Lou @Lifewithloux

Sep 9, 2023
I'm an addict. Addicts lie. That was NOT sleeping tablets at all. Or tiredness. Or a cold. Drugs aren't my thing but I've made similar excuses up when I've been blind drunk, thinking people are daft enough to believe it.

She needs serious help. If she's passing her drugs tests, then they're obviously testing for the wrong substances or she's using someone else's wee. Trust me, that happens. A lot!
Apr 22, 2023
Not fully convinced that this just a big act to get the views.

The heavy breathing gave me flashbacks to been little and having to share a room with my cousin when we went on holidays/ family visits etc. he knew I hated noise when trying to sleep so would lay there breathing as loud as he could then when I kicked off I looked like a right melt cos he would be like I’m just breathing 🙄