This family is just so fing weird.
Sevda did a video on biscoff chocolate bars and said they taste like biscoff and biscuit, well I would fing hope so! That’s like eating and banana and and saying it tastes like a banana.
She then forces her dad to make a video, he said Sevda told me to try it, basically saying do a video because it will get more views because she thinks it’s the cool thing at the moment.
They then have a pizza night, and all do a separate video making a pizza, what the actual do for? The amount of toppings and cheese on those pizzas, I think they’ll take at least a week to digest that dough and cheese.
And then Sevda is videoing her dad from what looks like an angle where she is stood ontop of him while he creams his pants over a dessert.
Sevdas dad also calls her bubba a few times, I’m sure he’s a fiddler!