Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
We are all able to put our phones down and have a life, get on with our day.
She’s not able to do that.

She learns a few things about psychology and mindset then applies it like it’s her gospel.

Going to the lengths of buying a white board ffs. She cannot stick to anything at all. Certainly not something beneficial for her, because it takes work.

I started my healing process in 2019, I’ve spent £100’s on healing, holistic therapist/treatments, I’m about to go back in to therapy for the second time. It takes time, hard work, consistency.

No one is positive 100% of the time, there is such a thing as toxic positivity, but from my hard work most of days are positive. I am very very airy fairy though, I very much listen to the universe and believe it does guide me. I’m the sort that lets the universe find my car keys for me 🤣
Don’t get me wrong I can be an absolute t and not one to be taken for a mug, but that’s only when boundaries are crossed, not because it’s my whole personality.
I’ll always see the good, and extremely impartial. I understand I trigger people just like they do me.
We all can be a better people in certain aspects of life.
You have to first realise you’re not complete, we never will be. So long as we are living, we are learning.
Vav only sees her perspective, which is from a victim stand point, no accountability to enable her to make changes to evolve.
Entitled, competitive, insecure and just generally has a real fy & arrogant personality

She will never get where she wants to be.
Iam a lovable t lol 🤣 so don't worry 😉❤️
May 24, 2024
The World
You are my spirit girlie! I too realised I was being failed massively by the medical system and went down the holistic route of healing. Used to be in daily pain with sciatica. Waited ages for a physio who googled excercises and printed them out. That’s when I took my health and grabbed it with both hands. It does take consistency and dedication and you don’t see instant results.

Then you’ve got this one who preaches about ice baths but moves it next to her kitchen window so she can fill it up with hot water and show off in her bikini…

She owes karma big….and the tik tok downfall will be it. She already can’t show her face around Aberdeen much and all she’s doing my constantly posting troll content is making people curious about her…. So they come and they read and they then change their opinions.

She can buy engagement but it is obvious and doesn’t last. The engagement is falling fast. By prancing herself on tik tok like queen Sheba she is effectively telling the world what she did to cammy and his family 1) by not addressing it at all 2) the face she never speaks about him.

Alarm bells be ringing.

She can pretend she’s happy but it’s clear she ain’t 🤣
🧚🏽 Spirit girls are my vibe!!
All our ailments come from unhealed trauma. Heal and calm our vagus nerve, heal your trauma, heal your body. Dis ease, causes disease.
I am a huge believer in facing your trauma, I’ve got some pretty cool stories about the universe sending messages to me, and getting messages in my dreams through my health battles. I sound like a loonball I know 🤪
You’ve absolutely done the right thing and taken control of your health, it’s impossible to get the right professional help because our ailments are all stemming from different trauma to our bodies/vagus nerve.. all they do is chuck pills at us. Everything we experience in our bodies is stemmed from something we are holding on to.
I trained in reiki so I could self heal, I don’t use it as much as I should but I like knowing I can if I want to.

I’m shocked she even took herself for a coffee, not shocked she’s sat by herself obviously.
Outside her house and car… shocker.

Imagine spending your money to appear like people like you 🫠🫠
Imagine asking yourself questions so you can get your negative, self centred opinion on someone out there because you don’t have the minerals to tell them direct.

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Quite an assumption to make from Rachel with the hat when she doesn’t know any of us and Steph can have as much prada as she wants have plenty of prada items but I am no as materialist as she is. Also how sad as do the image of her phone on the table having a coffee on your own cos you don’t have any pals
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Rachel the t she should b called


Mar 8, 2024
We are all able to put our phones down and have a life, get on with our day.
She’s not able to do that.

She learns a few things about psychology and mindset then applies it like it’s her gospel.

Going to the lengths of buying a white board ffs. She cannot stick to anything at all. Certainly not something beneficial for her, because it takes work.

I started my healing process in 2019, I’ve spent £100’s on healing, holistic therapist/treatments, I’m about to go back in to therapy for the second time. It takes time, hard work, consistency.

No one is positive 100% of the time, there is such a thing as toxic positivity, but from my hard work most of days are positive. I am very very airy fairy though, I very much listen to the universe and believe it does guide me. I’m the sort that lets the universe find my car keys for me 🤣
Don’t get me wrong I can be an absolute t and not one to be taken for a mug, but that’s only when boundaries are crossed, not because it’s my whole personality.
I’ll always see the good, and extremely impartial. I understand I trigger people just like they do me.
We all can be a better people in certain aspects of life.
You have to first realise you’re not complete, we never will be. So long as we are living, we are learning.
Vav only sees her perspective, which is from a victim stand point, no accountability to enable her to make changes to evolve.
Entitled, competitive, insecure and just generally has a real fy & arrogant personality

She will never get where she wants to be.
I could have written this 😳no wonder I agree with all your posts.
She’s a fing maniac and utterly desperate for love and attention. Do something kind and good without an agenda and wait for the good to come back to you.
I can’t fing stand her or big bloated Aimee either 🤬🤷🏼‍♀️🙄🤪
May 24, 2024
The World
Just catching up on Danielle P ( love her) she just tolerates VAV I’ve been told be a very reliant source. Love that she has Abergal etc follow and comment to her and she speaks to them too. VAV must be spitting feathers at this.
I think this is where her ask me anything came from. It was all friends questions 🤣🤣🤣
Whenever Vav has something to say, she does an ask me anything ☠️