Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Shes spent the past 2 years fkn about on her phone it's no wonder he's not made a big leap progression wise since 2022 when she does fk all to help him!! She makes out that wee boy is worse than he is and I dgaf who disagrees ✌

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I agree over here yes she does. She don't want him to thrive that's for sure ❤️
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
But she was crying in the internet about how amazing he is because she know she’s not the easiest to be with, and the way she looked at harley she wouldn’t have looked at anyone else..

BUT NOOOOOOOWW secretly she was supposedly harbouring all these thoughts while happy to date him, and gush over him online?

There is a pattern here Steph…

I've seen it time and time again with her it's the same s everytime they end up leaving boom they done this, done that etc. It's not just oh it never worked, it's oh he said I was fat, controlled what I would wear, was not allowed to do this etc. she is so vile. Mind you the worst one is when she accused Greg being inappropriate with well you know who. I ain't writing it down because it is another lie. She can never not say anything about any of them she has always done this and always will do it.


May 17, 2024
Did you notice a comment from last night a lass who also went to Northfield said Steph was kind and genuine not one person I know who went to Northfield in vav years or the ones above or below has anything nice to say about her or the salons she worked in as a junior or stylist loosely using that word as she was tit at doing hair.
Haha I noticed that it’s LIES LIES LIES she was a boot and still is x
May 24, 2024
The World
I've seen it time and time again with her it's the same s everytime they end up leaving boom they done this, done that etc. It's not just oh it never worked, it's oh he said I was fat, controlled what I would wear, was not allowed to do this etc. she is so vile. Mind you the worst one is when she accused Greg being inappropriate with well you know who. I ain't writing it down because it is another lie. She can never not say anything about any of them she has always done this and always will do it.
How do you even get away with such an accusation is beyond me. Steph is the woman that gives all women a bad name for crying wolf. She does us women a disservice.
There should be repercussions for women who do that s.
Involving L in it too. 🤢


Apr 5, 2024
How tragic both idiots in their beds 🤣🤣🤣
The state of it , she can hardly keep her eyes open with M sleeping there . She's an absolute twit ( does that look like someone fearing for a stalker at a house in the middle of nowhere ?! ) Which her thick minions fall for . God only know's what her teenager must think if she's even there . Complaining she's so tired on energy drinks but do the twits realise she's been up till back of 1 am talking to him 🤔 Doh , absolute wallopers and her seeking for sympathy , I'm so tired guyzzzz. See he's up in her comments already this a.m .Tragic right enough , and no I'm no jealous beef chops 😉
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May 17, 2024
Wonder if Joanne remembers her cutting a girls hair on the fieldy behind Northfield school like the big bully she was or bullying the girl who had to leave school and not do her exams.
She was probably one of her cronies strutting about with her and probably helped cut her hair, it’s the lies she tells and what she did to C family she had so much support in Aberdeen when she was with C, but she ruined it coz she’s a nasty piece of work, I’ve never commented on her page I’ve blocked her coz I can’t stand her or her stinky chum x
Mar 11, 2024
Honestly sick to death of her droning on about how tired she is and then her huns believing it’s because she actually does parenting.

I make sure I’m asleep by 9.30-10pm latest every evening because my little boy is up numerous times during the night and our day DOES actually start at 5.30am, I am NEVER tired because it’s routine and although he wakes me up I get plenty of sleep in between them hours still, not sat on live like a desperate s!!! 😡😡😡 you aren’t tired you were up all night being a s there’s a difference you rat


May 17, 2024
She wouldn’t be so tired if she wasn’t up late pimpin herself out on TT for a couple o pennies 😂 she can’t phone my work coz I don’t have a job I don’t need one especially one on TT I would rather go down shore lane IYKYK 😂 x
I also wanted to add I don’t think she will be getting Cs pension, I get death pension for life or if i remarry it would stop so hers probably stopped when she married P x
Mar 11, 2024
I don’t use slimming filters guys 🫠🫠🫠🫠 can clearly see where she is really and where the filter is hiding 😂😂😂😩😩
Why is her leg straight like a ruler on lne if she doesn’t use slimming filters


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