Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
I think the twins are away now for the summer I’ve no idea why the mum sends them away so early as for Jodie she hasn’t been about I don’t know if it’s because her mum has seen the comments on here or what, if she saw that video surely it would make her think but then Sabrina did say that Jodie wouldn’t be back again so maybe it was Sabrina who doesn’t want her 😳
I noticed a comment on one of the videos while back from Courtney saying Sabrina’s family I know how to take her. So sounds like the whole prime rant is a regular occurrence but it’s ok coz they know what she’s like. I think they all know she’s mad and a bit slow but they excuse it cos she’s always been like that. I think Courtney couldn’t give a s was was said on her until maybe they mentioned her but she’s past it now. She came into a live the other night and you could see Sabrina itching for her to start ranting and giving off about the bullies but she didn’t say much then left.
I honestly don’t think we have much to fear from Courtney. She’s too busy having a real life and not obsessed with an internet site and TikTok.


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May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
Did anyone see the video from that woman on tops toys to you? Sabrina sent her daughters a package of stuff. (No hate intended to that family at all) just ridiculous how she’s begging for money one minute and then buying crap for other people.
Aye she didn’t do it privately either she did it on the top toys site with the guy mentioning it about 20 times. She will have loved that oh look Sabrina bought you this. Think their dog had died or something. She only did it for the attention boost. Look at me I’m such a saint. She did it with narcissistic intentions like everything else.
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
The one that someone drew a pic of Jamie. And all that dribble about no one can use his picture with out permission even tho it’s on a public platform. Sounds like the friend did but it’s ok coz it was a gift. I have no idea what all that was about. It’s all look at me my son died light a candle blah blah blah.


May 6, 2024
Dedo educationally subnormal even in her speech. People enable her and this gives her more sympathy. And see this balls walk a day in my shoes (or sliders), yeah you know yeah. Well Sabby again I have been there and I can ensure you I'm 💯 normal. Yes I'm traumatised, yes days I feel sad but know what? I can't change what happened and it wasn't my way it was gods way (sounding like a preacher now) but for ffs move forward. Pic me sitting here doing what she does? My family would have me carted off!!
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
The children haven't been seen near her since I know someone contacted Ella's parents and let them know that she had ella up on tiktok.
Is that why she said oh I asked Ella was her mum ok with her having prime. Off course the kid will say yes.
Also think it was Ella’s auntie was on a live and she was over doing it with the oh I asked Ella if it’s ok for prime. I wouldn’t give it with out permission. Now we know she’s been told off. Or the wee girl is not allowed near her. Just right. I wouldn’t want my kid all over a public TikTok. She doesn’t have a clue.
Jun 8, 2023
She’s been very quiet today. Probably writing in her notebook new storylines to come up with. Wonder if we will get a wee trip to the doctors tomorrow for the bandage change. She said she had to go tomorrow.

Are you saying "cat making face" wasnt her peak post? :ROFLMAO:

I must have missed what she said her reason was for not having a party for Jamie
I mean we all know its because its tragic and she has no one in her life left to invite
what did she say the reason was?
Jun 19, 2024
Is that why she said oh I asked Ella was her mum ok with her having prime. Off course the kid will say yes.
Also think it was Ella’s auntie was on a live and she was over doing it with the oh I asked Ella if it’s ok for prime. I wouldn’t give it with out permission. Now we know she’s been told off. Or the wee girl is not allowed near her. Just right. I wouldn’t want my kid all over a public TikTok. She doesn’t have a clue.
It was the Sunday a few weeks ago she made the twins that dinner and ella was there to,they haven't been seen since that so I'm hoping the parents done something.
Jun 7, 2024
My hometown
Dedo educationally subnormal even in her speech. People enable her and this gives her more sympathy. And see this balls walk a day in my shoes (or sliders), yeah you know yeah. Well Sabby again I have been there and I can ensure you I'm 💯 normal. Yes I'm traumatised, yes days I feel sad but know what? I can't change what happened and it wasn't my way it was gods way (sounding like a preacher now) but for ffs move forward. Pic me sitting here doing what she does? My family would have me carted off!!
Same as Ollie, I’m sorry your on the journey of grief, it’s a b, but as you say, we have to get on with life, there’s more than Sabrina has suffered loss but we don’t use our losses for sympathy & gifts.