Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 23, 2023
Weed, a class B drug whilst she is best mates with and allows her children to be around class A users. She needs to hush her pie hole.
Absolutely no reason why her “friends” aren’t supporting her but choose to be on here instead. Unless they like to read the posts and secretly agree as she’s a t to them as well
Please try to read this in KKs ‘london’ voice…

‘See the thing is, they don’t know whether it’s class b or not’

Side note, great legal shop for anyone’s perusal and no I don’t get commission from sales 🤣🤣

Sep 1, 2023
No what’s stranger is you’re comparing the two, when it’s a clearly different altogether,a friendship with Jodie her partner & kids is not the same as a romantic relationship with kk. 🤦‍♀️
Questions for you.. are you aware that if kk had that kind of evidence it would be all over her socials?
Why is it irrelevant if she contacted the ex wife? Is it because it makes her look like a bunny boiler, after all , she has also contacted his daughter.
Why are you gullible enough to believe a complete stranger on the internet, one that has been contacted by a complete stranger on the internet, asking about her ex husband 🤣🤣🤣
He doesn’t need to share kk private life, she does that enough herself. And let’s not forget without kk plastering him all over her socials, after he let her down gently, and she couldn’t handle it we would never have known of him.
1 ) Kayleigh has an on going case with the police. Again , believe me or not , no skin off my nose .
2 ) Kayleigh did contact his ex wife . It’s not me who contacted her, I keep saying I’m not Kayleigh .
May 23, 2023
I can assure you , I have told Kayleigh this! Many times infact. You are welcome to your opinion , you are welcome to think I am Kayleigh , however I do not believe Paul is the innocent victim he makes out . Sorry but as much as Kayleigh has made many mistakes , and has caused upset , torment and anger to people , there is more than meets the eye !
Prove it or do OFF. Stop chatting s unless you can back up s. Unless you do so, you’re just looking like the same account you’ve proving to be since your very first post. You sir, are lame!
Apr 16, 2023
Shes definitely unravelling today. Shes more erratic than usual. Back in the day she would have been locked up and put in a straight jacket years ago so the world would not need to be subjected to her insanity and instability.
Proper triggered, mainly since she found out Paul's been to Jodies and carbanara doesn't have cream in
Sep 1, 2023
Have you met Paul real or otherwise or just going by 2nd hand information (that’s unless you really are kkk)
Not going on 2nd hand information at all . I’m not Kayleigh . I do know Kayleigh , and see what these messages said for myself . I would not risk calling a man or women a pervert if I had no evidence .

The real question is , why did the ex wife say this to Kayleigh ? Playing a sick game ? Truth in it ? Who knows . But no woman I know , would say that about their ex husbands and father of their kids unless they had good reason to .
May 23, 2023
Not going on 2nd hand information at all . I’m not Kayleigh . I do know Kayleigh , and see what these messages said for myself . I would not risk calling a man or women a pervert if I had no evidence .

The real question is , why did the ex wife say this to Kayleigh ? Playing a sick game ? Truth in it ? Who knows . But no woman I know , would say that about their ex husbands and father of their kids unless they had good reason to .
Unless you have proof of what the ex wife has said today, the way I have proof, shuuutup
Sep 1, 2023
Unless you have proof of what the ex wife has said today, the way I have proof, shuuutup
I’m not Kayleigh . It ain’t my place to upload what she got sent . HOWEVER I can tell you all , Kayleigh is in here . Seeing all of this . If Kayleigh wishes to share the screenshots that’s on her .
Apr 17, 2023
I can assure you , I have told Kayleigh this! Many times infact. You are welcome to your opinion , you are welcome to think I am Kayleigh , however I do not believe Paul is the innocent victim he makes out . Sorry but as much as Kayleigh has made many mistakes , and has caused upset , torment and anger to people , there is more than meets the eye !
Paul has never harmed me in the way shape or form. He’s never doxxed me, bullied or gaslight me. He’s never sent a pack of rabid chavs after me because I told him he took the constant attacking of another Instagrammer too far. So to me at least Paul is innocent.

I have no idea if you are Kayleigh. However if my “friend” was apparently not coping like you all say “she” isn’t. I wouldn’t be telling them, I would take them to a healthcare professional or reach out to the children’s school.

As you’re stating you’re not Kayleigh let me tell you this. You are worse than we ever are. You have the opportunity to help her and those children and yet you think “I’ve told Kayleigh this” is enough. It’s platitudes so if something ever goes wrong you can have a clear conscience and say “I tried”. You aren’t a friend, a friend wouldn’t be on here trying to bring hate on someone that’s done do all to you. Also why do you think it’s ok for her to have caused hurt, anger and torment to people publicly but we cannot speak about her on this forum that none of you have to read.
May 23, 2023
I’m not Kayleigh . It ain’t my place to upload what she got sent . HOWEVER I can tell you all , Kayleigh is in here . Seeing all of this . If Kayleigh wishes to share the screenshots that’s on her .
She wont because her latest story told you to pipe down so the relevant authorities (i imagine actual Disney minions) can’t sort it out so I’m not quite sure why you’re still yapping on? You remind me of those sperms in the educational videos that just sporadically just do off into the pancreas or some s. Keep up with the mission statement 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
Apr 17, 2023
I’m not Kayleigh . It ain’t my place to upload what she got sent . HOWEVER I can tell you all , Kayleigh is in here . Seeing all of this . If Kayleigh wishes to share the screenshots that’s on her .
Definition of stupid moaning about a forum but being on their reading it and getting your “mate” to comment on it
Sep 1, 2023
Paul has never harmed me in the way shape or form. He’s never doxxed me, bullied or gaslight me. He’s never sent a pack of rabid chavs after me because I told him he took the constant attacking of another Instagrammer too far. So to me at least Paul is innocent.

I have no idea if you are Kayleigh. However if my “friend” was apparently not coping like you all say “she” isn’t. I wouldn’t be telling them, I would take them to a healthcare professional or reach out to the children’s school.

As you’re stating you’re not Kayleigh let me tell you this. You are worse than we ever are. You have the opportunity to help her and those children and yet you think “I’ve told Kayleigh this” is enough. It’s platitudes so if something ever goes wrong you can have a clear conscience and say “I tried”. You aren’t a friend, a friend wouldn’t be on here trying to bring hate on someone that’s done do all to you. Also why do you think it’s ok for her to have caused hurt, anger and torment to people publicly but we cannot speak about her on this forum that none of you have to read.
Just for your information , I myself reported Kayleigh in 2020 . I reported her to social services myself and told her days later that I did . We did fall out for over 14 months , it is not my fault herself and her kids have been failed . I do not think it’s ok what she has done . Far farrr from it . However I do not believe Kayleigh is the only bad guy here
Apr 17, 2023
I’m not Kayleigh . It ain’t my place to upload what she got sent . HOWEVER I can tell you all , Kayleigh is in here . Seeing all of this . If Kayleigh wishes to share the screenshots that’s on her .
Definition of stupid moaning about a forum but being on here reading it and getting your “mate” to comment on it

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I can assure you , I have told Kayleigh this! Many times infact. You are welcome to your opinion , you are welcome to think I am Kayleigh , however I do not believe Paul is the innocent victim he makes out . Sorry but as much as Kayleigh has made many mistakes , and has caused upset , torment and anger to people , there is more than meets the eye !
If you are Kayleighs spokesperson then why is she on her stories saying that she has not contacted the ex wife? Are you saying she's lying? Or are you? Or is one personality not communicating with the other?
Apr 17, 2023
Just for your information , I myself reported Kayleigh in 2020 . I reported her to social services myself and told her days later that I did . We did fall out for over 14 months , it is not my fault herself and her kids have been failed . I do not think it’s ok what she has done . Far farrr from it . However I do not believe Kayleigh is the only bad guy here
So you reported her once in 2020 even though by her own admission (voice notes) her behaviour has escalated in the last 12 months.
You’re a muppet.
May 23, 2023
Definition of stupid moaning about a forum but being on their reading it and getting your “mate” to comment on it
I’ve always found this s profoundly funny but today had frustrated me so much because of how transparent the stupid t is being!
If you are Kayleighs spokesperson then why is she on her stories saying that she has not contacted the ex wife? Are you saying she's lying? Or are you? Or is one personality not communicating with the other?
The hypocrisy makes me DIE!! Die I tell you!!