Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 23, 2023
I don’t support what she’s done Jodie can’t you read ? I have said I don’t support her actions ! Just because I know her doesn’t mean I know or been told things she’s not wanted me to know ? I have just said I’m finding out more and more about Kayleigh every time I log on here and read through the pages .
So are we all agreed that this account is full of s?


Nov 29, 2023
This is how the not Kayleigh account speaks to people who have this entire time been chatting about how much of a s t kk is but apparently only NOW this account has seen the light 🙏🏽
The accounts that are kayleigh turning on eachother and reforming seeing the light are just kayleigh trying to solodify the fact it isn't her and back up the stories she posted today. She slipped up straight away and said it herself. She posted on her slut account so the "trolls" could see. She's trying to piece her story and narrative together to appear innocent.

What she fails to realise is after contacting several peoples jobs, parents, children, desperately trying to find the women in relationships with men she's sleeping with, doxxing people, threatening them, sharing photos of their children, family members, friend's, slating anyone and everyone she comes into contact with online, harassing and goading her neighbour to the point of hanging dog s off of her fence in the garden.. We all know it's her through and through. Normal people aren't racist. Normal people don't comment on deceased children. Normal people don't spend their life trying to make a name of themselves online by being known as a bully, a troll, an abusive, wanna be threatening mouth piece or do any of the things she does. So no matter what she does, we know it's her.
May 23, 2023
@Yammyssubstanceaddiction please stop the obsession sharing voice notes ! We all know what Kayleigh has done and said ! It’s old news now . Go clean up your stinky pig stie .
So, our ever reformed and now enlightened one…got any words other than ones that sound like they’re directly from the mouth of a t called kk?
May 23, 2023
Does that mean I get an apology for the "ex wife made him homeless because he was noncing his 13 year old daughter?
You don’t need one from an anon account and you know none of us on here think that s so if I were you I’d just continue to laugh (or stalk in her little pea head brain) about her with us, eat good eggs and enjoy life brother xx