Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Mar 2, 2024
Sevda, the way you spoke about the gentleman who made the omelettes was SO CONDESCENDING!

Saying “aww, bless him” and telling people you tipped him and you then you mimicking his reply with a weak voice, saying “thank you lady”. For goodness sake - go take a running jump off a cliff Sevda! He’s not a weak feeble man finding it all too much pressure and you are the only one who has thanked him and tipped him! Many people, like my husband and I, tip the chefs cooking fresh foods at the tables or at a breakfast buffet… at the end of the holiday! Stop acting like you’re a saint!! The man will accumulate a lot of tips …not just yours!

Has nobody ever told you YET.. it’s very big headed to keep telling people that you’ve tripped? You keep mentioning it!!! We know Sevda! We all tip!! Difference with most of us is….. we wouldn’t keep mentioning it. To be honest you sound like you’ve just realised you SHOULD tip and now you can’t stop informing everyone you’ve tipped! Idiot.

It’s like when you seem to have to tell everyone when you have bought something for someone or paid for something for them! Seriously, you are laughed at so much as you CANNOT help but want the world to know! And don’t say it’s your Mum (car) or sister (help with deposit) that tells TikTok, not you. You know as well as us, you’ve put them up to that! AND even IF you didn’t, you can always tell your family and Kuki that you’d rather them NOT tell TikTok how you’ve helped them financially or bought something for them. It’s not normal to have it blasted to everyone. It’s extremely big headed!!!!!!! You make yourself look more of an idiot than ever.

I’m SO surprised continually that you behave in such an IMMATURE way by the way you put people down in condescending ways.

Grow up! Stop bragging about your tips, gifts to people (mostly tack anyway!) You shoot your self in the foot everytime you do it! Most people think “Oh good God, here she goes again!”
She’s insufferable! She Truly is. Why does she feel the need to Tell people she’s done a good deed? Because she does it for everyone can Validate her even more. Typical Narcissistic Trait. Love me everybody please Tell me I’m important and needed and worthy. Only thing she’s worthy of is a smack in the kisser!
Mar 2, 2024
She’s been unhappy for years, I don’t think she’s genuinely felt happiness in her life, it’s quite sad really. I’d like her to name one thing (apart from Social media and food/holidays) that really makes her happy, I can’t think of one thing she has a deep passion for
She has a deep passion for Cake. 🤣🤣🤣
Mar 2, 2024
Yeah I do come to think about it
Even though I am not keen on Theresa at all she does do the ads and the gift videos really well and not staged also she does seem grateful as well,
I can see the w on the phone to her toddler management having a right go throwing her dummy out the pram at them as she isn’t getting what Theresa is at the moment

I saw Ayni video on the last packed lunch box saying g she won’t do them all the time as they boring and it’s the same stuff you put in them 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 but least she puts chicken in her kids sandwiches 🥪 well if that wasn’t a dig at the w I don’t no what is 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Teresa is Grateful and the b thinks she entitled!
Mar 2, 2024
Sevda pretends she’s ‘made friends’ but she just grabs anyone and gets a few photos with them to try and prove she ‘has friends’ because she knows everyone can see by now she barely has any friends in life….she’s not a person people like being around for too long! Totally understandable!

My husband has seen a few videos of her and he said she’s the kind of person in a party/work social event that you’d quickly introduce to someone else, to just get away from her 🤣
Very well said.
Mar 2, 2024
I noticed that too! The lady looked very uncomfortable around Sevda!
I hope and pray that she Travels and stays in the same hotel as me one year. Because if she takes any videos and she gets me in the shot, then I promise You now Sevda you would be on your way to the hospital asking the Surgeons there to remove your Phone that I’d just shoved down Your Throat. If You get my son in the shot. You would definitely need life support! My son is 21 and neither me, his Dad or Himself have never put one picture of him on the web!!!
May 22, 2024
Well bat s bonkers kuki has just addressed what she does and said she does the accts for a family member in which is the w and needs another persons to do that’s why she can stay at home and go other places

Well bat se I really hope you have declared yourself as self employed etc as I have sent everything off to the HMRC and also pointed them to this scam company you set up with Sedat etc
Just saw this. What in the actual do? Why on earth would the Beg need to employ Kukoo as her accountant? Kukoo was a management accountant what 30 years ago? Hasn’t worked a day since she qualified. Extremely dodgy family, hope tax department catch up with them.
Mar 2, 2024
She barely had a pot to piss in before tiktok. It also doesn’t seem like she dated much, if at all, before meeting and marrying Sedat. Then they had a child. They don’t have much of a relationship and overall, it doesn’t seem like she gets much fulfilment from her family life. When she worked outside the house, she often looked like she was holding back tears in her videos. But she was stuck with that life before TikTok. Then she gets access to more $$ and the first thing she does is start running away from her life at every opportunity. She’s reliving a youth she never had because she had no money. And now she’s running around acting like she has no husband, no kid and no responsibilities.
They had a bucket in their bathroom for showering. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mar 2, 2024
She barely had a pot to piss in before tiktok. It also doesn’t seem like she dated much, if at all, before meeting and marrying Sedat. Then they had a child. They don’t have much of a relationship and overall, it doesn’t seem like she gets much fulfilment from her family life. When she worked outside the house, she often looked like she was holding back tears in her videos. But she was stuck with that life before TikTok. Then she gets access to more $$ and the first thing she does is start running away from her life at every opportunity. She’s reliving a youth she never had because she had no money. And now she’s running around acting like she has no husband, no kid and no responsibilities.
Mar 2, 2024
It’s been bothering me for the last few days, I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong when doormat was making Elas pat lunch.

And it’s just come to me because Kuki has just said the same thing.

She called cucumber coo-cumber.

I pronounce it q-cumber…. Anyone else?

Coo-cumber 😂😂😂😂😂
Nope Q cumber for me. Always has been always will be.
Mar 2, 2024
How is she getting away with all that false advertisement, claiming to have Endometriosis. Infuriating. It’ll be ADHD next - guarantee it. That’s the latest with the TT begs
Didn’t she claim that Ela was Lactose intolerant at one point? She’s a very dangerous person. Why would you say that without any diagnosis from a paediatrician! Munchausens Syndrome By proxy.