Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
The captions are killing me #reality

You didn’t pay “so much money” though, did you Sev? £99 pp per night for half board (!!!) and you got a £99 pp per night experience! No more, no less.

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£99 per person, per night for half board will NOT be anywhere near 5 star quality!! 😂🤣 What I find hilarious is her buying supermarket sandwich ingredients to have lunch each day in her bedroom and made her own vodka & cokes to have IN THE BEDROOM….all because she is one of the most incredibly tight fisted people I have ever come across, all because she didn’t get an upgrade to all inclusive! …which she obviously thought she would be entitled to as a (declining fast on engagement) TikToker! 😂🤣

Let’s hope Sevda, this is the beginning of an awakening for you to the world of reality!

You’ve spoilt your Dad’s 60th birthday holiday. You’ve put a dampner on the whole holiday with your spoilt entitlement attitude and instead of buying lunch at the poolside or beach cafe (which you can afford), you have taken your bitter attitude and refused to buy it out of your annoyance you didn’t get the upgrade! You did buy the poolside lunches at first …then…after waiting 3 or 4 days and singing praises how nice and affordable the beach side lunches and cocktails are….changed your tune (probably after going to reception and trying to convince them you were some kind of star to get an upgrade!!) …and now you are moaning & complaining that you had to wait ages for the meals, etc. You know that wouldn’t bother you, even IF it was true, as long as you had a cocktail
like you did..and were sitting near/on the beach and eventually tucking into that fried chicken & chips you loved! It’s all a bitter game you play Sevda to try and grab, grab grab because you think you are a superstar and therefore ‘entitled’.

You ARE getting known out there Sevda! You certainly are! But for reasons that do you NO favours! 😂🤣 Mainly, that you act like an entitled b and you beg & grab.

Grow up.
Stop being rude to staff.
Be kind.
Do better.
Enjoy your burnt orange hair.
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May 6, 2024
lol 😂 she won’t know what has got her there, ohhhh not taking Ella and Sedat I do mean she misses him so much lol 😂

I have come to the conclusion every holiday they have been on as a family sedat has been present, so this one he isn’t and things are strained and not right it proves Sedat bares the backlash of her and this time it’s been them
Her parents will be glad to go on their own or with Mine on their next holiday. Sevda is just too much hard work to be around.


May 6, 2024
Mean while in Turkey, sedat is having the time of his life with his family and friends.

Is that why you miss him so much all of a sudden 🤣🤣🤣
So happy for Sedat! He’ll be having the best time! Of course, Sevda will make up a ton of lies about how much Sedat missed her so much and her cooking…and we all know she will make him say that! But WE ALL KNOW the real truth! He’s enjoyed being with his family & friends in Turkey and maybe his loins are well gratified after meeting some fun lady friends! 🤣😂


Mar 2, 2024
When are they going home? Should be pretty soon, right? Anyone else super excited for the tone deaf, complaining not complaining video she’s going to put out? 🤣
What I want to know is ... the helim halloumi helim halloumi helim ffs , that she bought several days ago to store in the hotel fridge ( surely must have a shelf life of a week max) is it going to be smuggled through customs in the Greek bit of Cyprus and make it all the way back to Heathrow without getting caught at customs? If I were to be bought a bit of that from someone on holiday , and found out it had been stored in a hotel fridge for a week, and then travelled an hour and half from the " Turkish" part of Cyprus through to Larnaca airport, and endured a 4 and half hour flight to the UK .. and then a drive from Heathrow to Stevenage before it was presented to me .. no fing thanks! Straight in the bin !!


Mar 1, 2024
Feeding time at the zoo?? Rich coming from this family of gluttons.

She is too stupid to even apply any analytical thinking to figure out what exactly is s about this holiday and to what extent it is the hotel’s fault. Someone (allegedly) grabbing the brat isn’t the hotel’s fault.

The hotel is probably crap. She booked a cheap place and got what she paid for really. But there is a good deal of entitlement in her attitude and expectations as well. s happens when you travel - but if you’re really so gwateful to be on holiday, you make the most of it. Hotel isn’t good? Then GET THE do OUT AND EXPLORE and reduce how much time you spend there. It’s not actually the end of the world unless you’re an entitled, whiny b.
Exactly! The rest of us just get on with the rest of the holiday and spend more time outside the hotel 👏


Mar 1, 2024
What do they mean "do you feel comfortable going into more depth" ?! It's a complaint and a whinge, it's not like she's speaking out against a dictatorship lol

How much more depth does anyone need, it's clearly trivial stuff, with a heavy helping of just not liking that she has to share the space with other people. That was also obvious from that day she complained about other children being there when she didn't expect it.
She’s furious she has to share with other people in a massive resort 🤣 And that people brought their children with them even though the hypocrite did it too… She’s mad she wasn’t treated like a VIP, that’s what’s really bothering her


Mar 1, 2024
What I want to know is ... the helim halloumi helim halloumi helim ffs , that she bought several days ago to store in the hotel fridge ( surely must have a shelf life of a week max) is it going to be smuggled through customs in the Greek bit of Cyprus and make it all the way back to Heathrow without getting caught at customs? If I were to be bought a bit of that from someone on holiday , and found out it had been stored in a hotel fridge for a week, and then travelled an hour and half from the " Turkish" part of Cyprus through to Larnaca airport, and endured a 4 and half hour flight to the UK .. and then a drive from Heathrow to Stevenage before it was presented to me .. no fing thanks! Straight in the bin !!

The worst part is apparently that halloumi brand gets imported here anyway so she’s transporting it only because she’s a cheapskate

My name is

Mar 8, 2024
They do say you don’t know someone fully until you live with them and in this case it’s being on a 2 week long holiday with your family and realising that, in fact your sister/daughter is very difficult to live with and be around. I bet they’ve found out things about her personality they didn’t even know about I.e what the rest of us see
Absolutely this, me and hub shared a villa in Spain with a girl and her b/f who I’d been friends with for quite awhile
Omg They were a nightmare ! I won’t go into detail be I ditched her as soon as we got home!