Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 12, 2024
If you don't mind me asking what is that?

M has no problems with eating food at all, god that boy eats anything. Now she is saying tho he's not been eating cause getting used to be back home.

I see what she is doing tho, jumping on this story and she will run with that and all be look at me
It’s having a severely restricted food intake to the point of losing weight and malnutrition.

Finding fault with even safe foods such as coatings not been on, being cooked differently, looking different, packaging changes, needing dates checked, worrying the food is going to make you ill one way or another.
Not eating for enjoyment or need.
Not eating from every food group.
Having less than 5 safe foods
Manifesting symptoms afterwards such as sore tummys, which are very real.

More information here.

It can look different to each sufferer as autism does. It’s a bit of a spectrum and you don’t need to tick all of the boxes.

For us it means unable to have meals outwith the house. Packing food on days out /suitcases just for food for holidays. Losing weight regularly but also having periods of gain when things are stable.

It’s a horrible horrible thing for a child to suffer and she better watch how she approaches this.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
It’s having a severely restricted food intake to the point of losing weight and malnutrition.

Finding fault with even safe foods such as coatings not been on, being cooked differently, looking different, packaging changes, needing dates checked, worrying the food is going to make you ill one way or another.
Not eating for enjoyment or need.
Not eating from every food group.
Having less than 5 safe foods
Manifesting symptoms afterwards such as sore tummys, which are very real.

More information here.

It can look different to each sufferer as autism does. It’s a bit of a spectrum and you don’t need to tick all of the boxes.

For us it means unable to have meals outwith the house. Packing food on days out /suitcases just for food for holidays. Losing weight regularly but also having periods of gain when things are stable.

It’s a horrible horrible thing for a child to suffer and she better watch how she approaches this.

Thank you so much for replying ❤️❤️ I've never heard about this at all.

Yes well she really does need to be careful in how she addresses this but I don't think she will. All guns blazing for our vav.

Sounds like an awful thing for a child to suffer not only them but you as parents 🥺 xx


Jun 19, 2024
Yes you stupid idiot - that’s what happens when your child is left unattended 🤬🤬🤬🤬
U actually couldn’t make it up could u while she’s off recording and stitching a video reaching out to a family who are undoubtedly going thru a horrendous time trying to get the right help and being given the wrong help I have many family members who have been treated badly by the same system for the same illnesses and they do make it hard and do blame the parents but aside from that my point was she’s offering help when she can’t lock away the chocolate how long was your son left to scoff a whole 1kg bag of chocolate or or wait for it max didn’t eat them you actually did and just needed content I think iv hit nail on head she scoffed that mother fin bag down and blamed Max just another reason to make money from her son who can’t say no


Mar 8, 2024
It’s having a severely restricted food intake to the point of losing weight and malnutrition.

Finding fault with even safe foods such as coatings not been on, being cooked differently, looking different, packaging changes, needing dates checked, worrying the food is going to make you ill one way or another.
Not eating for enjoyment or need.
Not eating from every food group.
Having less than 5 safe foods
Manifesting symptoms afterwards such as sore tummys, which are very real.

More information here.

It can look different to each sufferer as autism does. It’s a bit of a spectrum and you don’t need to tick all of the boxes.

For us it means unable to have meals outwith the house. Packing food on days out /suitcases just for food for holidays. Losing weight regularly but also having periods of gain when things are stable.

It’s a horrible horrible thing for a child to suffer and she better watch how she approaches this.
She’s always said she’s lucky because he eats lots of things. She always puts plenty of choice in his sandwich box and what he doesn’t eat at nursery he eats in the car in the way home. She’d better refresh her memory before she starts pretending he has this as well. She will use literally anything for content.



Jun 4, 2024
She ran away to England with her daughter knowing they were sectioning her so Police were involved as she was classed as a vulnerable adult. Police and SS would not have gone in heavy handed unless there was reason. I do hope Stephs followers are all bought as imagine the chaos they would cause! It's highly emotive and heartbreaking for the girl but none of us know the facts except her Mother, SS and the Police. Also Steph giving it she doesn't have a phone charger 🙄 Most facilities do not allow anything like a charger or laces or anything a person can use to cause any injury to themselves. That girl will be distressed enough without a mass protest outside! Shame on you Steph posting this without all the full facts! What about the other patients? Do people honestly think if this girl has been neglected that everyone in SS and the Police wouldn't intervene? Unfortunately even as parents we sometimes can't give our kids the medical help they need. Hopefully this will calm down so the girl can settle and that SS and Medical staff can work together to get this girls nutrition back on track and possibly get her home x
I work in SS and you are right, they do not take this lightly ! The last thing they want to do is remove a child from a family.


Mar 10, 2024
Honestly this makes me so mad! Social media is an absolute playground for the uneducated! The real story isn't out there as only the families side is given! All this crap about kids being taken away for no reason is absolute crap! They can't just do it unjustified and need a court order! She's just posted this and asked everyone to share before making sure her facts are correct! This is a safe guarding issue and it's not done lightly. We all know the kind of people who follow her and they are not only delusional they are dangerous 😡
This 💯!! It’s very difficult to get all the paperwork to remove a child, having been involved in doing same myself, it can be heartbreaking and horrendous however it is with good reason! I haven’t seen any videos other than the ones at the window of the place and whose to say the girl hasn’t had words put in her mouth, or needed restrained for her own or others safety etc. As you say we are seeing one side only. Very very ropey to get involved in any situation like this without knowing absolutely everything! If the mother gets in touch with Vav then she better watch what she says online as could be detrimental and an interference to any ongoing enquiry and she could end up in bother with the law herself.