Lou @Lifewithloux

May 29, 2023
Oh here we go poor me me me! Trying to talk about recovery! It grates on me and I donā€™t even know why I watch her! If anyone is in recovery please donā€™t follow Louā€™s advice! Sheā€™s on a come down and itā€™s all come down talk all about her kids and friends! The reason your relationship is talked about is because itā€™s an absolute s show!
Apr 20, 2023
ā€œIā€™d love to have a laptop job at home. Just clicking about.ā€

I am howling at the idea of a laptop job. Imagine knowing so little about the real world that you donā€™t have any idea of what job youā€™d like to do or any skills that would lead to a job. She thinks anyone with an office job is just clicking about šŸ˜‚

Obviously the laptop job is why she needs the fancy laptop bag set. It all makes sense now.
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Apr 16, 2023
Iā€™m new here can you fill me in on the broken freezer story?
Back in the day, Lou went through a phase of claiming her fridge freezer was broken and all the food was ruined.
This happened regularly (she was still with James and still had the kids at the time) and it was a story to get people to send her "money for a food shop"


Apr 16, 2023
Iā€™ve not watched Lou properly for a while and also skipped pages and pages of this thread so I apologise if this has already been mentioned, but sheā€™s making such a big deal about passing the drugs test earlier in the week. If she knew she was clean, then it wouldnā€™t be a big deal would it? Sheā€™s blatantly only happy about it because she knew there was a possibility that drugs would show up.
Apr 16, 2023
She is absolutely pathetic. Sheā€™s being sanctioned because sheā€™s not showing up to appointments. If she doesnā€™t want to be sanctioned itā€™s not fing rocket science what she has to do. It infuriates me how she expects to get to sit on her arse, smashed on whatever drugs sheā€™s got her hands on, and just get handouts!