Lou @Lifewithloux

Shitshow Live

Feb 28, 2024
Anyone seen her TikTok impression of Hayley Comet? What happened there, thought they were mates 😂
Lous just getting involved in drama that got do all to do with her again. It's ironic that she's taking the piss out of Hayleys speech and parenting though, at least Hayley can finish a sentence, doesn't choke on her own spit, doesn't slur or mumble and actually has sole custody of her kids.
Basically Hayley outed some woman named Millie. Millie was in Tenerife during the Jay Slater case and put herself right in the middle of it all, acting like a liason for the family as she speaks spanish. Apparently she was contacting journalists so they could stalk the family and sending private info to Hayley that she's had a lot of blame and hate for. Millie also sent Hayley the private access code for Jay's funeral live stream so she could cam2 on TT but Hayley refused.
May 7, 2024
Lous just getting involved in drama that got do all to do with her again. It's ironic that she's taking the piss out of Hayleys speech and parenting though, at least Hayley can finish a sentence, doesn't choke on her own spit, doesn't slur or mumble and actually has sole custody of her kids.
Basically Hayley outed some woman named Millie. Millie was in Tenerife during the Jay Slater case and put herself right in the middle of it all, acting like a liason for the family as she speaks spanish. Apparently she was contacting journalists so they could stalk the family and sending private info to Hayley that she's had a lot of blame and hate for. Millie also sent Hayley the private access code for Jay's funeral live stream so she could cam2 on TT but Hayley refused.
Milly was the last Lou did that live for right after Jay was found just showing her appreciation and asking everyone to gift Milly for her hard work etc. it was really weird. Xx
May 7, 2024
Milly was the last Lou did that live for right after Jay was found just showing her appreciation and asking everyone to gift Milly for her hard work etc. it was really weird. Xx
Lou’s in wit this older lady Whoeveriwannebe on TT and she’s being whinging about HC for talkinh about jays case so Lou being Lou has got herself stuck right in the middle of it. She doesn’t want HC slagging off this granny. She’ll never learn though cos she did the same when Sherlock fell out with her mates then Sherlock made up with them all and not Lou, it’s all gonna end in tears! And Lou will be Billy no mates again
Aug 29, 2023
Lou’s in wit this older lady Whoeveriwannebe on TT and she’s being whinging about HC for talkinh about jays case so Lou being Lou has got herself stuck right in the middle of it. She doesn’t want HC slagging off this granny. She’ll never learn though cos she did the same when Sherlock fell out with her mates then Sherlock made up with them all and not Lou, it’s all gonna end in tears! And Lou will be Billy no mates again
You are right and I also think this will backfire massively for Lou. She needs to remember that Hayley Comet has a massive following and alot of supporters. Far more than Lou. Lou has a very small amount of people she calls friends. None have been around her for very long. So when Hayleys community stick up for her and start coming for Lou in retaliation to her video, Lou hasn't many friends to back her. And will they stick up for her after that video? That video was Lou slagging another womans appearance, her parenting etc...who would want to be seen defending that? Will have to wait and see! One things for sure tho and that is Lou never keeps friends for very long. Her lives are dead boring, she struggles to keep 10-15 viewers so I think this video she made about Hayley Comet was probably her thinking it was going to gain her some popularity and get her noticed. Once again she's gone about it in the wrong way and will have peopletalking about her for all the wrong reasons. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Lou can't say she's the perfect parent and is in no position to be making fun of someone's appearance...people in glass houses!

Shitshow Live

Feb 28, 2024
Lou’s in wit this older lady Whoeveriwannebe on TT and she’s being whinging about HC for talkinh about jays case so Lou being Lou has got herself stuck right in the middle of it. She doesn’t want HC slagging off this granny. She’ll never learn though cos she did the same when Sherlock fell out with her mates then Sherlock made up with them all and not Lou, it’s all gonna end in tears! And Lou will be Billy no mates again
Half of Lous 'friends' have turned on that Sharon. She went in Dignity for alls box and started throwing stupid accusations. She's vicious when shes angry. Wonder who's side Lou will land on? Bet it won't be the 'vulnerable' 70 year old with 5 viewers
Aug 29, 2023
Half of Lous 'friends' have turned on that Sharon. She went in Dignity for alls box and started throwing stupid accusations. She's vicious when shes angry. Wonder who's side Lou will land on? Bet it won't be the 'vulnerable' 70 year old with 5 viewers
Haha Sharon that Lou said she will protect like she's her own nan 🤣 This will be interesting to see who's side Lou lands on...thebbiggest creator would be my guess. Lous got 0 loyalty