Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Apr 28, 2024
IMG_7132.jpeg Sorry what??? What about the others you have previously doxxed , falsely doxxed , the colluding with a child abuser to cause someone’s mental health to relapse, C’s family? I could go on and on. So dont sit there and act all woe is me. You are trying to play a clever game Beefy but people aren’t stupid. You have caused grief to so so many without a second thought of how it will effect them!!! What a t 🤬🤬🤬
Guyyyyyysss. What's all this about Ekin su that starting to come out ? Only seen snippets . Can we all start tagging ekin sun so she can look into these serious allegations. If someone comes across receipts she's funked with bperfect. Are bperfect aware of these horrific allegations? I believe it's probably true .
Mar 11, 2024
This is how her face looks like a dehydrated fruit 🤣 too much caffeine causes so much havoc with the skin . Takes all the water from it which leads to dry, dull, and inflamed skin, as well as premature wrinkles and fine lines. Causes dry red patches around nose and mouth . All what the honey monster herself has 🫣🤣 she's doing herself no favours she's making herself even uglier . Looking at her pics from even a year ago until now she's aged drastically n looks terrible . I honestly can't get over how nasty this b can be, she can't clap bk to Chelsea as it will make her look bad as she will open a can of worms that will backfire on her . But her reposts are aimed in a very calculated way, she's taunting a young girl whose already stated her mental heath is at its low just now , vav if ur reading this u are a nasty vile b n I honestly can't wait until u get ur karma . U are one person who deserves to be unhappy for life n nothing good come ur way !!!!! I do hope someone at Glasgow puts u in ur place . All mouth online but would s urself if u were to see any these ppl in the street 🤣
The reposts are hilarious, at this point I think she’s just reposting everyone that uses that line of the song ‘me and my truth we sit in silence’ 🥱🥱🥱
Mar 27, 2024
I just cannot bear to watch this morning’s performance. YAWN

Who is batshit crazy enough to find that crap entertaining?

What a common little tinky chav she is.

Vag: I‘m sick of your boring nonsense.

You offer absolutely nothing as a “creator/influencer”. All you can claim - legitimately - to be is a sales wifie. You are an exceptionally poor one.

Oh, and also, it is SHAMEFUL for you to claim that you are receiving threats. There are folks in this world who are genuinely afraid for their wellbeing. Get over yourself.
Jul 2, 2024
I don’t think she will cancel her meet and greet this is the content she absolutely thrives off and when she creates false threats and is seen to see through unscathed she looks like the unbothered hero.

But Steph, we know you can’t sleep at night ‘hunny’
Threats 🤣🤣🤣 yeah if I was getting threats I'd definitely still be turning up to punt a couple of bundles 🤣🤣 smelling 💩 here Vav 🤔🤔🤔


Mar 10, 2024
Guyyyyyysss. What's all this about Ekin su that starting to come out ? Only seen snippets . Can we all start tagging ekin sun so she can look into these serious allegations. If someone comes across receipts she's funked with bperfect. Are bperfect aware of these horrific allegations? I believe it's probably true .
I tagged Ekin-Sue and DJ Cokehead Brendan yesterday on fos video on BPerfect about her live the other day and directed them to here to see the allegations, a short time later BOOM the comments were down. I hope they are consulting their legal teams. Harley and Nicole have been named and are now implicated in what may turn out to be a very nasty legal case.
Mar 19, 2024
When you watch Chelsea's video , she said shes fed up of Steph's flying monkeys trying to follow her and also sees the people who have unfollowed. So Beefy has clearly been setting this all up before Chelsea spoke up . The whiteboard se was all part of her plan . She tried to bully Chelsea into keeping quiet . Chelsea removed her hospital post at exactly the same time as this all kicked off we know why . How many times have we heard that someone is in for a shock blah blah blah ...we are still waiting. Chelsea is willing to take the chance of her past mistakes etc getting aired so shes obv been pushed to her limit. We all have skeletons in our clausets . Fact is , Beefy is the one with the most to lose here . Chelsea isn't flashing the cash in her £2k a month house

Aitkens Rowie

Nov 12, 2023
IMG_7132.jpeg Sorry what??? What about the others you have previously doxxed , falsely doxxed , the colluding with a child abuser to cause someone’s mental health to relapse, C’s family? I could go on and on. So dont sit there and act all woe is me. You are trying to play a clever game Beefy but people aren’t stupid. You have caused grief to so so many without a second thought of how it will effect them!!! What a t 🤬🤬🤬
Apart from the disgraceful gaslighting she does every time her nasty side is revealed, effect vs affect 🙄 An intelligent business woman would know how to use these words and if she was a womans woman she would know how to use woman/women


Mar 10, 2024
IMG_0869.jpeg IMG_0869.jpeg
View attachment RPReplay_Final1723767372.mp4
Look at the smug video. It was posted on the exact same day she got Chelsea to look on the forums with Vav knowing exactly what her friend was going to see, what an abhorrent thing to do to someone.
Obviously I’ve popped up the date on the calendar to prove Chelsea was right about when Vav asked her to do that.
My blood and piss are boiling 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬