Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
That bit struck a cord with me too and I don’t have a neurodivergent child.
Why you kissing & cuddling my child like a mother??
Hmm I’m on the fence with this one … boy absolutely adores his teacher and teaching assistant he goes to them looking for love (btw he gets more than plenty at home) he just loves to share 🥰 he does seek out cuddles for compression/deep pressure not so much kisses but he has done previously (they have said they give him the cheek bcos he’s so adamant and unpredictable ) and to me he’s had the same teachers for the past 2 years and I wouldn’t be concerned if he got a cuddle from them and that’s just my personal journey with my son and my views everyone’s is diff and that’s fine he’s in a class of 6 but has 50%~ 70% 1:1

EDITED- defo not like a mother no teacher assistant support worker anyone in an educational setting should be treating children like that! Yes I get some teachers form attachments but that’s no excuse For them treating them like their own did she say his teachers do that?…..
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Mar 10, 2024
What an amazing mum!!! That’s what it should be about , you doing best for your child. She doesn’t give a do, as a nursery worker/manager, thank u. Because we all see in the playrooms how much effort is made by the parents etc💙what a credit you are to him, and he is to you💙
🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much babe 💋 and tbh aswell even though im married and their dad stays here im a single married parent my husband works 6 days 8am-10-11pm at night honestly and that’s on repeat week in week out 💙 til my last breath I will do everything in my power for my boys! All my kids in general but my boys 🥰 they are amazing little dudes and make me so fing proud each day!

For example my 7 year old who’s classed as non verbal said the words I’m spell in it how he sounded it …..hees urgr we got -cheeseburger he got so much praise he was stimming happily and we all cried with happiness that to me is the most wonderful thing to watch your child attempting the most basic of things and getting there they blow my mind on the daily 🥰🥰
Mar 8, 2024
She was on live speaking about the trolls and said they are speaking about things that's 10 years old they need to get over it. She also said half the stuff that people are saying is not true.
Oh she’s vile. Doesn’t just go away what she’s done. Cus it was years ago doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. She’s still a t and got worse over time


May 9, 2024
🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much babe 💋 and tbh aswell even though im married and their dad stays here im a single married parent my husband works 6 days 8am-10-11pm at night honestly and that’s on repeat week in week out 💙 til my last breath I will do everything in my power for my boys! All my kids in general but my boys 🥰 they are amazing little dudes and make me so fing proud each day!

For example my 7 year old who’s classed as non verbal said the words I’m spell in it how he sounded it …..hees urgr we got -cheeseburger he got so much praise he was stimming happily and we all cried with happiness that to me is the most wonderful thing to watch your child attempting the most basic of things and getting there they blow my mind on the daily 🥰🥰
Best mum ever ❤
Mar 10, 2024
Just want to make it clear that affection is absolutely fine! Children In nursery/school settings to seek cuddles and affection but it’s just kissing that should not be happening. No one should be kissing anyone’s child.

Affection and cuddles is not a problem ❤️
I’m sorry if that sounded like it was directed at anyone saying kissing a no no I 100% agree it dosent sit right with what could wrong and not to mention it’s just not a thing that should be happening 🤍🤍
Mar 10, 2024
Oh she’s vile. Doesn’t just go away what she’s done. Cus it was years ago doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. She’s still a t and got worse over time
What she’s got to realise is the things that happened 10 years ago will never ever go away it will always haunt her and it will always be findable the people of where she’s from will never let her forget it and rightly so!

It’s the constant daily lies contradictions filters weight gym food Ed adhd punting max for views the vile things she says that list of yours vav babe could go on and on and on 😡😡
May 24, 2024
The World
🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much babe 💋 and tbh aswell even though im married and their dad stays here im a single married parent my husband works 6 days 8am-10-11pm at night honestly and that’s on repeat week in week out 💙 til my last breath I will do everything in my power for my boys! All my kids in general but my boys 🥰 they are amazing little dudes and make me so fing proud each day!

For example my 7 year old who’s classed as non verbal said the words I’m spell in it how he sounded it …..hees urgr we got -cheeseburger he got so much praise he was stimming happily and we all cried with happiness that to me is the most wonderful thing to watch your child attempting the most basic of things and getting there they blow my mind on the daily 🥰🥰
You’re a legend 🥹😍 xxx
Mar 8, 2024
What she’s got to realise is the things that happened 10 years ago will never ever go away it will always haunt her and it will always be findable the people of where she’s from will never let her forget it and rightly so!

It’s the constant daily lies contradictions filters weight gym food Ed adhd punting max for views the vile things she says that list of yours vav babe could go on and on and on 😡😡
The list is massive. And it won’t just go away. She done evil things and it won’t be forgotten


Mar 11, 2024
🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much babe 💋 and tbh aswell even though im married and their dad stays here im a single married parent my husband works 6 days 8am-10-11pm at night honestly and that’s on repeat week in week out 💙 til my last breath I will do everything in my power for my boys! All my kids in general but my boys 🥰 they are amazing little dudes and make me so fing proud each day!

For example my 7 year old who’s classed as non verbal said the words I’m spell in it how he sounded it …..hees urgr we got -cheeseburger he got so much praise he was stimming happily and we all cried with happiness that to me is the most wonderful thing to watch your child attempting the most basic of things and getting there they blow my mind on the daily 🥰🥰
I can’t even imagine how amazing that would be for you, goes to show hard work really does pay off. How fab is that!! When your a mum , your child is your whole world.. well when your a decent mum. She doesn’t deserve those children! Sickening!


Mar 11, 2024
Hmm I’m on the fence with this one … boy absolutely adores his teacher and teaching assistant he goes to them looking for love (btw he gets more than plenty at home) he just loves to share 🥰 he does seek out cuddles for compression/deep pressure not so much kisses but he has done previously (they have said they give him the cheek bcos he’s so adamant and unpredictable ) and to me he’s had the same teachers for the past 2 years and I wouldn’t be concerned if he got a cuddle from them and that’s just my personal journey with my son and my views everyone’s is diff and that’s fine he’s in a class of 6 but has 50%~ 70% 1:1

EDITED- defo not like a mother no teacher assistant support worker anyone in an educational setting should be treating children like that! Yes I get some teachers form attachments but that’s no excuse For them treating them like their own did she say his teachers do that?…..
I think it should be your child’s decision if they want to kiss/ cuddle their “teacher” , but then teachers should also put in very clear boundaries on what is acceptable. In my nursery we do personal space, personal bubbles, safe spaces etc and that goes for children and staff too.
Mar 10, 2024
I can’t even imagine how amazing that would be for you, goes to show hard work really does pay off. How fab is that!! When your a mum , your child is your whole world.. well when your a decent mum. She doesn’t deserve those children! Sickening!
My other 3 kids say my 7 year old is my fav 🥰 he’s not btw I love all my kids the same he just has to have more of my time and energy and I’m so bloody lucky my girls understand this 🥰 it’s just the most amazing feeling him giving it his all I cannot get enough of the happy stimming it melts me 🥹


Mar 10, 2024
Just catching up with her this afternoon I am so angry with her and that live and mentioning Ashleigh you have said you received death threat it was with a bunch of flowers you really need to remember your lies you nasty piece of work and she had hate because you directed your Huns to give her hate, And the crying video over max nursery I am bet they are glad you are away you are a narc of a mother that boy has only came on leaps and bounds because of his nursery nothing to do with you at all as you are a lazy parent.