Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Twoll 😝

Mar 9, 2024
I’m 100% sure that her minions saw the mask slip yesterday. She’s unhinged. So angry. She’s probably muttering to herself that all she does is feed this lot and they don’t appreciate her. No one appreciates her! What she can’t comprehend is that her over feeding is a sign of abuse and controlling behaviour. Her husband is not allowed to touch the kitchen. I would go bonkers. Like do off you controlling wench. She is a control freak, she binges on foods she wants to binge on and she has such a nasty streak. I think her followers are seeing it now. Also on Instagram people are making comments - GOOD!

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Ohhhh for the love off god ABUSER we know you read here and other sites so you decide to do a pack with me to show doormat b doesn’t do it, like do she will be packing it later for you lol stupid b
And thanks for telling the whole WWW that you packed your fanny pads for your sweaty fanny dirty b and flashing your bras off
do OFF TO ONLY FANS you w and take your pedo father and fatty hippo drone sister and doormat
Anyway abuser your still in a fool mood lol 😂


May 8, 2024
So she’s going to Istanbul for a full body health check 😂😂😂

The cholesterol levels that will come back will be waaaaaaay off the chart!

No wonder mine is going. Could have taken sedat, his mum is close by there all the time, maybe he could have gone to see her, but no, the selfish b is taking her hippo sister.
Mar 2, 2024
Why exactly does Mine need to go on this Istanbul trip to “help”, if all Sevda’s getting is a health check? Sounds fishy to me. Surely Sevda can record this health check on her own. Set up 1 camera to record wide and use a 2nd camera to film close ups herself. Even have the doctor redo a couple of tests if she wants better angles. It’s a branded PR trip to advertise the hospital and service after all. They want filming to be good.

Nooo…I don’t buy Mine coming along just to help film Sevda’s health check. I think Mine is also getting a health check because she’s severely obese. And now that Becki Jones turned down her gifted weight loss surgery offer, Sevda is trying to secure a similar offer for Mine bc she is about the size of Becki and Sevda “can promote the surgery results better since she has a bigger following”. And just like Becki, Mine’s before/after pics will show dramatic results. This is why Sevda is bringing Mine on this trip. They’re pursuing a gifted weight loss surgery for Mine.
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Mar 2, 2024
These ! What the do ?!
Those shein dresses and flip flops are going to look dreadful in Istanbul. It’s an amazing cultural city and really cosmopolitan. I bet they don’t take advantage of any of the incredible culture and history.

I’m also convinced this is her in route for plastics and also Mine’s for bariatric surgery. Watch this space!
Me too ! She's full of s .... full body health check my arse !


Mar 2, 2024
These ! What the do ?!
Those shein dresses and flip flops are going to look dreadful in Istanbul. It’s an amazing cultural city and really cosmopolitan. I bet they don’t take advantage of any of the incredible culture and history.

I’m also convinced this is her in route for plastics and also Mine’s for bariatric surgery. Watch this space!
Me too ! She's full of s .... full body health check my arse !


Mar 2, 2024
Yeah as if she's going to share her sugar levels and if they recommend that she needs to stop eating fing crap all the time. Can't help herself the greedy fat t. Watch evryfink be perfectly normal when she gets back.

Addressed the gastric sleeve comments 😂
What was the point of talking about having her loose skin removed
And moreso what's that got to do with having any more kids?


Mar 2, 2024
Those shein dresses and flip flops are going to look dreadful in Istanbul. It’s an amazing cultural city and really cosmopolitan. I bet they don’t take advantage of any of the incredible culture and history.

I’m also convinced this is her in route for plastics and also Mine’s for bariatric surgery. Watch this space!
She's already taking plastic cutlery in case they bring anything back to the hotel to eat. Supermarkets here they come!!


Mar 3, 2024
imo this is dangerous and irresponsible. she's going to lie about her results, we all know she lies. she'll come back and say she's in perfect health, her "walking" and "gweeens" are helping, blah blah, and her followers are NOT smart so they'll think they can eat like total crap like she does and be healthy!! she'll be promoting a crap diet full of sugar, fat, carbs and gluttony to everyone. shame on sevda and shame on whoever offered her this