Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 24, 2023
A forehead thermometer??!! Wtf! Where is the box full of stuff for her kids? She said she was going to use £100 worth of credit to get them some 'bits n bobs'. The greed is unreal with her. Never has enough and constantly wants more. People just need to do her of. She really has no idea what it's like to be struggling when she has enablers funding her. They are also contributing to her laziness. She enrages me everyday
Apr 20, 2023
I’ve worked out why she always falls over - she’s only got 3 toes that actually hit the floor the deformed fing weirdo.

Who runs this site and when will they give us the vomit react 🤢

She could have got both the kids one of those consoles each with the amount of credit she's had and she's bought 1 for herself, actually have no words for how selfish she is
May 17, 2023
she’s only posting sporadically recently, too. Laptop and tablet haven’t been in sight for ages. swapped for drugs, no doubt. She’s choosing exactly what she wants people to see, what will play the enablers in to the palm of her hand to fund and encourage her erratic and vulgar behaviour. She’s really starting to get right on my tits. She’s past the point of help, nothing will ever be good enough for her and she will never be able to function as a normal member of society.
May 11, 2023
It's all absolutely true. I've said it before, myself. Hinch created this catastrophe and Carol feeds it. Carol is a massive part of Lou's problems, not the solution she thinks she is. She's not a saviour, she's a monster. Buying her that £200 laptop was fing idiotic .. insane!
Was it Carol tht purchased the laptop? I was sure I’d seen KK say that bought it. 🤯
Apr 24, 2023
All this 'free stuff' that she has got will likely be sold for money for drugs. Has to keep dropping hints in about being hungry and food. Having a sprained ankle doesn't mean she can't do anything or make some food. Again it's just laziness with her. Lou where is the laptop? Oh and the tablet? We know you read here so show us them. I think she had mentioned that the tablet was at stes so it's long gone
May 23, 2023
I am so glad I've found this page and it's not just me who watches these videos in awe 🤣 spent over a grand on cheap tat on temu, ste hasn't been in vids for a few days since he wouldn't share his pop, and Where's her beloved laptop?! showed the bag the other day but hasn't been doing any courses or the like recently. absolute waste of air the cretin
Apr 16, 2023
Has anyone ever contacted Carol & tried to ask her why she funds Lou so much? What is it about Lou that puts her above all the other lowlifes and beggars in Carols eyes?
Carol has made Lou a million times worse, without her and that Hannah and the other enablers Lou would have either died of starvation or realised she has to help herself rather than whining and getting things for free. As it is, all that Carol & co have taught Lou is, the harder you cry & beg, the more stuff you get sent.
Apr 16, 2023
She is so fing frustrating!! Her grubby sausage fingers just wants more and more and doesn’t want to do any graft to get it! She has no shame or embarrassment! I would be mortified to have my house like that, I’ve been Ill the last few days and I still managed to get up so the dishes, sort the beds make dinner ( sandwich for me but cooked dinner for little one ) bathed etc as I have pride In Myself and my house, I don’t have much in life but. Do have my pride I myself and house! She just a dirty t! I just can’t believe she is showing the world all this and thinks it’s okay! It’s a sprained ankle you fat t, your leg isn’t falling off or broken! Get off your arse and stop this poor me iam starving etc! You ent skint if you smoke and iam sure in one of her videos there was empty cider bottles next to her bed so not that skint Lou


Apr 29, 2023
Has anyone ever contacted Carol & tried to ask her why she funds Lou so much? What is it about Lou that puts her above all the other lowlifes and beggars in Carols eyes?
Carol has made Lou a million times worse, without her and that Hannah and the other enablers Lou would have either died of starvation or realised she has to help herself rather than whining and getting things for free. As it is, all that Carol & co have taught Lou is, the harder you cry & beg, the more stuff you get sent.
Ive asked carol why she funds lou and all i got was "why does it bother you so much" and "how does it effect my life" shes a weirdo if you ask me.