Lou @Lifewithloux

May 18, 2023
Good to know one of the watches is in use, albeit by our STEEE. Also are these pre prerecorded from the other day to throw us off sent that it was him in that video with the tv, or am I looking too much into this🤣🤔
That was my thought too! But that is some complex thinking for them two so probably not 🤣🤣🤣


Apr 30, 2023
I'm sorry, I know we all have said it but I'm continuing mind blown this girl who seemingly has nothing is spending money on utter crap. Of all the things she whinges about, she's prattling on about a ring she got from Amazon? When I was on the bones of my arse, I wasn't buying fing s jewellery. She has completely resigned to this begging lifestyle.

"I really, really, really want this journal" You expect that sort of thing from a child, not a grown woman.

She needs a massive dose of reality to actually change. Drugs are only part of the issue here, they are just another thing to get away from being an actually functioning, responsible adult. She's the laziest person I think I've ever come across, on every single front.
I couldn’t agree more!!
Apr 20, 2023
These two want shot with s. She speaks about him like he's the most perfect man walking and l don't get it?!.
The state of his place is unbelievable.
Good luck on mediation, Lou. It'll never happen.

Lives like a pig, unnecessary and so so lazy. It'd take 10 minutes to tidy up, even less if everything wasn't just chucked on the floor like a toddler. How does she think she'll ever progress to work, seeing the kids, waste of a life.
May 12, 2023
Hahahahaha fing hell. Do you know what though, I’d rather read the synopsis on what se she’s currently chatting here rather than sit through her stories to be honest. I usually listen to stories rather than watch them whilst I’m doing other things like making dinner, cleaning, folding clothes… all the things lou doesn’t bother her arse with. But I wanna see hers to see what state her house is in today, whether Ste is passed out on the floor and what drug paraphernalia she hasn’t bothered her hole to hide today! But do me don’t her stories seem to last 3 times as long as normal peoples or is it just me?!