Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Jun 19, 2024
The feedback was ‘she’s too much’ ‘she’s a pick me’ ‘try hard’ ‘attention grabber’ ‘light weight’ amongst other things. It was a case of drawing the short straw to be on the same boat because she’s that insufferable after a while. Now I will say she’s good at her game face and on the surface she can over charm people but when she’s had a drink she can’t hide her side eyes and b face and that’s where people started to notice she wasn’t as nice as people thought. Then came the interrupting and talking/shouting over. Literally inserting herself with ‘what are you guys talking about?’ And taking ownership of conversations. She’s very concerned with how she’s viewed and winning others over like she has to make everyone like her. By the end of that day you could see everyone had had more than enough of her and it was painfully obvious.


Jun 19, 2024
What I will say is she is a good seller, she’s loud and bubbly when doing the lives which does generate sales but it’s the I’m above you attitude that has worn thin, we can see her energy change depending on someone’s following which made Ibiza interesting for the team to watch. Only interested in the blue Tick team, lack of effort for anyone with less following than her (she’s very TikTok oriented which I know is understandable but she lives and breathes it like very few others we have met with the BP team)
May 24, 2024
The World
Oaaafftttt the tea 🫖 🫖
Sorry you’ve actually had the displeasure of dealing with her but this is pretty much everything we knew.

Vav loves the boys, hates the girls. If you’re popular she wants in, if you’re only just starting she doesn’t give a hoot.
You could hear her in every video, fog horn in the back.

But she sells. And that’s why she’s profitable for companies (well… ish).

She’s a mean girl, pick me girl, non girls girl!!
Jun 13, 2024
Hi, I’m new here so please stick with me as I try to navigate this app 😄. I’m going to try and be aware of what I’m saying here as I don’t want to inadvertently Dox anyone but I’m let’s just say Very close (thicker than water) friends with someone from the Ibiza trip…. And man o man do I have tea ☕️ The reason I’m pouring the pot is because this madam has over stayed her welcome with some of us and it looks like this might be our only outlet. Concerns have been raised with the team at B but unfortunately ‘there’s no such thing as bad press’ ‘she brings views, it doesn’t matter if it’s hate watching the algorithm doesn’t know that’. So I’m going to vent here if you will have me?
You don't have insider info on what happened between Steph and Sam do you 👀🤣🤣
Mar 10, 2024
Ladies ladies ladies 🫶🏻

I respect everyone of you for sharing your stories of trauma 🤍

The fact yous have made a great life with your families is such a blessing 🥰

The trauma will always be with yous but yous make yours and your kids lives nothing like when yous were brought up takes courage & strength some days will be better than other trauma will always catch yous off guard to that I 🫡 you beauts 🫶🏻

I myself was brought up great till about the age of 12-13ish then s hit the fan my parents turned to drugs constant strangers out their face at all times of night the “house raids” were absolutely awful I brought my littlest sister up and started taking care of the house at the age of 13 !! I grew up way faster than I should’ve

I was subject to abuse by an uncle (not grape but along those lines) that my dad dealt with

Had a s life til about the age of 24 got a job met my husband and started breeding 🤣 now age of 37 quite content with life have 4 kids 2 on the spectrum total opposite ends of the scale and I wouldn’t wish it any other way it’s our way of life 🤍

Love all you beautiful warriors who fight the past and present daily 🥰🥰
Mar 8, 2024
Just catching up.. and see there’s some tea. We all know how loud she was being. How demanding of attention she was. And the way she just involved herself in the lesbians tattoo thing. I can only imagine how insufferable she is in person! Absolutely annoying t. I’d have had to tell her to do off. She really thinks she’s amazing 😂😂 we all knew what she is like and called her out on so many things this new person is saying about her on this trip. 😂 it’s hysterical how embarrassing this is for her. I can’t even believe how bad she was on the videos. So she must have been awful being next to her 😂😂😂😂


Jun 19, 2024
Oaaafftttt the tea 🫖 🫖
Sorry you’ve actually had the displeasure of dealing with her but this is pretty much everything we knew.

Vav loves the boys, hates the girls. If you’re popular she wants in, if you’re only just starting she doesn’t give a hoot.
You could hear her in every video, fog horn in the back.

But she sells. And that’s why she’s profitable for companies (well… ish).

She’s a mean girl, pick me girl, non girls girl!!
She is very smart in how she interacts with people, she morphs into them so that they can relate to her then she’s off to the next person, asks how much followers they have, gives unwanted advice and moves to the next, she wasn’t happy that a few of the guests don’t follow her and kept making back handed comments about that but trying to come across as joking. She wasn’t happy when people started quietly talking about her male friend joining and wanted Brendan to shut that down. She said Brendan said it was fine but in reality she had already invited him before checking it was okay. One of the other guests had said “if I knew our boyfriends were welcome I would have invited mine” and this got back to Steph which she had a bit of a strop about, but she then spent the evening with the guy and Brendan’s almost as if to say ‘see 😏’. Very calculated and manipulative. (No one had a bad word to say about the guy btw he was well mannered and made an effort but you could see he was uncomfortable. Hes only about 5ft 6 or 7 bless his wee soul)
May 24, 2024
The World
What I will say is she is a good seller, she’s loud and bubbly when doing the lives which does generate sales but it’s the I’m above you attitude that has worn thin, we can see her energy change depending on someone’s following which made Ibiza interesting for the team to watch. Only interested in the blue Tick team, lack of effort for anyone with less following than her (she’s very TikTok oriented which I know is understandable but she lives and breathes it like very few others we have met with the BP team)
Although I don’t know how she makes many sales as she’s very disliked, and people in her comments are arse lickers and not buying her products.
I instantly hate any brand who uses her, especially when they see how much she lies, manipulates and exploiters her son.

You will never get the true story from her, she’s hell bent on making it seem like brands absolutely love her and she’s close with them all
Last edited:
May 24, 2024
The World
She is very smart in how she interacts with people, she morphs into them so that they can relate to her then she’s off to the next person, asks how much followers they have, gives unwanted advice and moves to the next, she wasn’t happy that a few of the guests don’t follow her and kept making back handed comments about that but trying to come across as joking. She wasn’t happy when people started quietly talking about her male friend joining and wanted Brendan to shut that down. She said Brendan said it was fine but in reality she had already invited him before checking it was okay. One of the other guests had said “if I knew our boyfriends were welcome I would have invited mine” and this got back to Steph which she had a bit of a strop about, but she then spent the evening with the guy and Brendan’s almost as if to say ‘see 😏’. Very calculated and manipulative. (No one had a bad word to say about the guy btw he was well mannered and made an effort but you could see he was uncomfortable. Hes only about 5ft 6 or 7 bless his wee soul)
You know what… I believe this to the word 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I really wish Brendan would remove her and use someone worthy of the place she holds with bperfect. There are so many influencers that could do the job.
She’s even slated bperfect while advertising other brands, then goes back to loving them when she’s talking about a lipstick.
She’s vile
May 24, 2024
The World
Ladies ladies ladies 🫶🏻

I respect everyone of you for sharing your stories of trauma 🤍

The fact yous have made a great life with your families is such a blessing 🥰

The trauma will always be with yous but yous make yours and your kids lives nothing like when yous were brought up takes courage & strength some days will be better than other trauma will always catch yous off guard to that I 🫡 you beauts 🫶🏻

I myself was brought up great till about the age of 12-13ish then s hit the fan my parents turned to drugs constant strangers out their face at all times of night the “house raids” were absolutely awful I brought my littlest sister up and started taking care of the house at the age of 13 !! I grew up way faster than I should’ve

I was subject to abuse by an uncle (not grape but along those lines) that my dad dealt with

Had a s life til about the age of 24 got a job met my husband and started breeding 🤣 now age of 37 quite content with life have 4 kids 2 on the spectrum total opposite ends of the scale and I wouldn’t wish it any other way it’s our way of life 🤍

Love all you beautiful warriors who fight the past and present daily 🥰🥰
Another warrior ❤️ sorry you’ve been through that but also, well done for coming through that! 💋
There is a reason there is so many like minded people on these forums with the same up bringing who have the same views on protecting children and calling out bullshit. Because we weren’t, we can’t see it happen to others, it whatever form that may be!!

My mum is trying to make amends through being an amazing granny, and so long as she watches herself around my daughter, I don’t care how she is with me now. Didn’t need her then, don’t need her now, but I won’t keep my daughter from her gran like my mum hid me from mine. They need a relationship.

Not all children raised in trauma can break the cycle and not continue the toxic cycle and pass it on to their children, so well done ladies for want better for your children.

Vav… take notes. You do nothing but continue the toxic female cycle in your family.


Mar 10, 2024
You know what… I believe this to the word 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I really wish Brendan would remove her and use someone worthy of the place she holds with bperfect. There are so many influencers that could do the job.
She’s even slated bperfect while advertising other brands, then goes back to loving them when she’s talking about a lipstick.
She’s vile
I agree with this the two girls who have both blushers out or coming out are so much more likeable and their is so many folk on Tik tok who review their products that would be more deserving instead of her.
May 24, 2024
The World
I would try BPerfect if they dropped her arse, and I spend a fortune on cosmetics, plenty of people would do the same, she is that hated x
I’d give them more of my time if they didn’t have her too.
I like Kate Daley, my lass has Mrs Glam that I steal.
I’m more high end brands but I wouldn’t see any harm in investing in BPerfect if I wasn’t against who they’ve used for promoting.
Even though a vast majority on that brand trip I like, my dislike for Vav is far greater than them all put together


May 17, 2024
I can see exactly what’s she’s like on that trip, so far up Brendan’s arse she could tickle his tonsils, and giving the other folk there the look to say “see I’m his favourite” 😂 she is honestly a poisonous rat 🐀 I feel bad for slagging Sam’s looks but I won’t take back what I said about his content, that’s why I blocked him, could see Steph the state strutting around thinking she’s a proper celebrity 😂 I believe C will be her downfall C is her karma coz what she did to him all those years ago still follows her to this day and it will never go away x
May 24, 2024
The World
I believe every word, she’s so insecure and low self esteem she masks it by being over bearing, brash, and hyper.
She wants to know what folk are talking about to make sure they aren’t talking about her.
Unsolicited advise to seem wise and likeable. A woman of the world.
She’s a social butterfly and a chameleon with her friends group.
She’s the absolute definition of a narcissist. Gets to know you, adjusts their personality depending on who they are talking to, relates to your life experiences so they can gain your trust, false friendship, false friendly personality.
She definitely has BPD.
Can’t keep a stable relationship whether that be romantic or friendly.
Shifting of self image, moulds to whoever she’s talking to.
Look at Abbie & Cole. She stole their moment. It’s grotesque