Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
So who have I supposed to have shared personal information about. Don't deny who you are I couldn't care less
You posted a house number of someone who isn’t even on this page but I have informed them as I’m friends with this person Sabrina did the same and yous both have the wrong person. Sabrina was reported to the police for giving out addresses and I’m sure tou
Don’t want them turning up at your door. I think if you look for them on fb now you’ll find you are no longer there they are actually shocked as they thought you were a decent person but there you go, keep stalking you might work it out yet
Mar 25, 2024
that Tanya doll is hilarious so apparently someone went to the grave because Sabrina is famous and they wanted to be where she goes and see her sons grave 😂😂
If only Tanya knew it’s Sabrina who posts anonymous posts about her on TikTok tea, slagging her, her house, her clarty habits etc … now they are up each others holes . Making a resin cat for her. 🙄
May 14, 2024
Oh and BTW she didn't say anything bad about that wee baby,she just said about the state of the grave. You are all twisting things to how you want it to sound. Sick the lot of you.
I take it your one of Sabbys wee minions 🙄 no room for you here . Your just as bad as her ffs . Is she giving you a bag of wee resin teddies to stick up for her 😂😂😂 you'll learn my dear !! We here are totally disgusted with what she does especially wasting time of emergency services , money , need I go on ?? . I could go on but I'm away to work so I can pay my taxes for her to buy more se 🙄 don't be fooled by her or maybe your her type also with your wee dollies club 😂😂😂
May 6, 2024
Northern Ireland
I woke up this morning to 10 pages to read on here 😂😂

The Quiet One, ignore that absolute gimp that’s writing crap. Just sounds like Rita sue all over again 🤦🏻‍♀️ char is nothing but a Sabrina sympathiser. But if you can stick up for someone that talks about dead babies and their families…verbally abuses your niece over a bottle of prime, kicks your wane (doll) across a livingroom in a temper , telling someone you hope they choke dead on their McD’s, has a dirty smelly house and a dirty smelly body etc then our char is probably the exact same mind set as Sabby. Maybe she doesn’t wash/clean/ abuses people/ slags of deseased babies and their familes etc. char your a dirty smelly rat - do one.

Fie fie, please don’t be worrying about all this se Sabrina is saying. If Sabrina can remember rightly it was ME that originally said I was visiting Omagh and taking pics to ttp. And believe me I would have , not stalking, I’m a fan girlie. But I was sick the night of the parade. But there was a video of my partners wee band walking past primark and it made me laugh coz that’s another haunt of Sabbys. I was gonna screen shot at the time but didn’t want to offend anyone..but it did give me a giggle that they were recorded walking past primark.

Sabrina you are a disgrace to the human race. Scratching yourself and ringing yourself an ambulance. Having them men drive you back home, such a waste, and what if someone was really ill and needed that ambulance, they’re too busy scooting you about Omagh. Then creaming yourself over the ambulance men, I wonder do they realise how much of a creep you are 🤢 creeping on wanes by day, creeping on paramedics by night.

Instead of sitting on live when you got home you should have run yourself a bath.

See you in the port coz il be there watching 😂😂
May 6, 2024
Just thinking back to her on her live last night saying “one of the ambulance men were fit,and he didn’t have a wedding ring on I made sure I looked “
So Sabrina, you t, you were so distressed but yet you calmed down enough to check out the ambulance man’s hand to see if he had a wedding ring on! You’re just making a massive dickhead out of yourself at this point. It’s not even funny now, you are a lazy scrounging bastard with no care for anyone but yourself.
No man with even half a brain would go near you. You vile bitter woman. I’m sure the sight of you with your scraggy hair stepping into that ambulance carrying your doll was priceless. You may have a few people left who stick up for you, but we all know those people aren’t the full deck.
Clearly you haven’t been getting much attention these past few weeks, so another wee ride to the hospital was in order. Imagine taking precious ambulance services away from those who genuinely need it. It’s funny how every time you self harm you need to go to the hospital.
May 6, 2024
She made sure she looked?:sick:

I hope the police see and hear these things, she constantly says she tells them about her posts. Hopefully they will start charging her with wasting time.
Yeah she was sitting on her sofa shovelling chocolate into her on live retelling the story, not a care in the world. She actually went live with her camera facing her which I found odd as she never does that.
I wonder if the police read on here out of curiosity because I’m sure she’s mentioned this site by name to them.
May 6, 2024
All those comments are still on her videos so she clearly isnt up yet. Most of us have been up and working for hours yet this lazy mare stuffs her face with junk into the night and then sleeps in at least half the morning, and she thinks a man would be attracted to that?
Shes probably lying there snoring away like a walrus 😴