Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 16, 2023
He was talking about that last time he was in court and believed he was going to be doing time. Saying how when you get out of prison you get given about £100 and sent on your way, and he was worried that if he gave the card to her he would have nothing when he gets out. Indicated that, with encouragement from The Slutz, it would be better of with his mum.

She was in the live making cry emoji comments. Him saying it again shouldn't have come as a shock to her. fing hell, imagine that the only constant person in your life is looking at going to jail for a while and only caring about the few hundred that may be on his card. She'd spend it in a day and be back on the beg the next.

I know he's a dick, but I would expect him to mean at least something to her. Why isn't she making use of the extra time they were given with the new court date and do a few nice things, or at least not be so horrible to him?
Someone mentioned she may have used someone else's piss.

Which makes sense why she was elated with relief that she'd passed the test. She knew her urine was dirty, and would have only been going on the word that someone else's was clean/better. So she would have literally only found out that all was good once that test came back clean
I’ve no idea how her type of drug tests work but as an ex international athlete myself I’m all too well aware that our drug tests were monitored as in we were literally watched whilst peeing into the specimen cup, so cheating the system would simply not have been possible.


Oct 10, 2023
Someone mentioned she may have used someone else's piss.

Which makes sense why she was elated with relief that she'd passed the test. She knew her urine was dirty, and would have only been going on the word that someone else's was clean/better. So she would have literally only found out that all was good once that test came back clean
My understanding is that it's quite difficult to use somebody else's piss because the test can tell if the piss was body temp when it entered the jar and there's a line for whether or not the test is valid.
I could be wrong, it depends on the sophistication of the test... Though, like I said before, having been in the exact same service she's in and having taken the exact same tests, it doesn't really matter if you pass or not.
It's more to personalise your therapy plan than to catch you out.
They don't stop treatment because you fail the test.
Jun 21, 2023
My understanding is that it's quite difficult to use somebody else's piss because the test can tell if the piss was body temp when it entered the jar and there's a line for whether or not the test is valid.
I could be wrong, it depends on the sophistication of the test... Though, like I said before, having been in the exact same service she's in and having taken the exact same tests, it doesn't really matter if you pass or not.
It's more to personalise your therapy plan than to catch you out.
They don't stop treatment because you fail the test.
My friend provided clean piss a few times to another friend of his for workplace job testing. Not the random ones, just the ones he has to do when he starts a new job. He pees is some tube thing, which his friend straps to his leg to keep it warm. I'm not entirely sure how he gets it from that into the cup - I can only assume they watch but not so close that they're up in the genitals where a sneaky sleight of hand might pull it off?

With the fing state of her, why aren't they checking for other stuff? Or do her support workers also take the attitude that drugs are okay, as long as they aren't class A?


Oct 10, 2023
My friend provided clean piss a few times to another friend of his for workplace job testing. Not the random ones, just the ones he has to do when he starts a new job. He pees is some tube thing, which his friend straps to his leg to keep it warm. I'm not entirely sure how he gets it from that into the cup - I can only assume they watch but not so close that they're up in the genitals where a sneaky sleight of hand might pull it off?

With the fing state of her, why aren't they checking for other stuff? Or do her support workers also take the attitude that drugs are okay, as long as they aren't class A?
In my experience you're given the privacy of a stall but they're stood outside, if that's how it's done then it's probably pretty easy
Apr 21, 2023
The thing with the drug tests, she may well be testing negative for class A's, she might not. The drug workers and facilities differ place to place and probably changed a lot over the years too. When I was using, I had drug tests, but I think that they may have to do them for medical records, risk assessments, dosage requirements etc, but people I knew still got their methodone despite still using Class A's.

We all know she's testing positive for weed and pills, be it codeine, diazepam or other. However, the docs won't just stop your methodone prescription (It might have changed, but doesn't appear to have done) She's clearly not fighting for custody/nor wanting to prove she's clean for court or social services because they would want full, clean drug tests and normally request a hair strand test which is a lot more detailed, each individual drug can be identified and they can even check roughly how much you've used and when you started/stopped depending on hair length. One reason why I think she bleached her hair and Ste shaved his off.

There are different piss tests too, some work better than others. I had a conflict with a social worker because I'd taken a co-codamol and it showed up as heroin on her test, yet the drug worker/docs tests showed it wasn't.


Oct 10, 2023
The thing with the drug tests, she may well be testing negative for class A's, she might not. The drug workers and facilities differ place to place and probably changed a lot over the years too. When I was using, I had drug tests, but I think that they may have to do them for medical records, risk assessments, dosage requirements etc, but people I knew still got their methodone despite still using Class A's.

We all know she's testing positive for weed and pills, be it codeine, diazepam or other. However, the docs won't just stop your methodone prescription (It might have changed, but doesn't appear to have done) She's clearly not fighting for custody/nor wanting to prove she's clean for court or social services because they would want full, clean drug tests and normally request a hair strand test which is a lot more detailed, each individual drug can be identified and they can even check roughly how much you've used and when you started/stopped depending on hair length. One reason why I think she bleached her hair and Ste shaved his off.

There are different piss tests too, some work better than others. I had a conflict with a social worker because I'd taken a co-codamol and it showed up as heroin on her test, yet the drug worker/docs tests showed it wasn't.
The cheaper tests just test for any opiate and list it as heroin.
Even the good tests will show morphine in your system if you take codeine.
Codeine itself is not an active drug, it is metabolised by your liver into morphine and on a quick urine test is almost indistinguishable.
You'd need an expensive blood test to tell the difference properly as morphine isn't the only thing it is metabolised into... Not that any of this is relevant, just rambling because I find it interesting.

I know where she goes for her tests and I know how they're done, which test they use and how often they're done.

You know when they're coming, it's whenever you have an in-person appointment which you get plenty of notice for.

When you get there, they hand you the test and walk with you to the loo. It's a single loo similar to a disabled loo anywhere with a lockable door.
They stand nearby to the door but you have the run of the room for privacy.

The test itself shows:
Morphine (any other opiate lights this box)

If you fail on everything it doesn't matter really.
The only thing that will change is how often your appointments are and whether or not you are supervised/unsupervised pickup at the chemist.

I see a lot of speculation in this thread and this comment isn't really directed at the person I replied to, just putting the info out there as a "this is definitely how Lou's system works" because I know how they do it at WAWY (used to be called addaction).

Sorry for the long post.

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
The cheaper tests just test for any opiate and list it as heroin.
Even the good tests will show morphine in your system if you take codeine.
Codeine itself is not an active drug, it is metabolised by your liver into morphine and on a quick urine test is almost indistinguishable.
You'd need an expensive blood test to tell the difference properly as morphine isn't the only thing it is metabolised into... Not that any of this is relevant, just rambling because I find it interesting.

I know where she goes for her tests and I know how they're done, which test they use and how often they're done.

You know when they're coming, it's whenever you have an in-person appointment which you get plenty of notice for.

When you get there, they hand you the test and walk with you to the loo. It's a single loo similar to a disabled loo anywhere with a lockable door.
They stand nearby to the door but you have the run of the room for privacy.

The test itself shows:
Morphine (any other opiate lights this box)

If you fail on everything it doesn't matter really.
The only thing that will change is how often your appointments are and whether or not you are supervised/unsupervised pickup at the chemist.

I see a lot of speculation in this thread and this comment isn't really directed at the person I replied to, just putting the info out there as a "this is definitely how Lou's system works" because I know how they do it at WAWY (used to be called addaction).

Sorry for the long post.
Taking morphine myself I found your rambling interesting, thank you for sharing its always good to learn something new and have a better understanding of the *legal drugs I'm taking 😀

As I've said and many of us hear have she would be dribbling over our prescriptions 😂
Especially that I have a full box of unopened gabs as I was taken off them, luckily im not a tramp else I could under cut ste and go £4 a strip as I have no choc-choc left 😂

Oh the other thing that made me giggle today was ste saying he gave lou sleeping tablets as she hasn't slept for days and he was sick of her being like this so he gave her something to sleep! The girl is always asleep she don't need no sleepers, I'm really surprised she hasn't self diagnosed with sleep apnea or the one the one where you constantly fall asleep as a excuse for her drug endured comas

I Don't get alot of sleep and yes it plays more with your mental health but not to the point they are saying, it's not like she has to be up for school runs stay awake for pick up, be alert for when the kids are around, she literally can and dose nap when she wants same as him I've never known people take so many naps in the day
Apr 22, 2023
Taking morphine myself I found your rambling interesting, thank you for sharing its always good to learn something new and have a better understanding of the *legal drugs I'm taking 😀

As I've said and many of us hear have she would be dribbling over our prescriptions 😂
Especially that I have a full box of unopened gabs as I was taken off them, luckily im not a tramp else I could under cut ste and go £4 a strip as I have no choc-choc left 😂

Oh the other thing that made me giggle today was ste saying he gave lou sleeping tablets as she hasn't slept for days and he was sick of her being like this so he gave her something to sleep! The girl is always asleep she don't need no sleepers, I'm really surprised she hasn't self diagnosed with sleep apnea or the one the one where you constantly fall asleep as a excuse for her drug endured comas

I Don't get alot of sleep and yes it plays more with your mental health but not to the point they are saying, it's not like she has to be up for school runs stay awake for pick up, be alert for when the kids are around, she literally can and dose nap when she wants same as him I've never known people take so many naps in the day
If she was that bothered about her sleep she’d be doing something to try and fix it. Sitting in the house all day is going to mess with anyone’s sleep, let alone someone who’s on a cocktail of drugs.
The best thing she can do is get out and about, go for walks (she is obviously capable of walking despite her chronic pain), volunteer somewhere, find a support group. Just anything to keep her busy during the day and tire her out.
The way she’s going, drugs or no drugs she’s never going to be able to reintegrate into normal life. Sitting around on TikTok until god knows what time at night. She doesn’t want to help herself at all.
Doesn’t want to be clean.
Doesn’t want a normal sleeping routine where she can eventually work.
Certainly doesn’t want her kids back.


Apr 18, 2023
She’s the picture of ill health. The other day when she was cleaning the room and had that pink leopard coloured top on and you could see and hear her moving from a distance she just looked like a person with a life limiting, chronic illness. One that has given up.

She’s not going to change her lifestyle to sleep better or get healthier because her life isn’t of that much value to herself. It’s as if she’s just passing time. In the numbest way possible. Before something unfortunate happens. Everything she’s addicted to has the same numbing, drowsy effect.
She’s not motivated by her kids because she takes stuff that specifically help to block up the pain of reality.

I can only imagine how hard it would be to deal with her life choices if she were actually sober. Anyone that does face reality and get clean is s hot (in my opinion). Imagine the genuine support and help she’d get if she came on SM and was like brutally honest.

*edit to add. Just my thoughts on it, I have no authority on any of this 😂
Sep 9, 2023
Addict in recovery here 👋. And I work for a supported housing scheme.

Her tests depend completely on what the scheme allows. For example, we have methadone houses, so their tests would come up positive for opiates. But any other positive results would mean a 28 day warning and possible eviction if they tested positive again in that 28 days (obviously with an allowance for the drugs to exit the system). Some schemes allow people to take pregabs/diazepam etc, others don't. It all depends on what medication they were on at the time of assessment and their support plan.

Some tests are more sophisticated than others in that they test temperature of urine, etc. But usually, we have to go on what the urine feels like/looks like/smells like. Grim.

With regards to the state of her house though, if I was her support worker, she would have been put on 28 days notice to clean it up and keep it clean months ago.

I'm not really sure what she gets support for, as like I say, all supported housing is different, but to me, it doesn't look like her support workers are particularly on the ball. Especially with what we see on SM every day.

I hope she does get well, because addiction is truly awful and it's a battle every day of your life. However, I can't see her ever trying to improve herself as she can't take personal responsibility for herself. Sad really.

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
Think we should play bingo

*Lou says its not my fault
*Lou says we don't understand
*Ste says he is going to prison
*Her drug workers are aware she is taking tablets
*She does deserve the bungalou
*She will wean herself of the tablets
*I do listen
*I do want my kids back
*Cries and wipes her nose on her hand
anymore to add feel free bet we get a full house before tea time
Jun 21, 2023
Okay, it's been bugging me for a while and I just have to ask, hoping someone can give me some insight.

Her beak. Where did it come from or how did it happen?

I'd been thinking wtfff for a while, and then someone posted a bunch of old pics on here showing how much she's changed. That's when I realised there was no beakiness back then.

So I'm just curious as to how it happened? Was she biting into a tombstone during her graveyard romp? Is it from all the sneering she does when s doesn't go her way?

Some days I can't even watch her stories, even when I have a day off to do it because of that mouth and whatever slop is on it at any given time. The thought that at least one person has placed his pride and joy in that beak down a dark alley absolutely repulses me.

Anyways, beaky-tea would be appreciated 🦜

Stes glamdad

Aug 17, 2023
Think we should play bingo

*Lou says its not my fault
*Lou says we don't understand
*Ste says he is going to prison
*Her drug workers are aware she is taking tablets
*She does deserve the bungalou
*She will wean herself of the tablets
*I do listen
*I do want my kids back
*Cries and wipes her nose on her hand
anymore to add feel free bet we get a full house before tea time
Why does everyone hate me

Lous Alexa

Apr 16, 2023
Think we should play bingo

*Lou says its not my fault
*Lou says we don't understand
*Ste says he is going to prison
*Her drug workers are aware she is taking tablets
*She does deserve the bungalou
*She will wean herself of the tablets
*I do listen
*I do want my kids back
*Cries and wipes her nose on her hand
anymore to add feel free bet we get a full house before tea time
*blames her MH
* fake crying followed by ”I don’t have tears because I have a filter on”
*”I really want a McDonald’s”