Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 12, 2023
Well I’ve just come on here to catch up on Begatrons thread and someone had posted on the Joe Brady thread. Not knowing who this person is, I clicked on the thread. Good lord. My fing eyes! 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Oh my days, why did I look 🤮🤮🤮

Wishing there were mods now so I could report you for derailing after that 🤣🤣
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May 5, 2023
She should lose £11 a day upto a max of 50% of her total payment

She's s at mathematics, then. Even if she was having 50% of her payment retracted, that would be more than thirteen quid left, which she's claimed that's all she's had to live on when she's been sanctioned before. She's such a liar.

Her priorities piss me off. Instead of leaving nice and early for a little gimble at a slow, easy pace to the Job Centre, (cus, yanno, ankle 🙄) she was sat on her arse in her pit, moaning her lungs out and showing off another cheap tat fashion delivery. Walloper.
May 5, 2023
That's why she always has the brown stuff around her mouth. She just talks constant s. She will likely be crying again either later or tomorrow. Part of me thinks if she's not already pregnant that she's going to end up pregnant again. I have a sneaky feeling that she wants another baby to try and replace the 3 that have been taken of her
She's an even bigger idiot than I thought she was, if that's her plan/thinking. Social Services will remove any future babies at birth, with her circumstances and lifestyle as they are, coupled with her recent past.

I never wanted to divulge this, but my husband and I's couple bff's have a daughter who had 2 small children. She had a great job in civil service with great prospects, but along her way she got in with a dodgy crowd and got herself addicted to heroin, crack, spice - whatever she could get her hands on. She stole from her parents (our bff's), including their living room curtains, to sell for drugs. She stole some of my jewellery for the same thing, it was devastating as I've known her since she was born. She ended up selling herself for heroin at times. The children were taken into foster care and our friends had a two year battle with SS to get parental rights, guardianship and finally custody of the children. It cost them thousands in solicitor fees. Their daughter got pregnant again and within an hour of giving birth the baby was removed from her. Our friends are now raising 3 kids under the age of 6. Their daughter was a prolific shoplifter and after various arrests she was sent to prison. It was the best thing to happen to her. She was released two weeks before Christmas and has kept clean. She now has a little flat, a JOB! and is allowed to see her children on Sunday's at her parents house. She cannot live with her parents and cannot have her children back. She will be heavily monitored by various agencies going forward. This is how I know Lou would have any baby taken from her at this present time. Our friends grandson has behavioural problems too, due to childhood trauma. Drugs destroy MANY lives, not just the life of the user. Lou is selfish beyond belief.