Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
Probably is and she can’t do without the attention as she has no tik tok so has to feed her ego somehow
She thrives on it! It’s the only interaction she has cos not one person can be bothered associating with her in real life! She rattles about that house all by herself not a friend or enemy near her

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
She’d do herself a lot of good if she stopped reading here. Away and deal with the tik tok trolls sabby and leave us be. We talk on here and that’s all. You’ve got bigger problems than us.
She has way bigger problems than us she totally embarrassed herself so many times this last few days screaming at a phone and wasting the ambiance services time


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
I don't understand why she has not been detained under the mental health act. The police, a doctor and duty social worker is all it takes. She needs help and treatment. I am honestly gob smacked that she hadn't been sectioned for her own safety. Lost for words....
Because there’s do all wrong with her it’s all for attention I hope after tonight her name and address is flagged as attention seeking and the emergency services will refuse to attend in the future

The quiet one

May 7, 2024
northern ireland
I don't understand why she has not been detained under the mental health act. The police, a doctor and duty social worker is all it takes. She needs help and treatment. I am honestly gob smacked that she hadn't been sectioned for her own safety. Lost for words....
Because it’s all fake it’s all for attention and they can see that, if her sh was as bad as she claims they would have forced her to go last night but it clearly wasn’t it’s all an act


May 6, 2024
northern ireland
No but you were sa’d by your own father Wasn’t you and mummy didn’t care and let it happen whomp whomp
Oh do of Sabrina get a new script

Your father never wanted any of you freaks he was ashamed of you all!!! Sure he was dying and you never went near him or the wake but you were at the funeral weren’t you? Playing the grieving daughter!! You even tried to talk to Gareth and he wanted nothing to do with you!! What was it he says I don’t wanna speak to you or fight with you bina???


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New member
Sep 3, 2024
Y don’t you tell her to give Shauna back her reborns what she done on that women is low wile she sits all happy making TikToks it was mines originally is she forgetting she didn’t pay for the reborn so was took back off her and Shauna most of bought it so it is Shauna bullying a women who has cancer and slagging her off then deletes the video but she forget people have seen and watch them and she will soon turn on you like she has done everybody else that been nice to her
She doesn’t know me personally to turn on me, I’ve just been a follower of hers for a couple of years and feel heartily sorry for the woman.

pink lass

Jul 30, 2024
Let me put this out here the police won't look into ip addresses as that would mean having to serve a warrant onto the network providers and tiktok do you know how much that would cost. Also many well know big tiktokers have been trolled big time and even they can't get police to look into it so sabrina catch ur self on but I will tell u what I can do I can reach out to a tiktok manger and ask them to search the ip address of that Damien account🤣 because they have the software in the managers background setup. Sabrina is telling porkies thinking it will put ppl off commenting🥴

pink lass

Jul 30, 2024
She doesn’t know me personally to turn on me, I’ve just been a follower of hers for a couple of years and feel heartily sorry for the woman.
I'm not here to go at you but I'm pretty sure you have seen over the years how she speaks to her followers and even friends and people that have helped her. She turns on them then post a video after she blocks them running her mouth being nasty if that what you feel sorry for then by all means you do you.