Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
The house not only came without blinds it came without anywhere to hang washing? Then again I guess thats something you organise yourself when moving into a new home, rented or bought. Vav too thick or too tight to get something done. Did she even have one in Petrs house? Environmentally friendly she is not

I am sorry nothing better than getting your washing out on the line🤣🤣🤣

No she don't have anything to hang up the washing outside not that I have seen when I've went past. I know if I was renting that house I would be asking if I could be getting one🤣🤣🤣

Petr maybe never allowed her to have one, just like she was not allowed to paint the decking, turning the heating on, had to switch off lights and if she never done that never spoke to her. Oh and sorry also ignored her daughter.
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
What a lovely article and no negativity in the comments

Something vav can only dream about is getting those comments and so much love❤️❤️

She will be so mad green eye monster that she is.
May 24, 2024
The World
See if she’s put that Tiktok up about seeing Petr on a dating site as a lie to wind up the new misses…. She relies heavily on that lassies mental health eh??
Beefy only cares when her mental health is triggered.

If I was Petrs new misses and she done that to me I’d batter her and let her know that’s the first and last she fs about with me.
She may go to limited places, but there’s still opportunities.
I’ve just watched that video again and you can see the callous, vindictive personality ripping out her.
Not only does she look like she’s stinks in general hygiene, but she reeks of jealousy too.


May 17, 2024
I see she’s as funny as the rest of the family which isn’t funny at all. Nice parenting, can often be seen screaming “keep my daughter off your social media” but encourages her to be a mouthy cow on social media. Setting her up for life huh? Make that make sense.
Think yer boot of a maw needs to buy a cookbook with the se she churns oot,