Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


May 6, 2024
WHY are you recording yourself hanging out with people almost your parents age? WHY are you even videoing??? There’s nothing highly hilarious going on?!!!! Are you just trying your hardest to show you are having a good (??!) time?!

Errmmm, that’s just sad, very sad. You’ve managed to make a few acquaintances and latched on to them for video footage of what you hope people will see as ‘Sevda has fwends’ !! Oh dear, you’re sadder than most of us would have thought. Seriously. You don’t realise that we all can see you don’t laugh at all like you are tonight when with you are on holiday with your husband or daughter. In fact you only laugh slightly at making fun of him. Very sad.

You really are showing up how you’ve never lived your teen life until now. I almost, but not quite, feel sad for you. The reason I don’t is because of how you are incredibly selfish by not allowing your child to have fun times like a child her age should have.
May 22, 2024
She barely had a pot to piss in before tiktok. It also doesn’t seem like she dated much, if at all, before meeting and marrying Sedat. Then they had a child. They don’t have much of a relationship and overall, it doesn’t seem like she gets much fulfilment from her family life. When she worked outside the house, she often looked like she was holding back tears in her videos. But she was stuck with that life before TikTok. Then she gets access to more $$ and the first thing she does is start running away from her life at every opportunity. She’s reliving a youth she never had because she had no money. And now she’s running around acting like she has no husband, no kid and no responsibilities.
💯. Although my take is that she wasn’t holding back tears because it was hard working with a child, had no help etc, she just plain and simple didn’t want to work because she’s lazy and resented it all the way. Doormat has not ever worked as far as I know and she believes that this is the life she should have. The Beg had all the help in the world when she was working, Doormat able to have Ela whenever she wanted. Some of my working friends would kill to have their mum’s around to help out when working full time.

The holding back tears is how she got sympathy from her stupid followers. She’s a professional beggar. This is how she got things paid for in her house remember. She’s a master manipulator and has dragged her entire family down with her. Any sensible person that knows her would give her a good wake up call and tell her what she is doing is not healthy. The pages and pages of forums about her will have a devastating effect on Ela.

When she gave up work for TikTok it was only for herself, not to spend more time with Ela. She’s 24/7 on her phone, desperate to keep making content to stay relevant. TikTok has only replaced her income from the pharmacy, if at all that now and can imagine it would vary from week to week and is not stable.

She still doesn’t have a pot to piss in. She has to pay for holidays on payment plans. She buys clothes from Shein, everything is done on the cheap with the illusion of being wealthy. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Before too long, the money will dry up and she’ll be 40 going back to work full time, unless she starts making considerable investments. She’s getting what’s coming to her.
May 22, 2024
They’re all beggy saps, but you draw the line with health issues - or so one would have thought. She’s bottom of the barrel beg, and I hope she is being reported where needs be outside of TikTok land.
I had to laugh at her followers warning her of hagglers! That’s her tribe.
The tribe of it’s 2.52am in Vegas and I’m up making a sandwich?
Mar 2, 2024
💯. Although my take is that she wasn’t holding back tears because it was hard working with a child, had no help etc, she just plain and simple didn’t want to work because she’s lazy and resented it all the way. Doormat has not ever worked as far as I know and she believes that this is the life she should have. The Beg had all the help in the world when she was working, Doormat able to have Ela whenever she wanted. Some of my working friends would kill to have their mum’s around to help out when working full time.

The holding back tears is how she got sympathy from her stupid followers. She’s a professional beggar. This is how she got things paid for in her house remember. She’s a master manipulator and has dragged her entire family down with her. Any sensible person that knows her would give her a good wake up call and tell her what she is doing is not healthy. The pages and pages of forums about her will have a devastating effect on Ela.

When she gave up work for TikTok it was only for herself, not to spend more time with Ela. She’s 24/7 on her phone, desperate to keep making content to stay relevant. TikTok has only replaced her income from the pharmacy, if at all that now and can imagine it would vary from week to week and is not stable.

She still doesn’t have a pot to piss in. She has to pay for holidays on payment plans. She buys clothes from Shein, everything is done on the cheap with the illusion of being wealthy. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Before too long, the money will dry up and she’ll be 40 going back to work full time, unless she starts making considerable investments. She’s getting what’s coming to her.
Oh I totally agree with your take. She was miserable having to work. Absolutely hated it. But had no choice.


Sep 5, 2024
Can’t stomach this t today. She absolutely gets on my tits. Her and her slow speaking sister. Pair of fing idiots. No doubt I didn’t miss anything other than camel chewing, flirting with anything that has a pulse and penis, mooing, tongue darting, teef licking, eye fing, fake laughing, eyes fannying and all round general irritating t behaviour
This 💯
Mar 8, 2024
Just cus there variety doesn’t mean it’s nice. Just cus you would eat hot turds on toast doesn’t mean everyone will. The food looks s. As do you sevda. You and your s hair, your s personality and overall general stiness. You’re a s person. Have a good day guyyssss hope you slept wew.
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
At this stage , she's just embarrassing herself ! She's an absolute laughing stock on here and Tattle . Long may the t continue to do so to keep us entertained !
The entertainment from the w is brilliant the lies the falseness everything
Laughing stock is about right for the w
Love how everyone is really going at her but been funny 🤣 with it, it shows in the w how it gets to her so so much stunning 😍 😂😂😂

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I would just to address the all inclusive food s

I am not knocking anyone who goes all inclusive at all but something I wouldn’t do, if we did I would still want to go out and engage in the real side of everything from food to people to culture

The food is mass produced at all inclusive, sometimes left overs from the previous meal times, yes some of it looks really nice, no variety of local cuisine etc

She wouldn’t know a good meal if it jumped up and slapped her in that big fat lard arse and chilli flakes gob, as she puts so much crap on it

We are going away soon yes sorry to Turkey 😂 this time we have booked a hotel with breakfast evening meal, only for the reason is our GS is coming over in the half term holidays and it had slides etc, for the days we have pool days, we usually book an apartment or villa and go off to enjoy the local food culture. We won’t be eating in the hotel even though we have paid for it as we like been out and about taking in the different things yeah the kids will have lunch there.


Mar 1, 2024
She is such a fing narc! Going on saying that she can’t understand people bashing the all inclusives and that it must be because she likes more of a a variety than other people… do me she thinks highly of herself.. she would tell you her s doesn’t stink and it’s smells of fing roses and fing biscoff spread
How are all inclusives more “variety” than actually going out to different restaurants though? And since when does she eat a variety of anything? Standard slop for her is chicken, yoghurt, chilli sauce, she’s very repetitive in what she eats most of the time. All inclusives have to make mass portions of everything and don’t get to have as much time doing things in more traditional ways e.g. you wouldn’t get tagine cooking. I’ve done all inclusives but I wouldn’t say they’re more variety than going out to actual local restaurants which aren’t mass catering.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
How are all inclusives more “variety” than actually going out to different restaurants though? And since when does she eat a variety of anything? Standard slop for her is chicken, yoghurt, chilli sauce, she’s very repetitive in what she eats most of the time.
The w is trying to justify herself and make herself look like Delilah Smith 😂😂😂😂
They eat the same s day in day out nothing different, a steak slapped on a plate covered in yogurt and crap 💩 which is very rare she does like you say it’s either out the frezzer banged in the air fryer or mummy breastfeeds them food