Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 15, 2024
She's now on her live dropping hints for money or probably a takeaway. Saying she's not eaten all day and she's no food at all, nothing in her cupboards...while smoking a fag! Apparently she's tired, has no energy and has acid reflux because she's so starving. As soon as she sees a few people being nice to her she starts begging. Says she asked her mum to lend her £15 but the msg hasn't delivered...bullshit. That's her hoping someone will lend her £15. She mentioned needing £15 earlier too so she's desperate to buy something
Any1 falls for that bullshit need give their own head a wobble
Aug 29, 2023
Any1 falls for that bullshit need give their own head a wobble
I know, she hardly looks like she's wasting away from starvation. Everytime she comes live she's complaining she's starving and hasn't eaten because she's got no food...yet she seems to be getting bigger and bigger. She's morbidly obese and she's definitely not got that way because she can't afford to eat!


Apr 20, 2024
If someone was gonna call the police to Lou’s house, why would they be sent to the neighbour?

Everyone knows Lou’s address from the 12 million times she has doxxed herself. The most recent time was with her Temu order when she lovingly bought Ste a new glass hammer 🙄

My favourite time she gave everyone her address is when she accidentally included her message to her dealer in the caption of one of her TikTok posts 😂
We live and learn with this one.. seems once her viewers see the real Lou she realises that she can’t fool us anymore and starts blocking so she can move on to new people that will feel sorry for her and will start gifting.. I haven’t been blocked yet but don’t give her anything anymore.. hope I have done this right as I’ve only just joined this site..x
Aug 29, 2023
How the do has she gone from the police being at her neighbours house, not even asking for Lou, to accusing MM & Claire of sending them to her, to telling FWO this morning her house was raided because of them 🤬🤬
Lou knows she has no friends to back her up so it looks like she's trying to spread lies about MM and Claire in the hope they will target them to back Lou up. What a vile dangerous girl she is. Plus she's the one that's going to end up being even more disliked when the truth comes out, as it always does in the end and the people she's telling these lies to find out they were lied to and manipulated. Lou you have no friends because you treat any that try to be one like s!
Apr 19, 2024
How the do has she gone from the police being at her neighbours house, not even asking for Lou, to accusing MM & Claire of sending them to her, to telling FWO this morning her house was raided because of them 🤬🤬
I’m raging that she can spout such s.

The number of threats she has thrown at MM and Clair this weekend, they could’ve gone to the police but they didn’t. Threats of doxxing, contacting their work place, contacting social services about their kids (that one is just laughable coming from her), all sorts and they still didn’t report her. If it were me, I would’ve been on the phone so fast, they would’ve been there before she had finished righting her last message to me.

She’s a nasty, vindictive little t. All of this because she’s jealous that we made friends. Grow up Lou, we aren’t in the school playground.
Aug 29, 2023
She's in FBI.CROISSANT box for anyone who wants to know
Talking about that beggy Tara thats on junkies and begs lol....Lou you are the biggest and have the cheek to sit giving your opinion on other people 🤯 you lost your kids and have the cheek to sit talking about other people like you haven't done the same
Lous saying on the live her kids are with their dad because of a custody battle she lost. No she hasn't fought for her kids and she lost them cos she picked drugs and a man over them.
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Sammy J

New member
Apr 2, 2024
United kingdom
How the do has she gone from the police being at her neighbours house, not even asking for Lou, to accusing MM & Claire of sending them to her, to telling FWO this morning her house was raided because of them 🤬🤬
This is absolutely disgusting behaviour from Lou making up a such a massive lie like this, she’s really over stepping the mark with this one. This did not happen and by Christ she needs to stop with such bullshit as this.

Lou get the lovelies name out of your fing mouth and stop spreading such malicious rumours before they really do catch up to you. Karma works in mysterious ways. You’re not setting a good example for you children are you.
Sep 6, 2023
I’ve just been blocked on 2 alts as soon as I went in. Heard her say she’s been raided because of us. She’s fing dangerous.
Raided by police and ambulances and everything and her place is upside down now. Must be an improvement. Everyone who comments about her is being blocked. How long before these other girls turn on her. They dont seem like the nicest people
Apr 19, 2024
Raided by police and ambulances and everything and her place is upside down now. Must be an improvement. Everyone who comments about her is being blocked. How long before these other girls turn on her. They dont seem like the nicest people
Since when do ambulance staff do raids 👀 hope they went in full hazmat gear.