Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 8, 2024
I'm up at the other end. Lawnmowers at dawn and bin etiquette and homoginised accents that grind my gears. Dead posh me noo 😂 Not!
Can take the lassie oot the East end but cannae take the East end oot the lassie and I wouldnae have it any other way.

Aww I know I'm not that "east end" but I am an east end(ender) ......Eastside is best (said in my Ali G accent 🤣)


Mar 9, 2024
Yip they will, she can’t say she wasn’t aware of it as I’ve got the proof on email saying they were not going to look into it and I had three phone conversations with Sarah from FOA and I voice recorded them incase anything could be used for evidence and got her on that too saying she wasn’t going to look into it but one thing I don’t know if people know is that Vav and Sarah Hogg from FOA are friends and apparently warned Vav that someone has started digging into what happened to the charity money.
OSCR the Scottish charity commission has been given everything but don’t know how long it’s going to take as they always have loads of complaints to investigate. xx
This is disgraceful….. as someone who has supported FOA and had a family member pass from cancer and we donated all the money collected at their funeral there I am sickened…….. if Sarah is complicit in this then she needs the police knocking on her door


Mar 10, 2024
This is disgraceful….. as someone who has supported FOA and had a family member pass from cancer and we donated all the money collected at their funeral there I am sickened…….. if Sarah is complicit in this then she needs the police knocking on her door
I’m so sorry to hear you lost someone to that vile disease, I’ve lost most of my family to including my mum and dad.
I really wish o could post the emails and the three voice recordings I took when talking to her on the phone cos her attitude to me on the phone speaks volumes. Once the investigations and court cases are done I will happily put everything on here for you guys but for now I can’t. I’ve worked my ass off to get all that evidence together and don’t want to ruin the chances of a conviction, and yes Sarah could be in huge trouble too. Xxxxx


May 17, 2024
What a sad t!!! 👹

While she’s out there thinking she’s important a big wig on TikTok…..

Confirming what everybody already knew 😂😂. All a 00 number what is her life when you need to pay to try make yourself look good 😂 try being the operative word here as doesn’t matter how many followers she buys they are all fake just like her
Mar 8, 2024
Always wanted to try and be some sort of celebrity. Only thing she’s done is show how much of a clown she is. As for the I get many woman asking me about relationship advice 😂😂😂. Seriously who would want advice from her. The circus called they want the clowns back
Relationship advice? 😂😂😂I’d ask me toaster before her
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
The timing was correct for your pal. I remember it was noticed she wasn’t there and people mainly wondering what had gone down rather than saying anything bad about her. Which would suggest people knew it was most likely Vav who caused it

It really was one of the best situations for her much better than after the wedding. Ok prob not the best timing but oh well she done it ❤️🤣 she really was a good friend to Steph and C
I‘ve just caught up, only paid attention when he first went missing but I agree it’s not adding up. The first is why attempt an 11 hour walk rather than wait 2 hours for the bus 🤷‍♀️

I know it's so so weird. If they all have involvement then they are stupid
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
She’s not got the traffic at all to be getting the gigs she is. Bots don’t watch tiktoks.
Regardless if the algorithm doesn’t know the difference between hate watching, most of her watches are hate watches and these people still aren’t going to buy the products.

Her times limited.


Hope Abergal gets this and puts it up 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wow what a total clown.