Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
Youā€™d think with all the time she has on her hands sheā€™d sort the pantry.
I thought the same, but realised thatā€™s the sort of thing she gets Doormat Mummy to do.

She had her Mum over months ago, I remember, to clean her oven!

I wouldnā€™t mind if Doormat helped out because Sevdaā€™s life was so busy & fullā€¦ if she had a proper job, looked after Ela well, took Ela to places for fun, interest and exercise. Helped Ela to catch up a bit with her education, took Ela and a friend or two (besides Bobby and the 5 year old girl) out to something fun now & again. I wouldnā€™t even mind If she also even had her own interests in life that took her out the house like a sport, running, big LONG walks with Wocco, involved helping at the school, her & Sedat going places together, going to see friends together, having friends over for dinner (besides the elderly couple, Steve & Pat, just once a year!)

For a person (Sevda) who likes to cook (although she actually barely ā€˜cooksā€™), itā€™s interesting to say the least, that besides her feral Mum, Dad & sister coming round for TAKEAWAYS, and the very odd meal for her Dad or sister, she NEVER HAS FRIENDS/COUPLES over for dinner!! Oh, just her SIL now & again, but thatā€™s it! She has even stopped the feral eating of roast dinners on a Sunday when she used to have her parents & sister over. Theyā€™d all look and sound like rabied animals eating the roast dinner. It was outrageously disgusting!! šŸ¤¢

Saying that about her and Sedat having friends over for dinner (non-feral-like friends)ā€¦.I guess it would help if her & Sedat actually HAD friends to invite over for dinner! Poor Sedat, he seems to not even have 1 friend in England. He never goes out. Sevda controls him to the point, she never lets him outā€¦.sheā€™s nervous heā€™d get up to funny business at a club I reckon. Heā€™s starved of any affection, so if he was let out, heā€™d find it difficult to resist a proper woman.

Anyway, my point overall beingā€¦ Sevdaā€™s life is NOT AT ALL BUSY!! šŸ¤£ Her idea of ā€˜busyā€™ is putting a few wash loads on, walking her dog (if sheā€™s not using her dog walker!), reading a few emails and once in a rare blue moon, recording a 2-3 min Ad! Everything many other creators on TikTok do BESIDES having a VERY, VERY FULL LIFE, more children and a JOB!!
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Mar 2, 2024
She has to put washing on so everyone has to endure the noise and knows how busy she is šŸ™„ probably fing running empty, she is so desperate to prove she never sits down..

When she says she has something to stay itā€™s usually one of those occasions ā€œI helped mum wif buying a carā€ or ā€œhelped my sister wif her depositā€ā€¦ itā€™s probably some bullshit made up that every one thank Saint sev and try and do some damage control after kicking Sedat.. she is like those dickheads on Facebook you will write ā€œwill inbox you hunā€ after putting a status thatā€™s vague and unclear.. she is an attention w and she isnā€™t St Sev like she wants everyone to believe.. she is the wicked witch of Stevenage

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Here we go again, sheā€™s got something to tell us but canā€™t tell us. Of course sheā€™s made the Dubai chocolate, so predictable
Only a few months to late, thatā€™s been and gone lol šŸ˜‚ the viral Dubai chocolate has done one lol šŸ˜‚ itā€™s something new now lol and the bratz make over lol šŸ˜‚
Jezz the ABUSER is so behind and backward lol šŸ˜‚

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I donā€™t know if it has been wrote but I spat my drink out yet again lol šŸ˜‚ when the ABUSER said the dress was a bit tight, NO s SHERLOCK you packed the LARD on so the filters will not help you getting into clothes, thatā€™s why your wearing the oversized tents lol šŸ˜‚
Spit Take Lol GIF by Justin

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
You dare moan about waiting for an Appt you have got in December on the NHS, my husband had a stroke and waited over 9mths for an appt, the NHS is stretched to its limits so BACK OF BARBIE and wait like what everyone has to, your not fing special well yeah you are special needs you stupid b


Mar 3, 2024
Another day, another video featuring Ela and her massive tooth. Desperate for views and engagement. Reported.

Itā€™s alarming watching how behind Ela is in her development. All cack handed holding the wooden spoon. Asking whether the taco shell can be eaten. And asking Sevda if she can lick the spoon before sticking it back in the yogurt. Sevda says ok. She then goes on to say itā€™s just them eating it so they donā€™t mind the double dipping. Really? So if someone came to their home in the next couple of days, she wonā€™t be using that tub of yogurt to serve anything? So much for being ā€œfunny like thatā€. Dirty cow.
Just the other day she was barking at a 5 year old Ela had over ā€œDONT TOUCH THE VEGETABLESā€ and now ela is licking the spoon with her giant tooth and putting it back in the tub of soured cream šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Just the other day she was barking at a 5 year old Ela had over ā€œDONT TOUCH THE VEGETABLESā€ and now ela is licking the spoon with her giant tooth and putting it back in the tub of soured cream šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®
Forgot about that yeah the way she went on at that little girl was awful and then I pad kid to make out she was telling them both šŸ˜”


Mar 19, 2024
The more I see of Sevda's desperate videos, the more convinced I am that she's not quite the ticket, not the full shilling.
Her vocabulary is extremely limited and she struggles to create even the simplest comprehensible sentence. How the hell she ever learnt to speak Turkish is a mystery to me as she can't pronounce the simplest of words in her mother tongue which is English. a simple egg yolk for example and her cooking skills are minimal.
She knows that Ela loved the Wednesday roast dinners at school but has she ever cook her a traditional roast with an oven roasted joint with three or more veg and proper gravy? No, she hasn't and probably because it's beyond her capabilities If it isn't the ever present chicken wings, Costco or Iceland's frozen crap offerings and much anything else that can be thrown in the air fryer she's lost. Everything she dishes up has to be adorned with yoghurt, chillies. chilli flakes and everything that her poor child dislikes. Why? Why would any parent do this?
Every meal prepared and cooked by Sevda is what she likes. No regard for Sedat who doesn't much like potatoes and other things, tuff tit, it gets plonked on his plate like it or not. No regard for Ela who isn't into chillies and hot stuff, tuff tit. Sevda only cooks what she likes and sod everyone else, I'm Alright Jack. Horrid vile controlling woman.
Mar 2, 2024
Absolute moron mooing like a cow over pickled cucumberā€¦ Stupid šŸ®

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This cucumber salad has been out for years! I always make it. Whoever Logan is didnā€™t come up with this recipe! Is she really that dense to credit him when itā€™s someone elseā€™s recipe. Itā€™s cucumber ffs chill out flapper