Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
Really Sabrina could you be anymore obvious. You have read on here and saw that we mentioned Sharon and now you think you know everything. That is one person out of how many on here that talk about you. You will never find out the rest of us or where we live. So get off your power trip love. We all know your magic number 33 and letters R and P and that’s by your own doing. I live no where near you but before you outed your own address I looked you up on Google maps and got your address no bother.
Love going to the River to play in the park 🤪


May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
do she’s wagging that arm around a lot for having 5 staples in it 😂😂
Yes exactly. If the wound was that bad and deep that staples were needed then she would be sore and not flapping it around the place. She would need to keep it still for the skin to heal properly. Didn’t really think that one through did you Sabrina.
And she will probably say she can’t wash her hand coz of her bandage
May 14, 2024
Wat has tic toc or any social media to do with here?it's all a platform for all the world to see...that's the point I'm trying to make.
I know a couple who posted they were on holidays, they came back,their house,was broken in to,cars stolen, any thing that they could lift,they took,the couple weren't long married either..
Nice home coming for me..I no it wasn't my house..
Because we are here to discuss tiktok not fb,are you simple, you've just outed that woman you stupid b.
May 6, 2024
Well you checked?,does that make u a stalker has well.?
She asked someone to check, no I'm not a stalker unlike you.
Same has love,you looked?? Well hello Cathy
Because we are here to discuss tiktok not fb,are you simple, you've just outed that woman you stupid b.
Excuse me,but I never mentioned any ones name,not ever,please get ur facts right,your the silly Billy,not me.
I never ever give out names...not me,if people would have dropped this a while ago,it would b long for got about...
Don't blame,I'm not the one putting it up on fb,ur private life should stay private.


Jun 1, 2024
No worries I don’t mind who knows now that it’s out I don’t know how people would guess it’s me but no matter it’s fine. She was the one to blame for posting all that for no reason other than I post too much on fb apparently which she isn’t even on mine 😂
Wait, so she knows who you are? Is that what them dumbass pathetic number game videos were about?