Out of all the other influencers like Falacious, Beckie, or Aimee I have to say (I’ve said it before on here) she is the worst. Fair enough the others are annoying etc but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them belittling their family, compromising their family for TikTok, bullying their loved ones. The 2 main videos that showed seagulls nasty side was the mum and suitcase and the sedat washing up. There have been others but these 2 really pissed me off. I can’t decide which one was worst and I have to say the sedat one cos he couldn’t articulate himself properly to defend himself, at least with the mum she tried to shut seagull up. As someone said on here, it’s no fun watching her anymore cos she’s so f ing abusive. It’s not funny at all!