Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx


Nov 15, 2023
Yet you all want receipts when someone has something on Kayleigh 🤣🤣🤣
Information can be blanked out love such as reference numbers.
How many emails were sent? Because the files I assume would be quite large so would take several.
Some official servers automatically bounce back emails with large attachments and block them. So yeah, I'll take a receipt please 😃
You’re such an annoying t. do off


Nov 15, 2023
I really can’t comprehend how a bunch of grown arsed adults can’t happily sit online, all day every day, ripping into a woman, complaining of her past, how she used to “troll”, bringing up her weight, her mental health, her IQ, her home, her partner AND her children. To laugh at her when she is down, to degrade her, pick apart her every move, call social services on her, claiming “it’s for her kids”, when you all know fine well that you’re doing it to hurt her and nothing else. You claim she’s the problem, and of course she has been in the past, but this woman has done nothing as of recent apart from blast an old man on Instagram? You all act like you’re better than who she was in the past, but you’re worse. You all act like this is some sort of witch hunt but seriously, what will you get out of destroying her? Because then what will you all do with your spare time?? Find someone else to troll?

No. I’m not Kayleigh, though I have followed her for a long time, and the woman you’re all so intent on harassing doesn’t even exist anymore, and watching even her stories for a day will show that.

You aren’t ruining only her life, but her children’s too. You will cause more harm to her children by doing this than “saving them”.
do off then 🤣


Nov 15, 2023
But what’s so different to what you’re all doing?! Contacting HER friends, HER family. Finding her work places. Calling social on her. Trying to ruin her life no one is excusing what she did back then, especially not me, I think that’s far from okay, and always did think that BUT how is becoming the troll making you any better? Two wrongs will never make a right. Instead of ignoring her behaviour back then, a vendetta was made, and then a bunch of you have spent years doing to her, what she once did to someone else. I don’t excuse the black eye either, however I also don’t instantly believe she intentionally caused it.

Thankfully, I’m not middle aged yet, not even close, married, have a small bunch of friends, two young children.. I don’t think we need to get into what makes someone “broken” though, because I could ask you a similar question.
Her friends? Her family? 🤣🤣🤣
May 22, 2023
I dont think these new profiles are KK. Just to add my opinion.

On a seperate note I am an adults and children safeguarding lead for a very large company. She needs some help learning how to safeguard those children. We all know that. I dont agree at all in her hurting B and I dont agree with how she treats them. But I dont think the children being removed is the best or least restrictive option. If she is willing to learn, I can help her with ways to actually safeguard the children and for her to grow from learning some lessons. No judgement, just ways to consider to improve and potentially save those children from being put at significant harm from others. If she wants to find a way to reach out, or leaves a comment on a story, I will help her.


Jul 7, 2023
I dont think these new profiles are KK. Just to add my opinion.

On a seperate note I am an adults and children safeguarding lead for a very large company. She needs some help learning how to safeguard those children. We all know that. I dont agree at all in her hurting B and I dont agree with how she treats them. But I dont think the children being removed is the best or least restrictive option. If she is willing to learn, I can help her with ways to actually safeguard the children and for her to grow from learning some lessons. No judgement, just ways to consider to improve and potentially save those children from being put at significant harm from others. If she wants to find a way to reach out, or leaves a comment on a story, I will help her.
I agree with this.

However in order for someone to accept or admit to needing help, they have to accept responsibility for their actions.
Sadly I don't think that is something she is willing to do.
Kayleigh if you are reading this, please take heed. Take a break off SM and get a little parenting help. This won't mean the "trolls" have won. But that your kids have.
They are the most important thing in the world and if that means letting some strangers on the Internet think they've won then so be it!

I do think you've based a whole Internet persona on the moaning mum thing - which despite your denials stoll does come out.

Go have a break, then come back with the reduced raiding, cleaning, general life. I guarantee you'll get more followers and cheer leaders that way!

Peace ✌️
Apr 21, 2023
Don't see any of you lot calling ya mates out for ableist terms.
One of them is actually kk herself. Yam wasn’t calling anyones kids and was defending her own baby that kk came on to abuse.
Me personally am not arsed about name calling other adults.
So wouldn’t need to call anyone out unless they were actually talking about kids. do me your literally trying to argue over anything.


May 29, 2023
One of them is actually kk herself. Yam wasn’t calling anyones kids and was defending her own baby that kk came on to abuse.
Me personally am not arsed about name calling other adults.
So wouldn’t need to call anyone out unless they were actually talking about kids. do me your literally trying to argue over anything.
Am I? Look through the thread and see how many times they are used.
It's not okay to call people these names be it adult or child. But you stick to be an ableist do👍🏻
Apr 16, 2023
Don't see any of you lot calling ya mates out for ableist terms.
@Buddha_belly IS Kayleigh so that was a s example.

Kayleigh has called Yam’s kids the most disgusting things so I couldn’t give a flying do how Yam reacts to her.

Instead of cherry picking comments, why not show that the person who used the phrase ‘backwards Billy’ or whatever it was, actually did catch some flak for it.

We don’t do ableism/racism/homophobia in this thread.
Last edited:


May 29, 2023
@Buddha_belly IS Kayleigh so that was a s example.

Kayleigh has called Yam’s kids the most disgusting things so I couldn’t give a flying do how Yam reacts to her.

Instead of cherry picking comments, you not show that the person who used the phrase ‘backwards Billy’ or whatever it was, actually did catch some flak for it.

We don’t do ableism/racism/homophobia in this thread.
Don't you? Because I seem to recall I was the only person who called them out for using the term Backwards Bobby.
Have a read back for yourself pet.
Didn't see one of you call the above poster out 😊
Apr 20, 2023
I dont think these new profiles are KK. Just to add my opinion.

On a seperate note I am an adults and children safeguarding lead for a very large company. She needs some help learning how to safeguard those children. We all know that. I dont agree at all in her hurting B and I dont agree with how she treats them. But I dont think the children being removed is the best or least restrictive option. If she is willing to learn, I can help her with ways to actually safeguard the children and for her to grow from learning some lessons. No judgement, just ways to consider to improve and potentially save those children from being put at significant harm from others. If she wants to find a way to reach out, or leaves a comment on a story, I will help her.
She’s not interested in doing right by her kids unfortunately, that’s her problem