Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 6, 2024
Imagine actually wanting to stalk and bully someone so much that they sh,then you all sit and s her off when she needs medical attention. Can you not just leave her alone, what has she actually done on any of you. Pack of bullies the lot of you.
Ack come one now surely you’ve seen she uses sh for attention! She was in and out of the hospital in an hr the other night, back sitting in her arse groove on the sofa shovelling chocolate and hula hoops down her gob talking about how fit the ambulance man was! She’s a fing disgrace and a drain on society!


May 6, 2024
That latest video was one of the most contrived and manipulative videos that she’s done of late. The whole poor me act “oh Jamie I couldn’t protect your grave, I’ve continually let you down”. What Actually happened to the grave Sabrina? Absolutely nothing (neither it should) someone took a picture of it. The same grave that you’ve plastered all over TikTok, gossip magazines and Facebook for the past decade.

Side note, why is it now ok to describe it as a grave?
Jun 8, 2023
How many weeks ago was it she paced outside the hospital (hard to keep track of her attention seeking visits) and promised Jamie she wouldnt attention seek, sorry self harm any more??. Pretty much the same time she swore on his picture that she wouldnt read on here any more yet its crystal clear she does. She may have let him down over and over, but it isnt down to anything we have done, She is projecting
May 6, 2024
A prescription for hay-fever tablets,is it any wonder the NHS is on its knees, they are a couple of pounds to buy,sabrina use your benefits for your own tablets, stop taking everything for free.
Exactly the scrounging f is never out of home bargains where they’re cheap as anything!
She’d rather buy out of date bird food and toys for those invisible kids of hers 🙄

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
Give it a while she’ll have the ambulance out tonight again 😳and for those who say we drove her to sh, that’s not true people who sh do so of their own choice that’s their decision and usually people who sh do it for relief not attention it’s a private thing to help some people cope with feeling overwhelmed but that thing uses it for attention and to play the victim 😳

pink lass

Jul 30, 2024
Lasted video is pure attention seeking playing a song that's kills her to listen to just to add to the dramatic. Her first few words of the video her voice is fine then bang out comes the shocking acting manic crying. No one has done anything on Jamie she needs to get that into her head it's her actions. She has one of these out bursts every month when she seeks attention. And yes she did make a promise to her boys she wouldn't sh again. Waiting in a hospital trip followed by a video "I just want to go go" but have no money🤣 that women gets hundreds a month plus housing paid and wastes it all on toys that are sold on within a mater of months. She has some sort of child like behaviour the way she gets on even with the resisn I mean who has a kitchen cupboard full off resin crap multiple may I add the same🤦‍♀️ next few days is gonna be full manic rants. Welfare check is needed for sure. Notice also the twins ain't been around from her last sh hopefully the mother seen sense.

pink lass

Jul 30, 2024
Give it a while she’ll have the ambulance out tonight again 😳and for those who say we drove her to sh, that’s not true people who sh do so of their own choice that’s their decision and usually people who sh do it for relief not attention it’s a private thing to help some people cope with feeling overwhelmed but that thing uses it for attention and to play the victim 😳
Agree I sh in my teens for release and was embarrassed to the point I hid my arm with long tops even in summer I certainly didn't flaunt it on a camera for sympathy.