Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 21, 2023
She's not babbling or slurring (yet) but on the stories without the filter when she's walking along she looks terribly unhealthy.

Also, she can't keep up with her own lies....she was buzzing when she got that codeine last week and now she's saying she won't get any more "coz of ma recovewy"
Yeah I meant she seemed well in the head 🤣 she is a gigantic brown bag of kack in every other sense 🤣
Apr 24, 2023
Her col payment is long gone. She's on the beg again just 'trying' to be more subtle. She's just never happy with what she has. Just wants constant takeaways and basically lifted and laid. Doesn't want to put the effort into anything. I also think there's a company on Instagram who has also been 'funding' her lifestyle. And it's not Carol

Temu Tat Haul

Apr 16, 2023
He drags her down. She lost ALL of her kids because she wouldn't stop seeing him. She's an idiot. He has no job, no money, no stable home (let's face facts, eviction WILL happen), he's a drug addict, he's controlling, & the icing on the cake is he's one of the most ugly men I've ever had the misfortune of seeing topless online 🤢

Her life will never improve when she's with him.
But he's the best rapper in Middlesbrough


Apr 16, 2023
Chatting on about all the stuff she will be "given by the government" for her new place when she could have used all her Temu credit to get some of it. Wouldn't want to do that though, Lou would we? That might mean having some self respect, some dignity and some responsibility for yourself.

Some of those stories are difficult to understand what was she saying about this is what I have to do to get food??

Lous Beak Lip

May 18, 2023
She's wanting a disability claim,making up all this s and seeing what benefit will give her more money
Does anyone remember in 2017/2018 the reason she said she was on such strong pain killers daily was because of a back issue she had since giving birth to Molly and it would be life long?

Suddenly that back issue doesn’t exist anymore either she’s not mentioned it for years.