Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 8, 2024
I’m sure someone mentioned on here how it’s always what her and ela wants to eat! Now all of sudden she made lentil soup because sedation wanted it! Tell us you read here without telling us you read here!!

And ela wasn’t feeling too good at bowling, so beg didn’t play…

1. Why take her?
2. There was 3 other adults there that could look after her while sev took her turn to bowl!
3. She looked absolutely fine.

No, you had to man your comment section! She must be on her phone 24/7🙄


May 8, 2024
Notice in kukis ewm last night Sevda kept butting in saying how she made the soup, kuki seemed annoyed but Sevda just wouldn’t stop.

She comes across as that busy body annoying family member.

And the fact that she’s gone to all this effort for the dinners and breakfasts.
She will come on soon and say she’s not stopped and she’s been so busy.

This whole weekend was just pure content for the both of them. Using Sasha’s birthday as an excuse

She looks awful this morning, someone didn’t sleep last night! Too busy patrolling.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024

Spit Take Lol GIF by Justin

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Notice in kukis ewm last night Sevda kept butting in saying how she made the soup, kuki seemed annoyed but Sevda just wouldn’t stop.

She comes across as that busy body annoying family member.

And the fact that she’s gone to all this effort for the dinners and breakfasts.
She will come on soon and say she’s not stopped and she’s been so busy.

This whole weekend was just pure content for the both of them. Using Sasha’s birthday as an excuse

She looks awful this morning, someone didn’t sleep last night! Too busy patrolling.
Season 1 Hall Monitor GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
The amount of sugar that princess I pad who is not a fussy eater is consuming in that pancake 😲, we all no she is filtered like her mother that child is going to be a big kid like her mother and auntie mine (extra large) in my eyes that is abuse of feeding


Aug 22, 2024
The amount of sugar that princess I pad who is not a fussy eater is consuming in that pancake 😲, we all no she is filtered like her mother that child is going to be a big kid like her mother and auntie mine (extra large) in my eyes that is abuse of feeding
Exactly and did you see it in her video last week when she spreaded on s load of biscoff on her (Ella’s) crumpet 😳🤦‍♀️

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
This is for you Bat s bonkers Kuki
As we know you read here as well

I did use to like you but you have shown what a horrid b you are as well, you don’t stand up for your children when the abusing w Sevda has digs at them all the time, I know SIL or not if anyone I mean anyone belittled my kids or grandkids they wouldn’t be saying it again, I took my GS to where his dad and grandad work last week and the apprentice thought it was highly amusing to swear and be awful to him I asked him to stop but that lead to him doing it more all I will say he didn’t like been put up against the wall, I know I swear but not infront of kids.
You change when around her you become a nasty b
This weekend was all about content and building your profile etc ££££££
The amount of fairy dust you blew up her arse someone who abuses your brother etc, allows the most pedo comments to stay on her posts about your niece but deletes anything of advice etc and then screams trolls and does the crying act, a person who takes the piss out of thousands of ladies who have endo and lies after.
You in my eyes are as bad as her and both need a reality check
Waiting for your belly hurts posts etc don’t even bother your just as fake as her and a liar as you said you was going back to the hospital before you left Turkey but you didn’t.
If I was you take a long hard look at yourself and your posts of when your not in her company you are 2 different people


Mar 19, 2024
Ela feeling poorly yesterday so let fill her with sugar today… the lies comes naturally to her!!
i can’t be certain whether or not it was Ela who wasn’t feeling great as the undereducated Sevda doesn’t use punctuation so her reply was very ambiguous. “I was helping Ela not feeling great.” Put a comma in and it changes the meaning as in “I was helping Ela, not feeling great.” or “I was helping, Ela not feeling great.” Let’s eat grandma …. punctuation matters. 🥰
Mar 2, 2024
My son is the same age as Ela and it was Father’s Day here in Australia in Sunday. We made pancakes and I let me son do his own.. we had honey and jam and whipped cream everywhere and we all loved it. It’s about learning and experiences. She is just a control freak. She doesn’t put on a spread because she loves them all.. she wants her viewers to think she is clit slits Saint Shakira of Stevenage and that’s all that matters to her

Even my 7 year old didn’t put as much fing whipped cream as this eating disorder in legs did (no offence to this with a ED x)


May 8, 2024
b is back on the beg this morning.
After slow cooker recommendations AKA please send me a free one.

I think because on here we have discussed what exactly is her page, she’s now decided she’s going to cook. Notice since shes changed her logo, her tiktoks have been predominantly food focused rather than ewm and other things. Hence the knife and backwards fork logo.
Now the slow cooker.

You’re too late Sevda. Far far too late.

Stick to shoveling food down you’re gob, it’s the only thing you’re good at.