Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Nov 21, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart no ones missing the point other then you sweetheart. No one cares about your point. Your point is BS. Kayleigh Flitton Horne is a scumsucking child abusing fing nonce whose kids are better off without her, in safety, un isolated from their extended family and friends due to her vile and poisonous actions and you won't change anyone's mind, capeesh? So you can go now.
Well that's me told, best be off then.... :cautious:

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Like I keep saying, I'm not defending her actions, I think what she's done is despicable, but supporting people wanting her children removed because of spite isn't something I'm going to do, if it were obvious that you guys were reporting her for support, to help her get help, to help support her and her family, that would be different, but that's not the case, some of the comments just come from a place of hate, a grudge being held, when it would make people more of an adult, and likely annoy her more, if you just ignored her, no attention is surely going to annoy her more, than if you were to constantly play into it?
I understand what you are saying, however she is guilty of making comments that are hateful, harbouring grudges, fabricating truth, defaming and slandering on pretty much a daily basis.

If she didn't make those comments, make those posts, set out to ruin, humiliate, cause distress to the myriad of her victims, there would be no forums, no posts, and Kayleigh would have a dull little life, Jane.

But here we are. She is obsessed. She takes jealousy to a completely new level. Take her botox friend, Tanya. She didn't only s her off, say sty things about her family, say she was a coke head.

She was so jealous of her success, she was contemplating grassing her to HMRC for undeclared earnings and tax evasion. She would do that to a friend, who was giving her mates rates for her fillers, because she was obsessed with the life Tanya had made for herself which enraged her

These are not the thoughts and actions of someone who is desperately seeking sympathy because she knows she has taken things too far.

I admire you trying to be a friend, trying to add balance to the debate. But she will s on you faster than one of her out of date vindaloos passes through her arse.


Nov 21, 2023
In case anyone hasn’t seen them…

All I’m saying is that in my area, the police don’t do welfare checks anymore. It’s a paramedic job and the wait is LONG 🤔

Oh, and Tanya is a mug.
Kayleigh don’t forget to mention you came on here and set up an account and interacted having a laugh with people (from your side anyway), make sure you ring the police and tell them. Actually, don’t worry I will do it for you. 🖕🏻

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I understand what you are saying, however she is guilty of making comments that are hateful, harbouring grudges, fabricating truth, defaming and slandering on pretty much a daily basis.

If she didn't make those comments, make those posts, set out to ruin, humiliate, cause distress to the myriad of her victims, there would be no forums, no posts, and Kayleigh would have a dull little life, Jane.

But here we are. She is obsessed. She takes jealousy to a completely new level. Take her botox friend, Tanya. She didn't only s her off, say sty things about her family, say she was a coke head.

She was so jealous of her success, she was contemplating grassing her to HMRC for undeclared earnings and tax evasion. She would do that to a friend, who was giving her mates rates for her fillers, because she was obsessed with the life Tanya had made for herself which enraged her

These are not the thoughts and actions of someone who is desperately seeking sympathy because she knows she has taken things too far.

I admire you trying to be a friend, trying to add balance to the debate. But she will s on you faster than one of her out of date vindaloos passes through her arse.
Yes 'Frank'! Preach it! And that is why we are all here!! Majority rules! Debate closed.
May 23, 2023
Kayleigh don’t forget to mention you came on here and set up an account and interacted having a laugh with people (from your side anyway), make sure you ring the police and tell them. Actually, don’t worry I will do it for you. 🖕🏻
Still have the ss of her replying to my comment about Lionel Richie with laugh reacts…

Replying to her TROLLING ME on her social media but we move 💃🏽

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
You're missing my point, some of you are concerned, which I think is warranted, there's substantial evidence that of course give people cause for concern, but it's obvious that some accounts ARE just here for spite. Not concern. At least not just concern, and mixing in spite and hate is dangerous because it can make people take things too far.. like she has done in the past herself.
You seem to be forgetting that this thread was here lonnnnng before the voice notes, ring doorbell footage were shared. The thread has r̶e̶v̶o̶l̶v̶e̶d̶ evolved. And all based on kk's own behaviors and situations that she has shared on social media.
Nov 21, 2023
I understand what you are saying, however she is guilty of making comments that are hateful, harbouring grudges, fabricating truth, defaming and slandering on pretty much a daily basis.

If she didn't make those comments, make those posts, set out to ruin, humiliate, cause distress to the myriad of her victims, there would be no forums, no posts, and Kayleigh would have a dull little life, Jane.

But here we are. She is obsessed. She takes jealousy to a completely new level. Take her botox friend, Tanya. She didn't only s her off, say sty things about her family, say she was a coke head.

She was so jealous of her success, she was contemplating grassing her to HMRC for undeclared earnings and tax evasion. She would do that to a friend, who was giving her mates rates for her fillers, because she was obsessed with the life Tanya had made for herself which enraged her

These are not the thoughts and actions of someone who is desperately seeking sympathy because she knows she has taken things too far.

I admire you trying to be a friend, trying to add balance to the debate. But she will s on you faster than one of her out of date vindaloos passes through her arse.
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
Apr 20, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
My best mates mum died when she was young and she is the most fantastic mother. What’s her mother dying go to do with anything? There’s no excuses for her behaviour.
You say you believe she needs help, she won’t ever accept she needs that. So it really is a waste of time you being here or trying to give her any constructive advice

KK Kling-on

Apr 16, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
She’s been offered help many times. I remember from early on with B’s speech issues, which were raised by playschool/nursery and what did she do? Instead of saying ok, show me/teach me/help me with what I can do to encourage it, she foul mouthed all over instagram! Why???? Because she knows it’s all because of her and only her. She can’t take criticism , my guess would be for the reason she can’t keep friends longer than a week is because these people tell her how to “do better” and probably not in a nasty way, but she cannot take any criticism. She lashes out and is nasty.

I actually worry for the kids mental welfare too, quite a lot. She is so fed up in the head and her “ways” are terribly lacking. So it’s not just physical. She’s ruining those kids, nature versus nurture - and look what’s she nurtured so far in her own words, bullies, rude, spiteful and so on…

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
I made a few completely normal suggestions when I used to chat to her. And I mean stuff that might help encourage Bobby to eat, ways that might help her manage her time a bit better - literally as replies to stories she was sharing. It didn't take much longer for her to show her true colours towards me. She sees people offering advice or support as an insult or a criticism and then twists it even further in her own head. And God help you if you actually decide to stand up to her when she starts with the passive aggressive story posts, hiding stories from you, ignoring messages etc. She's an absolute whopper.
Apr 20, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart so go help her cos we sure as s ain't gonna help. We are here to help the kids and laugh at her. Case closed.

Oh and she'd only spiral Cos her benefits would be cut and she'd lose a pack of 2 of mouldy richmonds a week.
Exactly. I don’t believe for one second she enjoys being a parent. Can hear it in her voice they are a massive inconvenience to her. She’ll just be wounded losing money

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Believe me I do not think any of that is okay, or even remotely normal, she is 100% the definition of "own worse enemy", and brings it all on herself, there's no denying that, and I've not stated otherwise, I think the things she said about Tanya were horrific, and I think Tanya should have run a mile and not just fallen back into the same routine with her.
I'm no friend of Kayleigh, just a long term follower, I have always thought her parenting lacked any real effort, and that actually she needed support from a lot of professionals from the get go, I don't believe she's had an easy life, and I doubt the loss of her mam so early in her life helped, which is why I don't think it's fair to instantly want her own children removed, because regardless of her actions, she does love those children, and I do believe the removal would cause a spiral, as it would for anyone who loved their children.
I know you all think I'm coming across as some Kayleigh obsessed loon, but I'm not, far from it, like I've said, I'm a sucker for playing devils advocate.
I believe she needs help. She needs the support of social. Of a mental health professional. of the school.
I know what I'm saying is being laughed at, and I get it, I do.
Did you know that she wrote on someone's petsonal Facebook page that had had a personal tragic event by losing an unborn child that the baby killed itself because it didn't want to be born to a c*#t like her?

There is personal tragic events for most people in life that causes us to become venerable. I have been there myself. The issue is we have family, friends who help us through the dark days and when the black dog turns up

She has no-one, and why is that? There is an old saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink". And that is Kayleigh in a nutshell


Aug 10, 2023
I understand what you are saying, however she is guilty of making comments that are hateful, harbouring grudges, fabricating truth, defaming and slandering on pretty much a daily basis.

If she didn't make those comments, make those posts, set out to ruin, humiliate, cause distress to the myriad of her victims, there would be no forums, no posts, and Kayleigh would have a dull little life, Jane.

But here we are. She is obsessed. She takes jealousy to a completely new level. Take her botox friend, Tanya. She didn't only s her off, say sty things about her family, say she was a coke head.

She was so jealous of her success, she was contemplating grassing her to HMRC for undeclared earnings and tax evasion. She would do that to a friend, who was giving her mates rates for her fillers, because she was obsessed with the life Tanya had made for herself which enraged her

These are not the thoughts and actions of someone who is desperately seeking sympathy because she knows she has taken things too far.

I admire you trying to be a friend, trying to add balance to the debate. But she will s on you faster than one of her out of date vindaloos passes through her arse.
Did she voice note you saying that about Tanya?
Nov 21, 2023
My best mates mum died when she was young and she is the most fantastic mother. What’s her mother dying go to do with anything? There’s no excuses for her behaviour.
You say you believe she needs help, she won’t ever accept she needs that. So it really is a waste of time you being here or trying to give her any constructive advice
But everyone reacts to death differently and we have no idea the upbringing she had afterwards, of course it’s not an excuse, but it can’t be linked to her ability, or inability, to parent now.

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
But everyone reacts to death differently and we have no idea the upbringing she had afterwards, of course it’s not an excuse, but it can’t be linked to her ability, or inability, to parent now.
Please, please stop playing devil's advocate, you literally won't get anywhere with this one.