Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 18, 2023
Sounds like he's going to some sort of supported scheme so maybe she won't be allowed to be there and he'll have certain rules to follow. Not sure, I don't know too much about it but I don't think he's just being given a house and left to crack on.

I’d be surprised if the terms of the tenancy were that he can’t leave to visit whoever he wants though.
Apr 20, 2023
I’d be surprised if the terms of the tenancy were that he can’t leave to visit whoever he wants though.
I reckon he's being encouraged to leave all the friends from his old druggy life behind. I don't think he will, but maybe it's a convenient time to ditch lou, who is a miserable self pitying waste of time.


Apr 18, 2023
She's on the old dirty delete again from her stories. Funny how earlier she said she doesn't want to be left without Ste. Ever stopped to think how your kids didn't want to be left without their mum because she's a selfish t? No? Didn't think so.
What did she delete? I missed it!
Apr 24, 2023
Bungalow 2, Wecovawee woad.
What did she delete? I missed it!
She's having a bad day (again) which translates to no one sent her any amazon s and she's not getting her own way with Ste.
She said Ste is leaving her next week. She doesn't want to be on her own. She hasn't had her methadone for two days because of her lamb shank ankle. Tbh I didn't catch it all because I listen to it on low as her voice goes through me.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Don't get the posting and deleting constantly. She said before even when Ste moves out they'll see each other they just can't do sleep overs. She's apparently his 'carer' (that's a joke she can't even care for herself). She seems to be blaming him in one sentence for abandoning her and then in the next saying she's happy for him. This weekend and next week she's is going to either relapse or pull herself together and use this as her chance to focus on herself. Wonder which path she will choose!
Apr 18, 2023
Key word being "want". I reckon she won't see him for dust when he's gone!
I reckon he's being encouraged to leave all the friends from his old druggy life behind. I don't think he will, but maybe it's a convenient time to ditch lou, who is a miserable self pitying waste of time.

Both very good points!! I reckon he’s on the way to dumping her now.
Apr 16, 2023
I just don’t think reading here is good for her because whether you want to admit it or not she is a vulnerable person
Why do people insist she is a vulnerable person. She's nothing more than a sly, compulsively lying addict.

In the past 20 years, I have gone from being prescribed paracetamol and ibuprofen right up to Fentanyl patches for various medical conditions. At one point, I spent 2 months in hospital on a rotation of IV morphine, oramorph and oxycodone. Last year, I felt like the meds I was on weren't effective anymore so my pain management consultant arranged for me to spend a month in hospital so I could be monitored while I was weaned off everything to give my body a break and start again. At no point did it cross my mind that the next logical step is to go and buy some brown to help with the constant pain.

Then you've got disgusting people like her that want to play the victim, make absolutely no effort to sort their life out and blame it on the fact she once had a one off prescription for Tramadol and got hooked. It knocks me sick. I've gone non contact with a member of my own family for acting the same way.

If you do read here Lou, maybe if you weren't such a do up, your GP could've prescribed so good painkillers for that elephant ankle you're currently sporting.


Apr 17, 2023
Food bank was mentioned on her live yesterday but she dismissed it as it's only pasta etc and only enough for a few days.

Yeah....cos a maccy D lasts for weeks eh? 🙄
I'm a bit behind on this thread so catching up...... she's an ungrateful t. Wants everything given to her, no incentive to better her life unless she's getting everything for free. Wants the best of everything without paying for it herself. Pisses me off, half the country are on their arse and she wants hand outs when there are people, good honest people, in real desperate situations