She proper pisses me off. Especially around the issues of chronic pain and mental health. Im only a few years older than her and unfortunately, due to a previous cancer diagnosis a few years back, im left with long term issues. Menopause is great fun in your 30s btw! But I manage to work part time from home, raise 2 kids, clean and all that usual bollix. There are days were I cant do as much as i like but i try my best. The amount of meds i take would have her foaming at the mouth to get at. But im responsible and take them correctly. Sorry for the ramble but she can get in the fing bin cos there is many of us out there with illnesses, difficulties, etc and we manage. This one just wants to blame everyone but herself, beg for everything and literally do do all. She doesnt deserve that bungalow or any gifts (how people buy her spiel honestly fing baffles me) She deserves a good kick up the hole and told to cop on.