Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Mar 12, 2024
Awk I feel bad for taking the mick, good for her, it’s about time someone said stuff about Steph’s antics.
Stand by the ridiculousness of posting in the hospital 🤣🤣 I’ll die on that hill
Anyone associated with vav will get it from us tbh … until they open their eyes to her and dish the dirt as Chelsea has done. I’m sure vav is trying to make her life hell as we speak !


Mar 10, 2024
Awk I feel bad for taking the mick, good for her, it’s about time someone said stuff about Steph’s antics.
Stand by the ridiculousness of posting in the hospital 🤣🤣 I’ll die on that hill
Chelsea needs to realise that her actions on vav comments were not great at times either but being associated with vav brings that out of people, what vav has done by trying to cause hurt to a friend is a lot different to people on a forum having their say, I would never do that to a friend and she knew Excatly what she was doing. Hard lesson to learn for Chelsea but I don’t think Steph thought Chelsea would speak out and she has underestimated how Sen mums stick together another bridge burnt in a long list.


May 17, 2024
Poor Chelsea! That's evil and vindictive telling her to go check the forums knowing people are speaking about her so she sees it. She seems a quiet and meek type of lass, I Hope she has the strength for all the s from Vav and has blocked her on everything. What a "pal" that is. Total arsehole. I'd rather look up to Chelsea as a sen mum than that vile thing.
May 24, 2024
The World
How utterly vindictive, sat on your holiday reading tattle and decide to go do up your ‘friends’ day because your life is so miserable.
Someone ringing the hotel is a lie, I bet she’s said that to Chelsea then had to follow through with it and give the lie some substance.
Vav you deserve every piece of hate you get. And to stand there with your white board preaching your mate is a troll… I said at the time you were projecting, that you needed to get what you done off your chest so flipped the script.
You need a padded cell.
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Jul 14, 2024
What a utter cow she is. Bperfect are a bloody shambles of a company
I honestly CANNOT understand how they don't see that not only is she not an asset to the company but she is actually a liability. Sales go DOWN when that whale is on and people have to scramble to delete comments. Brendan must have his eyes closed if he thinks she is a good look for his business. I will NEVER buy as long as she has anything to do with BPerfect and loads of people are the same. Her days HAVE to be numbered by now or else it is career suicide for Brendan.
May 30, 2024
I had no idea who or what the Chelsea stuff was that you were all talking about, but just from that video it is proof once again that Vavron is an absolute t.

Good for Chelsea calling this bastard out, she should have said her name so her minions can hear it directly from someone not on these forums.

Vav did I make it clear you are the most nasty, horrible t I have ever come across. You are beyond evil. Your mother is an ugly mouthy boot and your nana is a hard faced s. I will wait until your daughter is old enough before I have my say on that, but we can all see where that one is heading. Now go and tell your Huns to come here and have a read of what I think of you and while they are here they can go two pages back and hear from Chelsea herself



Apr 28, 2024
Anyone associated with vav will get it from us tbh … until they open their eyes to her and dish the dirt as Chelsea has done. I’m sure vav is trying to make her life hell as we speak !
She'll be doing research on Chelsea as we speak seeing if there's anything she can dig up about her past to post all over tick tok and believe me she digs deep . Don't worry chelsea we got your back . No more maxy boy for you .
Mar 12, 2024
She’s stated herself MULTIPLE times that her “mates” send her ss of any of these forums (which we know she looks at) so she has no come back of asking someone to go look for her. And why Chelsea why not one of the “four” people in your life that you trusts to go look if you was that concerned?

And who phones someone just out of hospital to go and look at a fen gossip forum 🥴 that should have been a red flag from the start!