Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Excatly that she’s not providing any awareness nothing about the story educates anyone on max’s condition and why should it be Steph that tells the story she doesn’t respect anyone’s privacy if max is able to speak when he is older I hope he tells his utter disgrace of a mother that it should have been upto him if his whole life was shared on the internet and all the folk commenting should also be ashamed they should be respecting it’s about a little boy. Their is going to be all theses kids in the future outing their parents for disclosing so much of their lives on these social media platforms

Was same with C she never respected any privacy for the man. Days before he passed she put a pic of him up and he looked so so poorly was awful. She done a video and the pics she put in it should never be put on line.

Max is her cash cow now, and by god she won't help that boy thrive she will hold him back cause why she wants all the attention.


Mar 10, 2024
Was same with C she never respected any privacy for the man. Days before he passed she put a pic of him up and he looked so so poorly was awful. She done a video and the pics she put in it should never be put on line.

Max is her cash cow now, and by god she won't help that boy thrive she will hold him back cause why she wants all the attention.
I remember seeing a photo was it in a hospital bed could be totally wrong I apologise in advance if I am.


May 10, 2024
Of course she hasn’t she’s too bizzy bizzy sitting for 3 hours putting on make up when she could be learning herself.
Hey hey!!! She prioritises what's most important. Being a boss b, smashing the beauty industry world. Talking smack to faceless people on social media. ss and giggles with the tiktok lads. Showing us her rapper skills, more granny cardi than Cardi B, but hey, providing a role model experience for bizzy single mums. Hush now. Jealous???


Mar 10, 2024
I know what one your meaning. This one was him in a restraunt out she put it up.
Ah ok awful my heart hurts so much for how he was treated I know people who knew him and his family and she just treated them all so appalling it’s speaks volumes when they all meet up to toast his passing every year and she was never their but it’s everyone else who is lying about what happened.
Mar 10, 2024
I’ve said before there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for my son(s) my phone is filled with visuals I could print and laminate, videos of other children with ARFID trying foods so I can get tips from the parents on how they deal with the little achievements because going in too big can cause embarrassment and shame. (Steph goes in big all the time and shouts in his face!!) Potty trained all of them before they can speak and my middle son did not speak until he started school. It’s funny now because as they’re older they actually do remember some of their therapy from when they couldn’t speak… my son will say things like why did the speech therapist make me brush a teddy and stuff like that 🙈 so just because you think they’re not taking anything in they absolutely are.

All max sees is his mum glued to her phone, she uses his autism as an excuse not to engage with him. She even said she didn’t know how to engage with him and would just be sitting beside him like a spare part. HE DOESNT NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU STEPH. Even the staff at Disney were giving her clues but to be honest I think she’s the one with brain damage.

You have to put in the work with these children, and as far as I’m aware she isn’t taking max to any therapies… she is doing the bare minimum at home. I could go on and on all day about what she isn’t doing but herself and her phone will trump max every time. Poor wee guy clearly fought to be here and his mother has taken him for granted ever since.

She’s made it clear she expects the nursery to parent him 🙈🙈🤣🤣

I’ve got 2 asd boys one verbal one not verbal total opposite ends of the scale

My boys love praise so we started praise nice and quiet ect to see how they’d deal with it now it’s a full blown party when the achieve something new and it could be the simplest of things that us neurotypical people take for granted 🥰
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Ah ok awful my heart hurts so much for how he was treated I know people who knew him and his family and she just treated them all so appalling it’s speaks volumes when they all meet up to toast his passing every year and she was never their but it’s everyone else who is lying about what happened.

Oh I know I know. You never know who is on here😛 but yes they can't stand her. She never even went the first year he passed, mind you she was with bf 2 I think and got another man name on her across from C tattoo she got nice vav very nice👏🏻👏🏻😡


Mar 10, 2024
Oh I know I know. You never know who is on here😛 but yes they can't stand her. She never even went the first year he passed, mind you she was with bf 2 I think and got another man name on her across from C tattoo she got nice vav very nice👏🏻👏🏻😡
Just awful and I am glad they still continue to carry on the tradition for a lovely guy the people I know have always known she was bad news it’s just a shame a lovely man and his family got dragged through the mud.
May 13, 2024
I very much doubt a qualified doctor that has taken years to study medicine would use terminology like this, you clearly haven’t listened or looked into what exactly your sons mri results actually mean you just wanted to jump on Tik tok for the pitty me post.
Tbh he probably meant exactly that but realised quick who he was dealing with and had to dumb it down to “holes, ya know the circles? Wait I’ll draw you one” fing trophy idiot she is


Mar 10, 2024
Tbh he probably meant exactly that but realised quick who he was dealing with and had to dumb it down to “holes, ya know the circles? Wait I’ll draw you one” fing trophy idiot she is
Well actually you are right so much for her doing so much research she does absolutely nothing for that boy.


Mar 12, 2024

I’ve got 2 asd boys one verbal one not verbal total opposite ends of the scale

My boys love praise so we started praise nice and quiet ect to see how they’d deal with it now it’s a full blown party when the achieve something new and it could be the simplest of things that us neurotypical people take for granted 🥰
Hey! absolutely - I think as parents, it is not until we step back we see how much we actually have to do as parents to make sure the kids get everything they need, Like even the way I park the car on the way home from school is part of the routine, if the cars pointing to my work, they know that the routine is a work night etc --- like everything is for them so they know what to expect. Visuals all over the house. Ive just had to update my visuals to preeteen versions for my eldest so the penis/scrotum/armpits now have hair etc with the proper wording as well.

It honestly bothers me to no end that the poor boy has zero routine, hes left roaring about the house with his ipad because she has absolutely no clue how to interact with him. Its so sad. Hes having no therapies - which she could afford to go private for! She could still be 'half' lazy as she has the money to pay for it instead of having to implement and find information on her own. She will sit for 3-4 hours trowelling se on to her face - why not do an autism course, join the local sen group for mums on what works/doesnt work for them, find new strategies and ideas. Her platform could be a connection of sen mums which is what i think she originally wanted until the 'Fame' and i use it loosely, went to her head and she dropped it all. She is not the sen mum content that im looking for, max's lunches for a start are far better than any parent with kids on the spectrum could ever wish for. She doesn't know the hardships of having to take a case full of safe foods on a holiday. Or having to get special permission to include what are perceived as 'treats' in a lunch box for school just so that your child has ate something that day. She is as unrelatable as unrelatable comes.


Mar 12, 2024
I very much doubt a qualified doctor that has taken years to study medicine would use terminology like this, you clearly haven’t listened or looked into what exactly your sons mri results actually mean you just wanted to jump on Tik tok for the pitty me post.
the fact she didnt elaborate here.... but felt the need to reply says it all - shes made up se yet again and a health professional has no idea what she's on about. She said the MRI 'wasn't bad' but then went on to say there are holes in his brain....made up nonsense.


May 10, 2024
the fact she didnt elaborate here.... but felt the need to reply says it all - shes made up se yet again and a health professional has no idea what she's on about. She said the MRI 'wasn't bad' but then went on to say there are holes in his brain....made up nonsense.
I think he was talking about synapses and neural pathways not being formed but might as well have gave a chimpanzee War And Peace to read.
Also, as that person earlier said in video comments, can he not have any privacy at all? He doesn't get it in his safe place, his home, as he's blasted all over tiktok to God knows who and now his medical matters are being discussed to strangers also.


Mar 10, 2024
I think he was talking about synapses and neural pathways not being formed but might as well have gave a chimpanzee War And Peace to read.
Also, as that person earlier said in video comments, can he not have any privacy at all. He doesn't get it in his safe place, his home, as he's blasted all over tiktok to God knows who and now his medical matters are being discussed to strangers also.
Chimpanzee 🤭🤭