Lou @Lifewithloux


May 11, 2023
My ex was a dealer (a particularly s part of my life, but that's another story). There were a handful of 'Lou's'; people that were habitually broke and had to have a slap to get any money out of them, every single time it was due. They owe everyone, and no sooner had they partially settled what would keep them out of hospital, they were asking for more. She can run and hide, but they will catch up with her.


May 11, 2023
I don’t really understand the drug world… why do dealers give out drugs if the person isn’t paying? I get it is money then owed but I don’t get why they bother. Especially people like Loubeg, surely she is known and they know they are unlikely to get the money off her at a later date easily if at all?

Also the ones chasing the money and giving out the beatings… are they just the dealers bitches? Surely they are at risk of repercussion.
Sometimes it'll be cash upfront. But sometimes not, because people do produce the money/goods when threatened. Often they can be extorted further by saying if you don't have it by X date, another £100 is going on your bill. Eventually they just never clear the debt.

And yeah likely to be someone they know to actually go and give someone a public slap like that.
Apr 17, 2023
I dont even think making her watch her stories back will make her see what we see sadly, I honestly think one or both of them are going to end up dead, looking through her insta even a few months ago she looked better than she does now! Her key workers etc must see what we see surly as they will see people relaps and lie all the time,
Drugs and lies go hand in hand and I can't stand both to be honest, she is just getting worse, lou we know you read here just be honest and go ask for help before something does really happen and not in one of your "story time lou lies" you say we are being mean and nasty to you but we are not really we are telling the truth with what you show us

Why buy a plate for a child that's been adopted has she forgot that bit? And asking what to put on the tablet- all abit strange as what's a plate and a tablet going to do for a baby?!

No one wins here except the drug dealer, they take so much more from people then money, they take that person away from their families they take their home the kids, their self respect and alot of the time their lives, its heartbreaking but its a choice but that choice shouldn't be available but that's another story
Do you think she's going to sell the tablet but say she's given it to baby Alfie 🥴🥴🥴


Apr 17, 2023
HEY! I JUST HAD A LIGHTBULB MOMENT 🤯💡 She offered the drug debt enforcers her laptop and other valuable goods, plus £250 in "a couple of weeks", but this was weeks ago.

You said "until she is seriously threatened". I think she HAS been. Remember those bruises on her face and nose around 3-4 weeks ago? I think it was them. She offered the goods & £250. They refused & knocked her about a bit, promising to come back for the £400. It explains those bruises. I thought at the time it was Ste, but this scenario fits perfectly in the timeframe jigsaw.

Then the other day, they came a-calling....
She's in danger now, the fool.

except she offered them things over the phone and when they came to collect she had already cleared off to stes
May 5, 2023
I don’t really understand the drug world… why do dealers give out drugs if the person isn’t paying? I get it is money then owed but I don’t get why they bother. Especially people like Loubeg, surely she is known and they know they are unlikely to get the money off her at a later date easily if at all?

Also the ones chasing the money and giving out the beatings… are they just the dealers bitches? Surely they are at risk of repercussion.

It's like a pyramid scheme, with the king pin at the top point. Dealers much lower down the "food chain" will sell to bottom feeders like Lou & Ste, & it'll be cash transactions on the spot for half a dozen or so times, until the dealer builds up a sort of mutual "trust" with their customer, & will allow the drugs on tick, with the promise of being paid. Then what happens is, with no payment the debt gets bigger and bigger as the dealer adds "interest" on the original debt. Lou & Ste's original debt was probably £60 to £80, but with no payments and a couple of beatings, it's grown to £400 and it'll keep growing until she pays up, works for them (selling, prostitution, thieving, enforcing etc) or ends up dead from having her head kicked in.

It's a murky world and the dealers higher up the chain want their "reputation" intact, so those who owe debt or cross them in any other way (grassing, skimming drugs or money from their supplies etc) are taught BIG lessons in beatings or even death. They don't care about people, they care about themselves and their money.

That's a condensed version of how these situations work. In deprived areas like where Lou lives, a vast majority are unemployed and addicted to drugs, so drug dealers often have to allow tick (credit) to get the custom, as their are so many dealers that customers can pick & choose. Hope that makes sense.

Also, watch some documentaries on county lines & drug wars. It's an eye-opening watch. Many school kids get sucked into this world with the lure of easy money, fancy watches & designer clothes. It's terrible.


Apr 17, 2023
When ste left she was saying she didn't want to be alone she was scared etc. To then not only owe money but to post bragging about all this new stuff, but then to clear off. Her mum told a person we both know that lou has no intention of getting the children back that she just says it because it's what you should say. Lous dream according to her is visitation with the older 2 but living with ste and Alfie
Has she stated what's been stolen from her house? Lying about these boys saying they gained access and stole will bite her on the arse .I'm blocked from her stories so i can't see whst lies she's telling no more

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
What an absolute tosspot. Sharing her address to nearly 12000 people. 'Bufgalry' mentioned there - is that a combination of birthday and burglary? She still hasn't said anything was actually taken in this Bufgalry and if it had in sure she would be crying about it. Also what's her birthday gotta do with not being paid? She clearly hasn't been attending her appointments and doing what she should be or she would be paid. But woe is lou, not her fault.

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Ahh so that's where her money is going - child maintenance. No doubt she owes money as well from months she didn't pay. Then complaining about paying because she doesn't get to see them. You don't pay to get access you pay to provide for the children you created you selfish do. If not for their dad they would be in care like Alfie. She should be thanking him not constantly slagging him off.
Apr 24, 2023
She likely owes that much money on advances that she has had from universal credit as well hence why she's getting do all. She knows she's in big trouble which is why she's hiding out at stes dump although I want to know how she's getting away with it coz he's not meant to have anyone else staying there. Funny though coz she had money to burn over the weekend. Definitely getting top ups from someone 🤔


May 2, 2023
If child maintenance is paid, it’ll be proportionate to the benefit she gets. It won’t be anything significant - they can’t just take it all. Same with advance repayments, it has to be ‘affordable’ and she will have agreed to the repayment amount.

All this carry on and she’s blatantly wearing new clothes and shoes.

I can’t deal with these fing halfwits today.