong.


Apr 18, 2023
Amen. But of course they will say you are KK because anyone who doesn’t have their FULL opinions and anyone who doesn’t constantly b about her every move must be KK. They will all come back with my partner has my kids, their well looked after blah blah.

every single one of thesr women are nasty trolls. They claim their lives are perfect but they are not. I can guarantee most of these women on here have Said something horrible about their kids. They are lying if not. I can’t stand KK, I hate her to the core but I don’t scrutinise her every single move, what she eats, what she wearsl how she drives. I say it to my partner annd we laugh how s her life is, but on here, its beyond “caring” for the kids, I’ve never seen so much hate. You can hate on someone in your own way but this thread has just got damn right psychopathic. a bunch of jobless universal credit scammers. - que the I have a job blah blah, no you don’t. You are all scum. Knowing I am not KK makes me so happy because that’s one thing you all look fing stupid on.
No one cares who you are though