Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
Oh my word! She CANNOT handle being on holiday for NOT being recognised for (what she thinks!!) is her TIKTOK fame!

So what does she do?? She grabs a few people, pretends they are her ‘friends’ and grabs one of the ‘activity’ reps and does a video to big herself up by pretending to have friends and also bring the holiday rep more work with people booking into the activities. So she starts acting all giddy (probably drunk) and videoing the activity rep, who funnily looks like he’s light heartedly just going along with what she’s asked him to do.

She even admits he didn’t ‘beg’ her to advertise him on video….which means she’s obviously bigged herself up as somebody big and famous who will get him loads of business and then SHE has ‘begged’ him to let her video him and advertise his business. I don’t think he’s even bothered really! He looks to me to just be going along with it because he probably sees her desperation for more fame! 🤣

Sevda, you look an absolute idiot! It’s SO PLAIN to see you CANNOT just be away without getting attention!!! You look and sound DESPERATE!

And you know what shows up more than anything?? You laugh more with strangers and holiday staff and talk ALOT more with them than your own husband and child ever. It’s incredibly obvious your marriage is dead. You seem a lot more happier with people who are just ‘acquaintances’ you’ve just met than you do around your husband and daughter. Incredible seeing the contrast!

You also do things on this holiday you have never done with your own husband and Ela. Seeing dolphins, boat trip, booking a massage, eating Al
La Carte…things that Sedat and Ela would have enjoyed.

So incredibly selfish! And it won’t be that you cannot afford for all 3 of you. Rubbish! It’s more than plain for everyone to see ….you treat yourself to lots of beauty treatments, bags, foods, etc….but buy Sedat and Ela cheap tack souvenirs and awful cheap toddler style clothes for Ela.

My daughters have seen dolphins, swam with them, ate from a better menu, been on a boat trip,
had huge sandcastles built by me & my hubby, etc, etc. You even go to the beach you are at…but wouldn’t take Ela on the beach on the other holidays, making an excuse you and Ela didn’t like them. Rubbish!! You just could not be bothered to walk or catch a bus to them! Ela wanted to go!
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Mar 2, 2024
Since when is she too overwhelmed at buffets to eat? Yesterday she just had a donut. Today an omelette and crepe. Usually plate is piled sky high. She really hates the food there, doesn’t she 😂
Doubt it. She’s just showing small portions on camera for her videos, but off camera she’s going back and loading up her 2nd and 3rd plates.


Mar 4, 2024
Begda, ONLY POOR people talk about tipping someone! Shut the do up! The more you keep telling everyone you’ve tipped someone the poorer you look and sound. You don’t sound like a nice person at all. It’s like giving to charity and constantly bragging about it. Rich, intelligent people don’t speak about money!!

And stop begging friendships with people!! It’s such an ick!!!! Ewwwww you make me want to vomit!!

And how that man know you’ve got following on social media for him to <beg> you to post about him!!! You’ve been going round trying to tell everyone do you know who I am!

It’s like high school when you try to buy friends and maybe some company to hang around with.

On another note, did you get some D*** yet???


May 6, 2024
Begda, ONLY POOR people talk about tipping someone! Shut the do up! The more you keep telling everyone you’ve tipped someone the poorer you look and sound. You don’t sound like a nice person at all. It’s like giving to charity and constantly bragging about it. Rich, intelligent people don’t speak about money!!

And stop begging friendships with people!! It’s such an ick!!!! Ewwwww you make me want to vomit!!

And how that man know you’ve got following on social media for him to <beg> you to post about him!!! You’ve been going round trying to tell everyone do you know who I am!

It’s like high school when you try to buy friends and maybe some company to hang around with.

On another note, did you get some D*** yet???
💯everything you say!!! She’s incredibly desperate for attention!!!!! Looks a complete idiot!!
Mar 2, 2024
She barely had a pot to piss in before tiktok. It also doesn’t seem like she dated much, if at all, before meeting and marrying Sedat. Then they had a child. They don’t have much of a relationship and overall, it doesn’t seem like she gets much fulfilment from her family life. When she worked outside the house, she often looked like she was holding back tears in her videos. But she was stuck with that life before TikTok. Then she gets access to more $$ and the first thing she does is start running away from her life at every opportunity. She’s reliving a youth she never had because she had no money. And now she’s running around acting like she has no husband, no kid and no responsibilities.


Mar 4, 2024
You know what kinda mothers deserve a holiday!!

The ones who work full time waking up at 6am getting their kids ready for school


Going to work (actual work)

Rushing to pick up their kids from school

Cleaning the house

Being a wife

Putting the kids to bed, reading writing with their kids. ( not letting online teaching to do it because they so s and can’t be bothered to teach their own child)

Repeating daily!!!

Never having any support from family, having to do this with more than 2 or 3 kids.. sometimes on their own!

The mothers that don’t even have time
For social media unless they are in bed or having 10 mins break in the bath!!!

These are the mothers that fing work hard and look after their kids and husband.

They deserve a holiday!!!!

Not a fing fat ugly b like you who sits at home everyday on her ass doing absolutely s all!!!!

And when those mothers do go on holiday probably with their children at that!! They carry themselves as a mother and with dignity.

Begda about 100 of us on here can see how desperate you are for some dick!! Not just me or the next person!! We can ALL SEE IT!!! You carry yourself like a slut.

I’m sorry guys!! I can’t take her anymore

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
You know what kinda mothers deserve a holiday!!

The ones who work full time waking up at 6am getting their kids ready for school


Going to work (actual work)

Rushing to pick up their kids from school

Cleaning the house

Being a wife

Putting the kids to bed, reading writing with their kids. ( not letting online teaching to do it because they so s and can’t be bothered to teach their own child)

Repeating daily!!!

Never having any support from family, having to do this with more than 2 or 3 kids.. sometimes on their own!

The mothers that don’t even have time
For social media unless they are in bed or having 10 mins break in the bath!!!

These are the mothers that fing work hard and look after their kids and husband.

They deserve a holiday!!!!

Not a fing fat ugly b like you who sits at home everyday on her ass doing absolutely s all!!!!

And when those mothers do go on holiday probably with their children at that!! They carry themselves as a mother and with dignity.

Begda about 100 of us on here can see how desperate you are for some dick!! Not just me or the next person!! We can ALL SEE IT!!! You carry yourself like a slut.

I’m sorry guys!! I can’t take her anymore
Don’t be sorry there has been to much pussy footing around this w

Everything you have put is true 💕💕💕
Alison Brie Applause GIF

Thank you for speaking out for hard working mums etc 💞💞💞