Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 8, 2024
She's said in the past that she was bullied which is why she didn't finish school and Doormat got her a job at the farmacy. When I looked at old photos of her on IG - even when she was bigger- you can tell she loved herself even then ... so much for " I have no self confidence " - she loves herself! I think she was a bully
I thought that! You would think she would want the opposite for ela, so would stop babying her! Surly she must see the difference with her pals kids and ela


Jun 26, 2024
Surprise surprise - this will come as no shock to anyone but she burned the kadayfi.


It looks sooooo dry. And how she kept saying she's so proud of it? My kids could make a neater chocolate bar that wasn't as thick as that when they were 5 ffs.
She for sure has something wrong with her. Hope she hurt her teeth and hands on the rock too. Serves her right for being so greedy


May 8, 2024
Do you think they all sit there and brainstorm “right what TikTok trend can I do that had millions and millions of people all around the world crazy over but let’s make sure it’s a good few months out of date”
“And let’s make sure it’s something I told people I had already tried and made out like in better than them”.

What do you want to bed that she goes to spudbros one day. Because she already went to her local spud person and then in comments told everyone she’s already been to a spud place when they recommended she goes to spud bros.

She’s biting the hand that feeds her - she’s such a nasty person.
Mar 2, 2024
Very dry and the chocolate shell was way too thick for the amount of filling. I just love the desperation though. People have been asking her about this chocolate for “agers” and she never wanted to do it because it’s obviously too much work for her. She’s just so desperate for content right now. I bet that’s why Mine was over there a couple of times recently. To help and hold her hand while she makes this.
Mar 2, 2024
God she annoys me sometimes

"It's too thick, I can't break it, I'll have to bite it" - wtf, or use a knife you feral animal.

I keep telling myself to be nicer but come on, insisting on biting into it and then letting it fall out of your mouth and EVEN THEN proceeding to post it, unedited, for all the world to see. WHY.

also the editing with the music was terrible, I thought this was her job??

and it's 10/10 is it.. funny how everything she does is JUST SO BRILLIANT even though every other effort by literally anyone else looks much more appetitising..
Mar 2, 2024
God she annoys me sometimes

"It's too thick, I can't break it, I'll have to bite it" - wtf, or use a knife you feral animal.

I keep telling myself to be nicer but come on, insisting on biting into it and then letting it fall out of your mouth and EVEN THEN proceeding to post it, unedited, for all the world to see. WHY.

also the editing with the music was terrible, I thought this was her job??

and it's 10/10 is it.. funny how everything she does is JUST SO BRILLIANT even though every other effort by literally anyone else looks much more appetitising..
There isn’t a thing she does that doesn’t annoy the crap out of me. Even her breathing annoys me. But the one thing that really makes me want to b slap her is the way she eats and her manners at the Table! It’s like the whole family have never been fed before!
Mar 2, 2024
There isn’t a thing she does that doesn’t annoy the crap out of me. Even her breathing annoys me. But the one thing that really makes me want to b slap her is the way she eats and her manners at the Table! It’s like the whole family have never been fed before!
I hate that everyone ass licks her it really fs me off because she’s a nasty b
Mar 2, 2024
The only reason that flapper connects with anyone is if they’re easily manipulated.
If she can manipulate them like she does Kuki,then flapper will think the sun shines out of her arse! She is a master manipulator and when her so called mates call her bluff and stop allowing her to manipulate them,then it’s game over for flapper and she will not want them has friends anymore and that’s when they dump her! I can see this so clearly but she cannot see why people do her off! While ever Kuki the crazy b is licking her arse, flapper will adore her.


Apr 17, 2024
Who in their right mind would bite that giant hunk of chocolate. Any sane person would’ve used a knife to cut that in to pieces in case they wanted to share it with their family, although she cuts things with scissors so maybe she couldn’t get her scissors around it. This nasty lot probably baby bird feed each other on a regular so guess she didn’t care about cutting it


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May 8, 2024
Who in their right mind would bite that giant hunk of chocolate. Any sane person would’ve used a knife to cut that in to pieces in case they wanted to share it with their family, although she cuts things with scissors so maybe she couldn’t get her scissors around it. This nasty lot probably baby bird feed each other on a regular so guess she didn’t care about cutting it

I would have waited for it to be at room temp tbh!
She’s so thick!
Mar 8, 2024
There’s no need for her to act the way she does. How high pitched her voice goes. The way she says the most stressful part is taking it out. She really needs to get a job. No need for her to take a massive bite out the bar either. She just fing pisses me off no end. The whole family does. For individual reasons but the way they all eat is fing disgusting. Like they’ve never been fed. Pack of wild animals the lot of them
Mar 2, 2024
Who in their right mind would bite that giant hunk of chocolate. Any sane person would’ve used a knife to cut that in to pieces in case they wanted to share it with their family, although she cuts things with scissors so maybe she couldn’t get her scissors around it. This nasty lot probably baby bird feed each other on a regular so guess she didn’t care about cutting it
Haha regurgitating that’s why her food is always stuck in her throat 😂