Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 16, 2023
Was literally thinking today. It's the same bullshit for YEARS.... NEED to sort out my stuff... NEED to tidy up... NEED to do this.... NEED to do that.... can someone help me with this/that. Nothing gets done or the very least possible. If you ain't learned by now you got no chance love!

Then go on TT and see her literally ask someone where to put her bed?! Like FML imagine at a grown ass age of 30 odd asking a stranger where to put your bed?!
Perfectly capable of working out where to put all the furniture carol bought when she lived in a house.
Why does she need strangers to constantly tell her how to live? What to do? Who to live with? How to shop? She ain't that thick she can't work out for herself that a takeaway costs the same as 2/3 meals. She knows EXACTLY what she needs to do, she's just lazy - pure and simple. She would have someone breathe for her if she could.
If she can't even wash up, clean or cook without someone telling her to how tf could she think she is capable of raising kids?
Drugs do do up your head but you don't forget basic things. There are many functioning drug addicts that have full time jobs and live too. Her laziness is pissing me off. I know a few ex addicts that are really in recovery that would love the bungalou she's in?!
It's literally boring. The same s every day.
Rant over 🤣
Sep 9, 2023
Was literally thinking today. It's the same bullshit for YEARS.... NEED to sort out my stuff... NEED to tidy up... NEED to do this.... NEED to do that.... can someone help me with this/that. Nothing gets done or the very least possible. If you ain't learned by now you got no chance love!

Then go on TT and see her literally ask someone where to put her bed?! Like FML imagine at a grown ass age of 30 odd asking a stranger where to put your bed?!
Perfectly capable of working out where to put all the furniture carol bought when she lived in a house.
Why does she need strangers to constantly tell her how to live? What to do? Who to live with? How to shop? She ain't that thick she can't work out for herself that a takeaway costs the same as 2/3 meals. She knows EXACTLY what she needs to do, she's just lazy - pure and simple. She would have someone breathe for her if she could.
If she can't even wash up, clean or cook without someone telling her to how tf could she think she is capable of raising kids?
Drugs do do up your head but you don't forget basic things. There are many functioning drug addicts that have full time jobs and live too. Her laziness is pissing me off. I know a few ex addicts that are really in recovery that would love the bungalou she's in?!
It's literally boring. The same s every day.
Rant over 🤣
Recovering addict here 👋. Alcohol, not Class As. They're all mind altering substances but they definitely don't leave you as brain dead as she is.

My recovery accommodation is always spotless. I don't have a lot of money for food as I pay for the food shopping for my husband and kids, but I still manage to put together sausage casserole, chilli, curry, jacket spuds, etc for myself. I pay all my bills on time. I do school runs. I do reward assemblies. I do homework with the kids. I attend groups and AA. I volunteer once a week. And I have a job checking in with other addicts in recovery housing and testing them.

If you want it, I mean REALLY want it, life is there for the taking. Unfortunately, she's too bone idle to want to make an effort. Lazy, entitled, begging biatch. Gets right on my waz!
Jun 21, 2023
Appreciate the updates since it’s been on TT most of the day & can’t access. The comment about watching someone tidy up is a fair one. Just why? Think she’s going to have another go at being a #cleanfluencer - her piss isn’t even clean never mind her house.

Because it worked out so well for her last time 🙄.

The one real benefit of her #hincher days is that James and his parents had a cupboard full of cleaning products to clean the house with after they broke up, since she never used them herself
Aug 16, 2023
Recovering addict here 👋. Alcohol, not Class As. They're all mind altering substances but they definitely don't leave you as brain dead as she is.

My recovery accommodation is always spotless. I don't have a lot of money for food as I pay for the food shopping for my husband and kids, but I still manage to put together sausage casserole, chilli, curry, jacket spuds, etc for myself. I pay all my bills on time. I do school runs. I do reward assemblies. I do homework with the kids. I attend groups and AA. I volunteer once a week. And I have a job checking in with other addicts in recovery housing and testing them.

If you want it, I mean REALLY want it, life is there for the taking. Unfortunately, she's too bone idle to want to make an effort. Lazy, entitled, begging biatch. Gets right on my waz!
Well done you!! ❤️❤️ - I do mean that as patronising as text talk makes it sound 🙈

Someone very close to me is in residential rehab right now ❄️
He's half way through his stay.
One of the first things he learned was tidy house, tidy mind. He's completely changed, his attitude, outlook, behaviour, looks, even sounds different!! He's more 'present' when we visit. Literally SO proud of him. As he is 100% clean (obvs as you know, they test) she in no way looks like she is in recovery.
Exactly that!! It is all there and there's so many people and places that will help - proper help not just throwing money at her 🙄 like you say she's lazy, entitled and just doesn't want to make the effort. Begging is too easy.
Sep 6, 2023
Someone suggested she used a table she already has for beside her bed to put a lamp on..but no Lou needs matching ones for either side..give me strength, anyone else would make do until they can afford to get what they want
When we first moved into our house we had cardboard boxes with sheets on them as our bedside tables until we could afford half decent ones. Even when homeless it seems she's never had to settle for second best
May 11, 2023
Recovering addict here 👋. Alcohol, not Class As. They're all mind altering substances but they definitely don't leave you as brain dead as she is.

My recovery accommodation is always spotless. I don't have a lot of money for food as I pay for the food shopping for my husband and kids, but I still manage to put together sausage casserole, chilli, curry, jacket spuds, etc for myself. I pay all my bills on time. I do school runs. I do reward assemblies. I do homework with the kids. I attend groups and AA. I volunteer once a week. And I have a job checking in with other addicts in recovery housing and testing them.

If you want it, I mean REALLY want it, life is there for the taking. Unfortunately, she's too bone idle to want to make an effort. Lazy, entitled, begging biatch. Gets right on my waz!
Well done you 💞


Oct 10, 2023
Hi all, I just found this page by chance. I know Lou irl. I know you get a pretty good idea of what she's like since she broadcasts her carcrash of a life online, but if you wanna know all of the actually terrible things she has done, or about the numerous lives she has ruined, let me know. Safe to say she has a bubble of chaos around her at all times and she just destroys anyone who gets involved.