Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 12, 2024
Sorry but I don’t see much difference in her weight compared to the pictures and videos she posted ! . As for her arse ..🤢..sorry we don’t need to see that Back to the Ice bath content again …same s different day !
Yes I take it back she’s just looking as stocky as always she obviously just found a very good slimming editing app or something as after seeing her in the white swimmer today she is still very much LARGEANDINCHARGE. She has a very odd slim face though very out of proportion to her body.
Mar 11, 2024
Vav !
We know you read here! We don’t care if you loose weight! You are easy to rub up! someone says your fat and your monkey brain says ok I’ll lose weight and the none vav lovers will go away and leave me alone
The reason we are here is we have been blocked because we know who you really are! You are fake as fook on tiktok! You only like the brainwashed Huns who believe your crap!
The lies and the harm you cause will catch you.
C u next Tuesday xx


Mar 8, 2024
that woman is a whole new level of low today!! flaming his meltdown! yes meltdowns may have to be flimed when your mid/pre diagnosis, for your/thier pead as proof NOT for the whole fing internet!! i’d never dream of filming my child mid meltdown now and it was awful having to do it for evidence as if he seen the camera on him he would flip even more! for her and his safety?? car door is wide open, but has time to set up her camera?? fing idiot!!! just when i thought i couldn’t despise her anymore than i already did
Mar 10, 2024
that woman is a whole new level of low today!! flaming his meltdown! yes meltdowns may have to be flimed when your mid/pre diagnosis, for your/thier pead as proof NOT for the whole fing internet!! i’d never dream of filming my child mid meltdown now and it was awful having to do it for evidence as if he seen the camera on him he would flip even more! for her and his safety?? car door is wide open, but has time to set up her camera?? fing idiot!!! just when i thought i couldn’t despise her anymore than i already did
She hasn't filmed that??? 🤬


Mar 10, 2024
"i film m's meltdowns for both our safety"?! What the actual do?
Who automatically looks to make sure they have "evidence" that the marks on the child weren't caused by them?! I'll tell you who, people who abuse children.
This is exactly what my ex used to do, take photos or videos and claim child "hurt themselves playing football or at the park". Turns out he was hitting the kids but had threatened them that he'd kill me if they told me. He's now a convicted child abuser not allowed any unsupervised contact with any child.
She does abuse Max, it's as simple as that. Just because she tells random on the Internet she's a good mum, doesn't make her one.
That video has infuriated me. I truly hope Petr gets a solicitor involved and puts an end to the m videos once and for all. Otherwise, he's just as bad as her.


May 17, 2024
That’s shocking 😳 the last thing I done when my kid had a meltdown was to set up the camera at different angles, I got out the fin way cause he would launch himself at anyone that went near, I would let him come to me when he was ready and he picked up the mess, just cause he had a meltdown didn’t give him a pass there was still consequences to his actions he cleaned up, needed to be taught that smashing my kitchen up wasn’t ok, PECS really helped with the meltdowns coz he struggled to communicate and that’s where a lot of frustration came from and he would explode. Hasn’t had a meltdown in years thank god coz he is a lot taller than me now but he is so calm and kind better behaved than my girls all I get is attitude from them 😂 x


Mar 10, 2024
Is she for real??????????
How fing low. It’s got do all to do with his meltdown with all her zooms in on herself.
She’ honestly needs to seek medical help.
That poor boy can’t experience anything without her sharing it online for sympathy from a bunch of strangers. My fing god can she be any more sick in the head.
His dad needs to see that video that is honestly awful filming your child having a meltdown she isn’t showing awareness she is all about herself at this point wow Steph could you stroop any lower.


Mar 12, 2024
Never have I thought to film a meltdown. Never have I been ASKED by by children’s professionals to film one either.

He isn’t even having a meltdown there. And of course someone asked if they could help… she gets all the offers of help eh 🤣🤣🤣

If he did have a melt down and was hitting her she would still have put it on that’s how I know it didn’t happen.