Lou @Lifewithloux

Sep 6, 2023
I don't think you can use PayPal in a shop but she should be able to transfer money from PayPal into her bank account.
Yeah she definitely will use that or anything as an excuse not to be able to tidy up now, like was going to anyway! The state of her house shows she's never given that place a good clean. I think she very occasionally just moves the big piles of crap she's got everywhere around and calls it cleaning. Never seen her actually clean anything. Dont think she gets that sorting and cleaning aren't the same
And her version of sorting isn't even sorting. As you said it's just moving crap from one place to another. No excuse after all this time


Apr 16, 2023
I think she has addled her brain more than we ever thought.
She’s in the shop and her card wouldn’t work on contactless and she told the woman that it wouldn’t work with the pin as she has no money in the account.😂 how does she think it works on contactless then
How has she got no money already she only got paid today. She did say she brought more weed she must have brought a lot
May 7, 2024
I feel so sorry for those 2 cats. They always sat on the windowsill staring out the window. Poor buggers! Imagine being shut in the dirty bungalou with Lou 24/7! Probably forgets to feed them too.
Well someone just commented she’s over feeding them and that they prob have worms cos she said they have 4 pouches a day!
Aug 29, 2023
Well someone just commented she’s over feeding them and that they prob have worms cos she said they have 4 pouches a day!
Really wow, they don't look overfed but if she's feeding them 4 pouches a day they should be alot bigger than they are so worms would explain it. Doubt she worms them or fleas them properly so it wouldn't surprise me. But we also know Lou tells lies constantly. I can't see her affording to feed them 4 pouches a day. She probably thinks that's the amount they should have so that's what she's said but in reality they probably get alot less.
Haha maybe Lou needs to get worms...for someone who claims to have no food all the time she's getting bigger and bigger 😱🤣
Apr 20, 2024
She's definitely not given or taken those cats to have flea and worm treatment, same has having them spayed/neutered. If she had she'd be live bragging about it, showing proof. Just like that one clean drug test.

The cats were meowing earlier, now I don't know a lot about cats, but she claimed it was because they wanted food. It's possible and she just lied about how much/often she feeds them, but I think they are bored, want attention and most likely desperate to get out of that pit.

Her phone will end up being cut off, back in the day she often said either her phone or WiFi bills (not sure which) were due, but couldn't afford to pay them.

Another thing, she just can't stop talking about the lovelies, anyone else would've just moved on, got on with their lives and shut up. She just can't help herself, I think, secretly, she'd love them back and all would be forgiven. Her lives are so quiet now.

Don't get me started on the insta post, beggy Lou will never change...how many years has it been? Yet the same rinse and repeat cycles continues 🙄