Lou @Lifewithloux


Apr 17, 2023
I see the abominable live made absolutely zero difference and they're still acting like a pair of fs. Such a shame that live was based around woe is me lou and allowing her to control the narrative rather than holding her accountable for her actions. Dawn is brilliant and should 10000% have been allowed to speak. No idea why lou was let go as we had already "taken up an hour of her time" ?!??!! This girl lives on tiktok so it wouldn't have made a difference. I found it all quite embarrassing and a monumental failure. Had she been called out and made to answer for her actions rather than treated like a broken toddler, the live could have been saved and shared far and wide and gifters would eventually stop gifting her. Sorry I'm late but had to spout my 2 pence regarding the live.
Once again, dawn was always welcome to speak but she didn’t appear in the request box. Sorry f you found me sharing some actual fing trauma “embarrassing”. Feel free to go do yourself. 💅🏼

ste lightyear

May 2, 2023
I nearly peed at the comments. Isn't it insane that lou loves ste when he has money, yet when he asks for it back she rings the crisis team! You can't make it up
Oh and lous mum did not buy the xbox, I would have corrected this sooner if I had known she was saying that but can't keep up here she didn't buy it, lou bought it and said to say her mum bought it as it came out of begging money for food. I'm sure ste will tell you the truth if asked. Her mum would never buy him that.
I would say its smack they are smoking, they are completely off it.
May 23, 2023
I see the abominable live made absolutely zero difference and they're still acting like a pair of fs. Such a shame that live was based around woe is me lou and allowing her to control the narrative rather than holding her accountable for her actions. Dawn is brilliant and should 10000% have been allowed to speak. No idea why lou was let go as we had already "taken up an hour of her time" ?!??!! This girl lives on tiktok so it wouldn't have made a difference. I found it all quite embarrassing and a monumental failure. Had she been called out and made to answer for her actions rather than treated like a broken toddler, the live could have been saved and shared far and wide and gifters would eventually stop gifting her. Sorry I'm late but had to spout my 2 pence regarding the live.
I see the abominable live made absolutely zero difference and they're still acting like a pair of fs. Such a shame that live was based around woe is me lou and allowing her to control the narrative rather than holding her accountable for her actions. Dawn is brilliant and should 10000% have been allowed to speak. No idea why lou was let go as we had already "taken up an hour of her time" ?!??!! This girl lives on tiktok so it wouldn't have made a difference. I found it all quite embarrassing and a monumental failure. Had she been called out and made to answer for her actions rather than treated like a broken toddler, the live could have been saved and shared far and wide and gifters would eventually stop gifting her. Sorry I'm late but had to spout my 2 pence regarding the live.
Yes Lou controlled that live. Even the way she was speaking in the live she had her pity me voice on. She was promising to make all these changes came if the live and straight on the gear.
Apr 16, 2023
@I live for Fridays. Exactly. And I don't appreciate @Bitchtits getting irate because I voiced my opinion on you saying one thing would happen but doing the other. Its got naff all to do with YOUR trauma and everything to do with being fed a load of bollocks as to what the aim was when it clearly wasn't that. Lou was lying through her teeth as usual and I think an opportunity to ask real, hard hitting questions was completely missed. So.. Go do your mum 🥰


Apr 17, 2023
@Bitchtits the trauma sharing on live wasn't the embarrassing bit, the tiktok before the live talking about the "horrendous things she's done" and how we will all "find out the real lou" or whatever and then the live itself was the polar opposite 😂
Not one of you had the balls to join the live to discuss it though, did ya? I said it didn’t run as I hoped because no f joined. All fing talk but nobody wants to stand up and say a WORD when it came to it. I gave you all a vehicle and nobody had the neck to get on board. And don’t say you didn’t know because I explained how I wanted it to go this morning.
Apr 16, 2023
Because it was put to me that there were receipts and from what I saw people were requesting and asking to join and being ignored till you let lou go, which wasn't the point as people wanted to talk to lou. I'm sure many of us were waiting for the live to gain some substance before joining due to not wanting to pander to lou but where the narrative was controlled, it seemed impossible and then it was all over. So many people in the comments commenting, most likely expecting the host to read and ask questions as one does while hosting a live but it didn't happen. I voiced my opinion and its got your back up cos the live was waft, don't turn it around to be about your trauma, it wasn't. We all have trauma. It was about the s live. Case closed.
May 23, 2023
Not one of you had the balls to join the live to discuss it though, did ya? I said it didn’t run as I hoped because no f joined. All fing talk but nobody wants to stand up and say a WORD when it came to it. I gave you all a vehicle and nobody had the neck to get on board. And don’t say you didn’t know because I explained how I wanted it to go this morning.
I said earlier I couldn’t do a live myself as I wouldn’t have the balls but I would entered a box but I’m private an only allow people I know personally to follow me as I have videos of my children on my TikTok so I don’t have enough people on my TikTok to join a box. There was no real questions asked, there was no calling her out when she was lying. You were raising your eyebrows, you made a TikTok stating that people would not gift her after this video because they would see the real Lou but in all honestly all they would have seen was a girl talking absolute lies with her sad voice on claiming to change her life in the next 24hours.