Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I don’t know about you but do you not feel an element of anger towards them because you feel their actions are so selfish? Like, you know right from wrong, you’re sober and conscious when you decide to move from soft drinks to alcohol.
That’s the part that always gets me. You make a sober decision to drink.
I know it runs deeper than that and it’s an addiction but I still find it selfish 🤷‍♀️

You’re so sweet thank you ❤️we’ve all dealt with a thing or two but it makes us the s hot trolls that we are. 😂😂

Oh yes I totally get what your saying. As you say it does go deeper but as soon as I found out I was pregnant I just felt so different and a love I had never felt before, a love that you knew you would want to protect forever be there for them. I don't get why some adults are not like that and have popped out kid after kid. That makes me so angry.

Thank you 🥰❤️ well I would rather be a s hot troll that's for sure🤣🤣🤣


May 17, 2024
You do realise Steph will be on the phone to Brendan as we speak, screaming “we have an inside mole” the whole team is going to be strapped to a seat with a light in their eyes being threatened with Steph sitting on them if they don’t give up any info on the mole hahaha probably do it on a live too as a warning to anyone who dares cross her 😂 x


Apr 25, 2024
She is very smart in how she interacts with people, she morphs into them so that they can relate to her then she’s off to the next person, asks how much followers they have, gives unwanted advice and moves to the next, she wasn’t happy that a few of the guests don’t follow her and kept making back handed comments about that but trying to come across as joking. She wasn’t happy when people started quietly talking about her male friend joining and wanted Brendan to shut that down. She said Brendan said it was fine but in reality she had already invited him before checking it was okay. One of the other guests had said “if I knew our boyfriends were welcome I would have invited mine” and this got back to Steph which she had a bit of a strop about, but she then spent the evening with the guy and Brendan’s almost as if to say ‘see 😏’. Very calculated and manipulative. (No one had a bad word to say about the guy btw he was well mannered and made an effort but you could see he was uncomfortable. Hes only about 5ft 6 or 7 bless his wee soul)
Eeney weeny short dick man 💃🎶🎵 she did him bad looking forward to her live this AM 🤣🤣 #loveit


Mar 10, 2024
I really like a lot of the guys who went on the trip, one in particular has had private words with Steph after disagreeing over a video Steph posted last year saying she wanted to kick her daughter or something? There is very obvious tension between them but the girl I like remained very professional and dignified. She absolutely see’s in her what a few others see despite Steph trying her best to talk her round. Unfortunately money talks and ‘character flaws’ can be over looked at times, but it’s beginning to have an impact on a few of the team members now, hence the motivation to start venting about the situation. I can see a ‘team bonding’ trip suggestion soon 😅
Steph 100% be on the phone to Brendan after the school run demanding to know who’s speaking about her, I am glad someone is but wouldn’t want anything to happen to peoples job, Brendan can surely see folk don’t like her.
May 24, 2024
The World
You do realise Steph will be on the phone to Brendan as we speak, screaming “we have an inside mole” the whole team is going to be strapped to a seat with a light in their eyes being threatened with Steph sitting on them if they don’t give up any info on the mole hahaha probably do it on a live too as a warning to anyone who dares cross her 😂 x
Tell me who it is or I’ll make you wear my blush


Jun 19, 2024
Listen no company should ask you to put up with someone who brings bad energy, and makes your working day uncomfortable.
But it’s not my place to tell Brendan it’s work place harassment.
No wonder you all seek somewhere to be heard and understood.
She’s a big uncomfortable character through the screen I can imagine what she’s like in person.

She does read here though, just FYI ❤️
I will try and be more incognito as to not dox myself or anyone else. Thank you for the heads up 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Jun 19, 2024
This morning video what is going on with the wavey lines on her video it looks weird.
View attachment v0f044gc0000cpp7ev7og65hfr076uag.mp4
She coughed in her hand then chopped up apple and put it in a lunch box. That’s actually knocked me sick 🤢 I imagine the germs will multiply all over the food then burst out into the air when the teacher opens it! I know she didn’t have any Covid injections but surly she must be a little bit worried about spreading germs to vulnerable children at school?


Mar 12, 2024
She coughed in her hand then chopped up apple and put it in a lunch box. That’s actually knocked me sick 🤢 I imagine the germs will multiply all over the food then burst out into the air when the teacher opens it! I know she didn’t have any Covid injections but surly she must be a little bit worried about spreading germs to vulnerable children at school?
Is it not just a columbian cold?