Lou @Lifewithloux

Jun 21, 2023
There is a person in the chat doing my head in, claiming James is committing parental alienation, that she can get legal aid to see her kids etc if DV was involved. If people knew the full story & the fact Ste is a violent criminal maybe they would understand why that man does not want to either Lou or Ste near his children.
That still plays about with knifes and laughs about it on lives.
Sep 6, 2023
Don't forget she can't drink water without a fing filter, watch telly without netflix or do anything else without a list 🤣🤣🤣
Or listen to music without Spotify premium apparently.
It's all procrastination. I'll make list after list after list of how to cook clean and music playlists to act productive but I'm not going to do anything after that. I'm a list person as well but I make my lists at night in bed so when I get up early morning I can start on them straight away. Have a list of jobs for each day and one list of jobs to get done within the week. Feels so good to cross things off the list when finished. I can spend a half hour trying to make a new Spotify playlist though 😁


Apr 16, 2023

Not one penny of that will go on anything other than Scran, Fags, drugs & red bull.

These fing idiots filling her head with crap need to reverse the roles, if the father of their kids behaved like Lou, would they want him around them? She’s done absolutely do all about getting them back because she doesn’t want to, she wants to sit on her ever expanding arse, begging for handouts & getting off her chops!! She is one of life’s born losers & will never change.

Happy to be proved wrong but highly doubt I will be.


May 3, 2023
It's because her story requires trauma. She's having such a hard time, and had to have a sleep in today today because:

[X] - Trauma from her missing kids, that misses so much, but is powerless to do anything about
[ ] - Trauma from her dead junkie mates, who were taken advantage of by the media by filming them being junkies
[ ] - Trauma from her chronic pain/twisted ankle/unspecified "mental health"
[ ] - Trauma from not being able to do basic fing actions. Why is everything so hard?
[ ] - Trauma from her many, many burglaries, and how she doesn't feel safe.
[ ] - Trauma from being a fat lump, which isn't her fault. It's the medication. Ignore the chocolate and redbull around her gammy lips.

The only thing that will help is:

[ ] - Buy an item from her wishlist. This is the one that will change her life. Promise.
[ ] - A nice greasy takeaway
[X] - Clicking on her temu link

If you just do that, she can make better content! She's going to tidy up! Better content is coming, she promises, just do this one thing for her.

Tick at least 2 boxes, and that's Lou for the day.
Well, that's today sorted for her. Time to head back to bed.
Aug 16, 2023
Did she say she is "tired" after having her son for about 4hrs?? I'm a single parent to 3 young ones and older children too, I don't have family, paternal grandparents live far away and visit rarely due to pops having cancer. The children's dad doesn't have them at all just comes around as and when. So it's just me 24/7. And I work full time. Tired?? FML
May 26, 2023
Do you comment on the live? I want to say so much but don’t want to get banned so hold back and just say little digs 😂
I comment all the time and it probably looks like I'm kissing arse but don't worry it's tactical warfare, I'm pushing buttons 😁😁 if I tried kissing that arse she'd swallow my head 🤣🤣🤣


Aug 18, 2023
It's fing hard staying quiet, one sniff of negativity and you're gone 😂... I called her a liar for being skint the night they were in the pizza shop and I was blocked in seconds 😂 my fault I got too confident and forgot about the moderators...

Also why the do does she need all those gaming chairs in her wish list? 💀 she's probably heard that some girls stream playing games on twitch and wants a piece of it... sorry hun but those girls only get views cause they're attractive...