Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

May 28, 2024
Just catching up on some of videos the one where she saying can’t get reborns in smyths they range from 400+ so she sitting with 1600 in a cot and cry’s she skint then is she not paying up for other doll so they be over 2000 in reborns she could get herself a new sofa carpet on the stairs and take herself for make over and good hair dye 🤣🤣 but still won’t change her attitude she always right everybody wrong now she on fb looking a attention 🤦‍♀️cause she not getting enough from TikTok aw poor Sabrina how does she thinks everybody else feels when she bring there looks and children into things
May 6, 2024
North of ireland
I had to laugh at the doll thing 😀
But I Def don't agree with them putting up then pics I'm sure she will be on roaring abuse at us soon even tho it has nothing to do with us
That page is disgusting everytime we build on what we r about there's always someone coming in saying disgusting things then we get the blame an Sabrina looks like a victim